Fan Fiction Critic


Lab Technician
Okay, I wasn't sure if this should go here or not. I guess this is the right place but if it isn't I'm sorry.

Okay so I was websurfing when I came across this article about fan fiction. This guy hates it, and I mean HATES it. While I understand his point about fanfiction being copyright infrindgment I think he's being way too hard on fanfiction authors. Only reason I write fanfic is because I want to have some fun and explore areas with the characters that they wouldn't otherwise be exposed to. I post some of these stories on because I want to share my stories with other people, and get tips on how to improve my writing skills. Anyway here's the link:

Fan Fiction Critic
OMG :lol: :lol: :lol:



*wipes away tears* Is this guy for real!?? :lol:

I write fanfiction because I love the characters. Writing is an outlet for me. I write what you do not see on screen :p Let me ask you this- if it's a violation of copyright, then why do we put disclaimers clearly stating the characters and series' are not ours'? And why do the creators and actors of shows such as Law & Order Special Victims Unit say they would love to read them? On Mariska Hargitay's website- I quote- someone asked her if she ever read fanfiction and she said it would be nice "Rainy-day reading."
and according my husbands cousin--WHO IS AN ACTUAL WRITER
most writers today started out writing fan fiction
yes it's true that's how writers get ideas, thoughts, descriptions,etc..

yes we are taking our favorite characters from our favorite show and yes, putting them in situations the creators themselves may or maynot have done.... SO WHAT
if we weren't 'allowed' to do it, then there would be NO FAN FICTION anywhere for any fandom...!!

yes yes yes, folks KEEP WRITING fan fiction
you never know, YOU, YES YOU, could be the next literary genious

BWHAAHHH what does this guy know anyway ????
This is ridiculous, everyone has the right to write anything about their favourite characters as long as they are not stealing ideas or even all stories from the original writers.
I hope you guys will keep writing and don't be paralysed by some stupid comments from frustrated people who aren't able to write a single line...
What a nonesense! It would be copyright violation if I transcripted an entire episode of CSI and then go calling around: "Look! Look! I wrote a story!"

Quoth, I'm with you, I write because I like to, and because I'm missing some things on the screen that I still would like to see. And no one, and certainly not that guy, is gonna stop me from writing.
What a load of tripe!! It'll take more than some loser comments to stop the most creative and inspired writers from writing!! Who here claims to have created Gil Grissom, or Calleigh Duquesne, or Danny Flack?? No one, so let's just disregard this guy's opinion, and continue writing with our favourite characters!

I mean, right now, my work is script-based, but I didn't copy and paste a Miami transcript and pass it off as my own original. This guy needs to get a life.

Off to write more fanfics, which I love doing!! :)
OH. MY. WORD......Thats poor person...I realised working in a cafe some people just have to complain and this is just one of them and thats how they strike...

I just love writing...its my outlet, I have quite a tough job and writing is sooooooo theraptic for me...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP WRITING PEOPLE.... some of these writers of these fics are brilliant...

agree with everyones comments in here 100%
Exactly, everyone! :D I am a writer and I will never stop. If I wasn't writing fanfiction, I would be writing something else. No one can take my Sara away.. :p *clutches Sara* Pleeeaassse don't take her away!! :lol:
This guy seems like just a jeleous little man who obviously has no imagination of his own and is just critisiing people that do. If the original writers had a problem with fanfiction I am sure they would have said by now!

Please continue to write fanfiction, I dont write it myself but read tons of it and have nothing but admiration for the writers who create stories about my favourite show. :)
The man writes novelisations for t.v. shows.Diagnosis Murder and Monk, I think. So he's a "pro" in other words. The only real difference between fanfic authors and him is that he's getting paid.