Fifteen Minutes Of Fame

CSI Files

The third episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season involves a girl who has been thrown into the limelight online, and her admirers don't even give her space when her boyfriend is murdered.

According to CSI Files sources, "Cyber-lebrity" opens with a girl buying coffee. Candace Walker, 17 and beautiful, is uncomfortable with the fact that there are people at a nearby table who are aiming their cameras at her. When she takes her Caramel Macchiato, they begin snapping pictures. In no time, one picture is all over the internet, and teens around the world are emulating Candace, drinking Caramel Macchiatos.

Later on, when Candace is preparing for a swim meet, her parents argue about whether or not it's safe for her to race. Her father is concerned for her because there is a large crowd in the audience, all waiting to catch a glimpse of Candace, but her mother insists that everything will be fine. Candace wants to swim, so she walks out to the pool amid wild cheering. As she gets in place, ready for the one hundred meter freestyle, Candace glances over at her boyfriend. Luke Selyan is sitting poolside. He grins at her from behind his sunglasses. A group of people taking pictures distracts Candace as the starter pistol goes off to begin the race. Luke jerks and blood begins to come from his mouth. The woman sitting next to him shrieks as he slumps over, an arrow sticking out of his chest.

While Alexx looks at Luke's body, Tripp tells Horatio that Candace is apparently a celebrity. Her picture ended up online several weeks before and now there are people who follow her every move. Horatio goes to talk to Candace, asking her if anybody would have wanted to hurt Luke. She is still clearly in shock, but she tells him that people online have been posting messages about her and sending her e-mails. Horatio guesses that they didn't like that she had a boyfriend. Candace swears that she never wanted any of this popularity, and she blames herself for Luke's death because of it. Then she wonders if she might be next. Horatio promises that he'll keep her safe.

Candace's father isn't convinced that a police escort is enough to keep his daughter safe. He is convinced that her 'fans' are dangerous and that she is going to suffer the same fate as Luke. Horatio gives Ryan a call and Ryan, thinking that he will be offered his job back, is eager to help out wherever he is needed. He is disappointed when he learns that Horatio didn't call him about rejoining the team. Instead, he wants Ryan to stay with Candace and be her personal bodyguard.

Calleigh and Eric visit the new A.V. tech, Samantha Barrish, who shows them the website devoted to Candace. It is so up-to-date that there is already a picture of Candace with Ryan, along with speculation that this is her new boyfriend. Among the pictures on the site is the picture that made Candace famous: a shot of her next to the pool that looks as though it could have been taken by a professional. Samantha explains that the picture caused Candace to become an overnight e-lebrity. Calleigh points out another of the pictures on the site. It looks as though Candace is about to kiss the photographer, but since the person has their hands on either side of her face, they know that the picture could not have been taken with a regular camera. Instead, the person had to actually be wearing it. Eric retrieves the sunglasses that Luke had on when he died and discovers that there is a small camera hidden in the side of one lens.

As Ryan and Candace are leaving a photoshoot, someone rushes up and knocks Ryan over, disorienting him and grabbing Candace. The man tells her that she should consider the attack a warning before running off. Ryan tries to follow the attacker but can't leave Candace alone as people start to crowd around her. Instead, he must stay with her and watch the man run away. Meanwhile, Horatio gets a call about Kyle Harmon, the young man he met in the first episode of the season--the one he shares a connection with. To make matters more complicated, as he is trying to deal with their murder case and the situation with Kyle, Horatio learns that he, like Candace, is being followed.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Cyber-lebrity" is expected to air October 8, 2007.<center></center>