Four Hills Tournament & Tour de Ski


Master of the Moos
Some wintersports :D
There has to be someone who follows those :(

About Tour de Ski... I only follow women's skiing because in men we really don't do so well. In sprint, oh that Canadian was doing so welL! Too bad she's only good at sprint so no much hope for her whole Tour de Ski. And damn Björgen, winning again :mad:

As four Four Hills... I so hope that Schlierenzauer (sp?) doesn't win :rolleyes: I swear he'll get "I'm so damn good" attitude if he does :rolleyes: Seriously, how many of those who were big hits when being really young have become something? Toni Nieminen was 16 when he won in Olympics and it was downhill after that. Simon Ammann won two gold in Salt Lake City and in this season he has done his comeback. Martin Schmidt and Primoz Peterka... both had big success when being young and now all gone. Same with Rok Benkovic.

Anyways, Ahonen kind of lost his chances to win his 5th Four Hills (then he would have been the only one who has won it five times) but since Küttel won yesterday... I hope he wins :D He's so great! I guess I like happy ski jumpers because Finns are also so goddamn grumpy.
Kuettel rocks! Although I like Jakub Janda too, he's a great jumper, but he's not in shape. That Schlierenzauer guy is talented! Like you said, I'm not hoping he's going to win because he'll get an attitude. What was wrong yesterday? I didn't watch everything, there was rain, right?
Yeah, the rain and wind was so bad so they couldn't make sure that wind is equal for everyone so they ended after first round.
BWAHAHAH! Schlierenzauer didn't win yesterday! And Arttu is only some 10 pts behind Jacobsen :D *does a little dance*

Since I have a problem with Norwegians when it comes to wintersports... I'd rather have Ammann or Küttel win than Jacobsen.. I mean...Artty first of course but if not :D

And Tour de Ski :D BJÖRGEN DIDN*T WIN! KUITUNEN DID! YAYNESS! Mwhahahahaa :devil: Tho I hoped that Björgen would fall :rolleyes: at least ONCE she could fall and not always Finns... Poor Sidko skied so well and fell there :(