First “Past Imperfect” Plot Details Revealed

CSI Files

According to CSI Files sources, “Past Imperfect” opens with the discovery of a female victim in the Keyspan Stadium parking lot. Wrapped in a moving blanket, her face is covered with packing tape and she has a padlock around her neck. Hawkes discovers evidence of sexual trauma – bruising on the inner thighs and lacerations on her wrists. Flack notes the restraint bruises on her wrists, while Stella comments that she must have gone through hell.

As Mac heads over to the kid who found the body, Lil Scrappy, a disoriented man in his late 20s makes his way through the crowd to Mac. He tells Mac he needs to report a murder. When Mac asks if he knows something about the victim, he tells Mac he is the victim then collapses onto the pavement. Mac yells for Hawkes to get an ambulance.

In the Queen of Mercy emergency room, Dr. Marc Berger tells Hawkes that the man who has been brought in shows symptoms of poisoning – his white blood cell count is off the charts, he has internal bleeding in his G.I. tract, his organs are beginning to fail and he’s deteriorating by the minute.

Jesse Collins, 30s and good looking, strides into the emergency room. The unidentified poisoning victim is his brother Scott Collins. Hawkes asks if Jesse knows anyone who would want to kill Scott. Jesse reveals that Scott had trouble with drugs a few years ago, but went through rehab and straightened himself out.

Sid examines the Jane Doe in the autopsy room of the medical examiner’s office. Her face is still wrapped in tape. He scrapes under her fingernails, swabs a smudge of blood from her right forearm and moves an ALS over her battered body. A spot on the sole of her left foot glows and Sid looks perplexed.

In the layout room, Adam processes the moving blanket the Jane Doe was wrapped in. He runs an ALS over the blanket and finds that it’s covered in body fluids.

Stella dusts the padlock found around the victim’s neck for prints. She uncovers a partial and a number on the padlock -- 77 -- and the words “Club X.”

Stella and Flack pay a visit to Club X, where they arrive in time for a lock and key party. All the women have padlocks around their necks, just like the victim had. Stella and Flack observe a bacchanalian orgy in process. Half-dressed couples make out on bed-like chaise lounges, groping each other while voyeurs look on.

Club X hostess Rene Vandervelde explains how the parties work. Women members are given a lock when they join the club. At the beginning of each party, they put all the keys in a bowl and the men pick them out. Vandervelde is able to provide the victim’s name by looking up the padlock number in the computer. Her name is Emily Pierce. She joined the club about a month ago and was last there the previous night. Unfortunately, Vandervelde can’t help with the identity of the man who held the key to her padlock because the keys are selected randomly out of the bowl.

Back at the lab, Lindsay and Danny work on the poisoning victim. Lindsay analyzes his stomach contents -- partially digested cabbage, beets and dairy -- and Danny is able to identify them as the ingredients in Borscht. Danny flips through Scott Collins’ file and decides to head out to Brighton Beach because someone Collins’ got busted with in the past owns a Russian restaurant called Kalinka.

Danny meets with Yuri Svetlof at Kalinka. Svetlof initially denies ever hearing of Collins until offers to call INS and have him sent back to Moscow. Danny also throws in mention of the fact that Svetlof served time with Collins in 2001 for boosting cars and again in 2002 for drug trafficking. This jars Svetlof’s memory. He denies poisoning Collins’ food though. He says he roughed Collins up because Collins owed him a lot of money from way back and only brought him $1,000. Svetlof claims they kisses and made up, like in a fairy tale, and then Collins left.

Stella matches the partial print lifted from Pierce’s padlock against the Club X database and finds a match. Justin Parks. Flack brings Parks in for interrogation. Parks admits to having the key that fit in Pierce’s lock, but the night was a bust. They had a few Martinis, started messing around and then Pierce puked all over him. She said she lived nearby and wanted to work home, so Parks caught a taxi and they went their separate ways.

Meanwhile, Sid makes a startling discovery in the Emily Pierce case. When he removed the tape from her face, he found that her eyelids had been cut off with a sharp non-serrated instrument. The most horrifying part of this finding is that it was done pre-mortem. Mac remembers seeing this signature on another rape/murder five years before.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

“Past Imperfect” is expected to air on the 25th of April, 2007.<center></center>
I think they need to dig some more before question any one see the evidence then make they leads to the right person the bang arrest them
*Gigglefit.* Ok, that eyelid bit is gross, yay for Sid coming back, but, here is my random funny fact of the day. No one else is going to notice this, so I'd like to say it, seeing as I'm the crazy fan. The character Dr. Marc Berger, the name, is weird for me, as one of the few rabid Marc Vann fans, Vann being the guy otherwise known as who Conrad Ecklie on the original CSI. Marc, of course, being spelt in the identical same way to the actor's first name, is not that funny on its own. However, add in Berger, the last name of a character Vann played on Boston Legal, and I'm smiling a bit. It's like one of those weird probability questions you get in school, where it's like, just, ridiculous. Ok, I’m amused, and, looking forward to the episode, sounds like a good one! Take care all! Yay Sid!