Farewell From Kristine Huntley

CSI Files

After seven wonderful years of reviewing for CSI Files, time constraints are forcing me to step down as the reviewer for the site. I’ve had a fantastic time analyzing and discussing the three CSI shows, and I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated the comments and discussion I’ve gotten from the members here. I’d [...]

Aww, Kristine! :(

Sad to see you go, but I know Rachel will be a phenomenal replacement. Has it really been 7 years? :eek:

I better not be losing you as my partner-in-crime, though!
Wait.... so are you still going to be an admin? or are you just giving up reviews?

Either way, I'm glad you still wanting to hang around the board. :D
Sad to see you go, Kristine. I always love reading your interviews, reviews and analyses. You've been a true asset to this site. Good luck in your future endeavors!
Sorry to see your reviews go Kristine. I've enjoyed reading them over the years. Rachel, I'll look forward to reading your reviews.
I'm really sorry to see you go...my main focus on this forum is CSI Miami and I almost always agreed with your analysis...I'm sure Rachel will be a good replacement, however I really want you to know that you are a very talented writer.
Good luck with everything!
Sorry to see you go, Kristine. I always enjoy your reviews, but I'm sure your replacement will do a fine job ;)

Very sad to see you stepping down as a reviewer.

That said, I hope we will still see you here, as an admin and/or or just to post :). Thanks very much for all your work with the site here over the years. I think such forums do take on some of the characteristics of those who help to run and maintain them, and if that's so, then you've easily been part of the reason I've found this a fun place to hang out, whether our two cents matched or not :p.

Congratulations in moving on and best of luck with all that's now taking you away from us :p, and above all, cheers :D

Congratulations to Rachel as successor as well :D.
We all appreciate the hard work you've done for us with the reviews over the years! Thank you! :)
Definitely sad to see you step down as reviewer--I've always enjoyed reading your interpretation of the latest episodes, though I might not always agree on some points. That was the whole fun though. ;) It was great to reevaluate and gain a different perspective.

Hopefully the extra time on your plate now treats you well. :)

I look forward to reading your reviews, Rachel! :D
Thank you for always giving honest, well thought out reviews. It seems like I almost always was able to look at a episode with a different take on things after reading your reviews. You will be missed, but Rachel is an excellent replacement and I say welcome and congratulations on getting the position to her.
Thank you for all the wonderful reviews and of course the fond memories of various CSI viewings. It's also heartening to see all the recognition and adoration pouring out here for you... well deserved, if I may say so.

In fact, on might even go so far as to say it looks like the jury is out ...

*puts on sunglasses*

...but the verdict is in.

I sad to see you go Kristine....I loved reading your review.I already miss them!!!
Good luck Rachel with your future reviews.