Favourite Terminator movie

My favourite Terminator movie is the first one because there was more story telling rather than over doing it with special effects like the second one. I liked the second Terminator but there was too many special effects and not enough of the story. The third installment was a great way to end the series.

What's your favourite Terminator movie and why.
I love the Terminator triology very much because of Arnold Schwarzenegger is really great !

But I prefer personally the third part because this was the funniest movie of all.
The scene as he weared the coffin on his shoulder on the funeral was condemned funny.
And Claire Danes had a good chemistry with the Terminator. The commentaries were wonderful, freaky. :lol:

Story and special effect = perfect
Ive gone for the first because I thought there was more of a storyline. I loved them all in their own way, but as I can only choose one then its the first. I liked seeing arny as a baddy. :D
I haven't seen the third one, but T2 blows the rest out of the water! A kickass Linda Hamilton was great! It sure beat the wimpy/frail-ish character she had in the first one.
Definitely T2: Judgment Day. Yes, Linda Hamilton was great as a sort of 'Rambo' chick.

BlueCurl said:
and edward furlong was hot as a kid... at least thought so back then :p

Same here, I thought he was cute back then...And then he had that guest-starring role of Shane Casey in CSI:NY...He looked like crap...It's like, 'what the hell was I thinking back then?'...but his acting was superb...Oh well... :lol:
The second is the best. It's my brothers favorite movie (he practically knows every single line in the movie....).
Definitely Terminator 2! I loved that movie. Edward Furlong was awesome as John, and I loved the T-1000 as a enemy, he was so freaky. I also thought the idea of the Terminator coming back to protect John was a good move. Man, I always shed a tear at the end.