First ‘Born To Kill’ Plot Details Revealed

CSI Files

According to CSI Files sources, “Born to Kill” opens with a shot of hard bodies on the beach, then moves across the sand to downtown with the sun glimmering off the skyscrapers as it sets. Night falls.

At the Warehouse Club downtown, club goers arrive in their black SUVs, while beautiful people enter and exit the club. Shelley Seaver and Alexis Darby, early 20s, wearing great smiles and short dresses leave the club. They discuss going to another club, Nikki Beach. Alexis points out that they’re too drunk to drive. They decide to walk.

The girls don’t see a man on a motorcycle lurking behind them. His hands, belt buckle and boots are visible, but his face is unseen. He pulls up out of the shadows and stops ten feet in front of them. He pats the back of his seat. Alexis reasons that he’s kind of like a cab, but cheaper. She asks if he knows where Nikki Beach is. He nods and reaches toward them. Shelly is afraid and declines, but Alexis takes him up on his offer of a ride. Shelly says she’ll meet them there.

In the morning, Shelly lays dead on her apartment floor. She’s on her stomach, face down, with the back of her dress hiked up. She’s been stabbed. Her cell phone rings. The display indicates her mom is calling.

The sound of keys are heard in the door. The bare feet of a woman enter. She drops her keys on the floor and freezes. It’s Alexis. Her hair is wild from the motorcycle ride and now her eyes are equally wild. She calls out to Shelly, begging to know who did that to her.

A short while later, Alexis talks to a first responder while Horatio and Jake Berkeley lift the crime tape and enter the crime scene. Berkeley is filling in for Detective Tripp who took the day off to take a sergeant’s exam.

Alexis tells Jake that she last saw Shelly at 1:00 am outside a club downtown. Then she came home and found Shelly dead on the floor.

Shelly’s body contains an unusual signature marking – a “Y” pattern is cut into her chest, under her throat. She was stabbed with a serrated knife, then Y’d with a smooth blade.

Calleigh and Delko talk to Alexis to find out if she saw Shelly in the rearview mirror of the motorcycle, wandering if anyone approached her. Alexis doesn’t know. Jake notices something on the floor, under a piece of furniture and flips it over with a pen. Delko reminds him that he just contaminated evidence. Jake tells Delko to pick up the crap and he’ll do the interviews.

Alexis tells Calleigh that she doesn’t know the name of the motorcycle man, but he paid for bottle service at Nikki Beach. When she wouldn’t “pay him back” he got mad and left. Alexis told him where she lived, but he said it was too far and left her there. It was about 3:30 am. Delko observes that he was free during the time of death.

Horatio does a computer search on the NCIC database for similar crimes – murders with a “Y” signature. He uncovers a number of young women killed in the same manner in Boston in 2005. They were all bound by fishing wire. Detective Tripp speculates that perhaps they’re looking for a fisherman.

Calleigh, Delko and Alexis go to Nikki Beach so that Alexis can point out which cabana she and the motorcycle man shared. She points it out. Delko notes it’s the only cabana that’s missing an umbrella. Alexis says the guy threw it.

Delko and Calleigh find the umbrella in the sand and dust it for prints. The prints match an expired Massachusetts fishing license issued to Travis Xavier Riggs, who has a prior conviction for sexual battery.

Horatio and Delko bring Riggs in for interrogation. Horatio points out that Riggs picked up a girl outside a club, now her roommate is dead. Riggs says that’ll teach her because he invited her too, but she wouldn’t come. He says the last time he saw her was when she wouldn’t get on his bike. Horatio notices a knife concealed in the leather of Riggs’ boot. Delko grabs it. It’s a military knife. Serrated near the hilt, with a flat edge near the tip.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

“Born to Kill” is expected to air on the 14th of May, 2007.<center></center>
Nikki beach? Well what do you know, my name's been on CSI:Miami 3 times and now I get a club named after me :lol:

Sounds like an interesting episode, looking forward to it.
So I guess Jake is going to be on after all. I can't believe he tells Eric what to do. Hopefully he'll do it in front of Calleigh so she can tell him off.
I've got a spoiler about this episode. I got the spoiler from page 36 of the May 7-May 13 issue of TV Guide I got in the mail Monday April 30. And now for those of you spoiler lovers, like it is:

"They get the suspect in custody and everyone thinks the case is closed," Donahue says, "but then the killings begin again." Caruso spoils the surprise: "It turns out to be two serial killers. Very scary!" What makes it even more scary, Donahue adds, "Horatio almost dies!"