Filmed in Miami


A while back I came on here after not seeing too much of CSI Miami asking the question how many episodes were filmed in Miami?

Now I've watched most of CSI Miami I think I can deliver a definitive list. Personally I do prefer Miami based episodes slightly but if a storyline is brilliant I'm not particularly bothered where it is filmed and as such that's why I've become a big fan of CSI Miami because I'm not too bothered any more about whether it's Miami or not ... however Miami filmed episodes are filmed significantly better. Anyway here's a list, feel free to add if you think I've missed some or contest etc etc

One thing to note, some of these episodes do have a mix between both locals and of course the inside shots at CSI lab are L.A

Season 1
Golden Parachute
Wet Foot/Dry Foot
Kill Zone
Spring Break
Body Count
* I'm no 100% sure about spring break or body count here... 80% so .. lol

Season 2
Blood Brothers
Dead Zone
Death Grip
Grand Prix
Slow Burn
Not Landing

Season 3
Lost Son
Pro Per
Murder in a Flash
Crime Wave *only the building demolition in Miami as far as I can tell
Nothing to Lose

Season 4
From the Grave
Blood in the Water
Rampage (Part 1)
One of Our Own (Part 2)

Season 5
Kill Switch
Born to Kill
Also Rio was filmed on location in Rio

Season 6
Dangerous Son

Season 7
- From what I've seen none of this Season was filmed in Miami, please correct me if I'm wrong ...
I agree with you, I think that when the episodes are filmed in Miami something is different (No offens to LA lol).
The light is not the same, the water has not the same colour,the actors looks georgous (even if they are beautifull when they're in LA too), I think they looks happiest.
And when they filmed in miami, they take avantage of the beach, the sea, the yaghts... When they shoot on the beach in LA it's pretty obvious that it's not Miami Beach,for exemple in the episode bolt action (8-03).

Unfortunately they won't film in Miami this year.

But as you say if a storyline is brilliant it doesn't matter where it is filmed ;)
There was one episode where Eric was standing on top of a building and behind him you could see the mountains.

When they film in Miami it's better.
There was one episode where Eric was standing on top of a building and behind him you could see the mountains.

When they film in Miami it's better.

Yeah it's pretty obvious sometimes lol;


I didn't even noticed the moutains on the background in this episode!! :eek: :lol:
Is it in season 1? I think it's the episode where a young women is killed by her mother because she didn't want to be a model.

I didn't even noticed the moutains on the background in this episode!! :eek: :lol:
Is it in season 1? I think it's the episode where a young women is killed by her mother because she didn't want to be a model.

Yes I believe it is that episode - "Camp Fear"
Is this the scene where H helps Cal get a leech offa her using "sailiing solution" or something like that? And is that H in the ugly suit?! If it is... gosh, it's been a long way for H since that jumpy :p

Its also been a long way since H & Cal were so warm with each other... sigh. Things are so different now!
it's funny how they make it look like Miami even though it is show in L.A. a lot of times. it is nice when they shoot a whole entire episode in Miami because it feels more realistic. but they do a good job with the editing and making it look like Miami so good job to the people behind the scenes making it happen!!!
They should do like they do in some shows, film the initial stuff and them go to the town that it is suppose to be from and get the background.