Extras for CSI NY


Lab Technician
I know there was a topic on if anyone had ever auditioned for csi before, but I can't find it now, so if this is against the rules then I'm sorry you can close it. But anyway, I really really wanted to try out for a part on CSI, so I found this site: http://www.actingbiz.com/casting/casting_csi_ny.php
And I sent them a letter with two pictures of myself explaining why I would love to be an extra. I said even if I could only walk behind someone that was perfectly fine I would make it th ebest walk ever. Heck I would even just go to pour coffey for the cast, that might work!!!!

Anyway, I really hope they contact me back saying I can be an extra, so I just wanted to share this address, and ask y'all to wish me luck!!! Thanks

We actually have someone here who was an extra in an episode of CSI:NY--MrsG! :D She responded to a specialty casting call that got posted here, looking for people willing to eat exotic cuisine (bugs, lamb brains, etc.) for "Fare Game." She made the cut and was on the show and had a blast!
She was in one of the restaurant scenes. Here's the interview I did with her at the time. It was the first time I talked to MrsG! :D
^ Wow! I never knew that either. Txs for the link.

I've read the interview and it sounds like it has been a great experience for MrsG! I'm definitely watching that ep again soon and see if I can spot her.
^Unfortunately, only her back made it into the episode. :( But you can spot her back if you look carefully--I think she's in close to the halfway point of the episode, but it's been a while since I've seen it so I can't say for sure.
I know there was a topic on if anyone had ever auditioned for csi before, but I can't find it now
That's because it's in the GenCSI forum, not this one. ;)

Every time I watch "Fare Game" I annoy the crap out of my family going, "hey, wait for it...there! See, that was MrsG's back! Hang on, I'll rewind it." :lol:
Blink and you'll miss me in "Fare Game." In fact, watch that puppy in slow-mo and you still might miss me. That is how much screen time I saw in my primetime debut. :lol: But that's not why I did it, so it really doesn't matter. That was definitely a fantastic experience. If any of you ever have the opportunity to be an extra on one of your favorite shows, definitely do it. And hey, I learned that lamb brain tastes like super soft tofu and that crickets are all crunch with no flavor. Who knew? But better than that, I got to meet Carmine and even better than that, I was interviewed by Top and stayed in close touch ever-after. :D
MrsG you are so lucky!! Congrats on getting the amazing opportunity to be an extra, even if you were on the screen for a few seconds :) Hey, at least you met Carmine...lucky duck :p
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Blink and you'll miss me in "Fare Game." In fact, watch that puppy in slow-mo and you still might miss me. That is how much screen time I saw in my primetime debut. :lol:

It's sad because as an extra you totally feel like you are in a lot of it. And then the episode airs and you're like, "Where am I?" But, your back is on screen and famous. :D

But that's not why I did it, so it really doesn't matter. That was definitely a fantastic experience. If any of you ever have the opportunity to be an extra on one of your favorite shows, definitely do it. And hey, I learned that lamb brain tastes like super soft tofu and that crickets are all crunch with no flavor. Who knew?

I still can't believe you ate all of that stuff! :lol: Especially in light of the fact that you were like, "What the hell is this LaLa's place?" when I suggested it. :lol:

But better than that, I got to meet Carmine and even better than that, I was interviewed by Top and stayed in close touch ever-after. :D

And there we have it...written proof that I'm cooler than Carmine. Suck on that, Giovinazzo! :p :lol: ;)
MrsG I saw you!! Ok well your back but still :) You were with your date, another girl and guy right? And this was right before the chef noticed Danny, Hawkes and Maka standing there, correct?

I think I know the answer since you only mentioned Carmine in the interview, but I'll still ask :)...did you meet any of the other cast or just Carmine?
Top41 said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
And hey, I learned that lamb brain tastes like super soft tofu and that crickets are all crunch with no flavor. Who knew?

I still can't believe you ate all of that stuff! :lol: Especially in light of the fact that you were like, "What the hell is this LaLa's place?" when I suggested it. :lol:
It's amazing what a girl will eat for an opportunity to meet Carmine. :lol:

But better than that, I got to meet Carmine and even better than that, I was interviewed by Top and stayed in close touch ever-after. :D
And there we have it...written proof that I'm cooler than Carmine. Suck on that, Giovinazzo! :p :lol: ;)

Indeed, you are. But then you're always game for having sleep overs with me and he's not. :confused: So until he rememdies that, you win. :D ... Well, even then, you might still win. ;)

MrsG I saw you!! Ok well your back but still You were with your date, another girl and guy right? And this was right before the chef noticed Danny, Hawkes and Maka standing there, correct?
Yep. I'm shown from behind talking to a small group. Black dress. Then the chef notices Danny, Hawkes and Maka.

I think I know the answer since you only mentioned Carmine in the interview, but I'll still ask ...did you meet any of the other cast or just Carmine?
Pretty much just Carmine. I was focused on meeting him so made a beeline for him at the first opportunity. Though I didn't say much, I did have a chance to see Kelly Hu up close because I was talking to a guy who caught her attention on her way out and she came over and talked to him for a couple minutes.

The big things I came away with having spent a couple hours observing the cast is that Hill is all smiles when the cameras stop rolling. It looked like he was genuinely having a blast and Kelly Hu is one of those OMG! F-ing flawless women up close. Her skin is possibly the most radiant skin I've ever seen. She's gorgeous! And super skinny. And all graciousness and charm when strange guys profess their love for her. :lol:
That's really cool :D you're so lucky to have met Carmine. Sounds like you had a great time. Can't blame ya for being so focused on meeting CDG ;) and I must say, you're pretty brave for trying exotic cuisine, especially lamb brains. Though I'd give it a shot (I think anyways :lol:) just to be an extra on a show as awesome as NY :)
MrsG, did you end up with a SAG card, and if not, how close are you to obtaining one? ;) Oh yeah, home videos don't count. :devil:
^ What??? Home videos don't count??? :confused: Not even the super talky ones? ... Oh yeah, baby, don't stop ... I like it like that ... Damn, that must be why SAG denied my membership application. :(
:lol: :lol: