First ‘Ending Happy’ Plot Details Revealed

CSI Files

According to CSI Files sources, “Ending Happy” involves the complicated death of former boxer, Felix Morales aka “Happy.” Happy was found dead, floating in the swimming pool of the Sugar Cane Ranch whorehouse with a large purple contusion on his forehead partially closing one eye and two holes in his neck.

Sugar Cane Ranch is located in Nye County, Nevada. However, the county is not equipped to handle murder cases so the Las Vegas team steps in to assist local Sheriff Bastille. The whorehouse has an unusual carnival atmosphere, filled with attractive young “working girls” and senior citizens. Sheriff Bastille explains that there is an inexpensive trailer park in the hills behind Sugar Cane Ranch.

Sara and Grissom meet one of the senior citizens, Milton, when he screams out from a crowd of the elderly that someone shot his wife. Sheriffe Bastille sets the record straight. Milton’s wife died of a stroke 10 years ago.

Sheriffe Bastille tells Sara and Grissom that Sugar Cane Ranch is owned by George (aka Binky) and Doris Babinkian, who run a tight ship, pay their taxes, provide employment, pillars of the community who have never been a problem. As he extols the virtues of the establishment and its owners, working girl Aimee pushes her way through the crowd to hand the Sheriff his gun belt complete with holstered weapon, which he left in her room.

David Phillips examines Happy’s body at the scene, but doesn’t reach a clear determination as to cause of death. Happy could have drowned, but the large contusion on his forehead is significant. Upon further examination, Phillips notices two dime-sized holes on either side of Happy’s trachea.

Grissom examines two streaks of blood on the dead man’s t-shirt, lining up under the neck holes and running from the collar to mid-chest. Grissom determines Happy was standing when he sustained the throat punctures and could have bled down his throat, drowning in his own blood before he hit the water.

Greg goes to the parlor of Sugar Cane Ranch and lines the girls up to give DNA samples. As he swabs Aimee’s mouth, she tells him to come see her later so she can show him a better way to get DNA.

Brass goes to the Sugar Cane Ranch beauty shop to talk to some of the girls. They all deny having seen Happy the night before. After a little persuasion, he gets them to tell him what they think of Happy. The girls hated Happy. He hit on them all the time, got rough with them, required pills to achieve erection but couldn’t finish the job and he farted a lot. Additionally, he stopped paying for their services. He thought the rules of the house didn’t apply to him. It seems the owners had taken him in, potentially to help him with a comeback in his boxing career. The girls tell Brass that Binky was tired of the way Happy treated them and tried to get him to stop being so obnoxious, but Doris didn’t do much about it because she was fond of Happy. The girls seem to know more about Doris and Happy, but won’t say anything.

Warrick learns that the letters E space S – L- U are visible in the contusion on Happy’s forehead. Grissom, Sara and Greg search the girls rooms looking for defensive weapons that might bear those initials. They uncover a bounty of weapons, despite Doris’ assurance that the girls weren’t allowed to have weapons. Grissom finds a baseball bat in one of the girl’s rooms. Lettering on the bat match the lettering on the victim’s head.

Brass brings Dreama Cox in for interrogation. She is the owner of the baseball bat. After singing a little song for Brass, he reminds her he isn’t Paula Abdul and they get down to business. Dreama admits to hitting Happy in the head with the baseball bat, but claims she did not kill him because he walked out of her room. She hit him with the bat in self-defense and lifts her shirt to reveal nasty bruises on her ribs which she says Happy gave her.

Dreama may be off the hook when Dr. Robbins determines the severe head trauma may not have been what killed Happy.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

“Ending Happy” is expected to air on the 26th of April, 2007.<center></center>
When I read over at YDTAW, it said, Sara and Nick working together, not Sara, Grissom and Greg working together.

When Nick and Sara work at the other case about the old man accidently killed his wife with an arrow. I think Nick left the room. Sara read the poem to the old man something and keep Faith.