Ever dreamt of CSI?


Prime Suspect
I'm just asking because I just woke up from a really interesting CSI dream.

It started with Hodges, who had taken a shot to his neck, through and through, talking to Nick about it. He was really worked up about it, Hodges. D: I have no idea how he survived, but it reminded me of the CSI ep "Ending Happy". He had recovered but there was still this uuugly scar. So he talked to Nick about it and they were pretty cute, such a bonding moment.
The main case, which Natalia, Lindsey and Calleigh worked (yep, I managed to mix all the CSI in this dream) revolved around a mother killing her children. She was really cold and detached when they brought her in and practically confessed from the start, but despite this they didn't have any evidence to back it up and then there were some doubts regarding if it really was her, or if she was protecting someone.
One of the men they brought in for questioning (the ladie's ex) was very friendly with Nick as well. He said "You made me feel safe and secure and complete!" or something, and Nick had to comfort him as well, and eventually it came out that they had been lovers.
So when I went to this board later (also in the dream) half the population were like "Yes! Finally! Gayayay!" and the other half "Nooo but he's in love with her! D:" and it was fun. x3
But either way, Calleigh, Natalia and Lindsey were outside the lab building, which was veeeery huge, had several floors. There were this big crowd they were trying to fend off from the scene and collect evidence as well, and then the whole building collapsed. And it was horrible. You got to see a shot from inside, were Mac and Stella and Flack were working, and everything just fell down around them and Flack panicked (Charge of this post, anyone?) but Mac just stood there, smirking really, and it was weird and then the episode ended.
So I went on here and read the review for it and basically it said "wow, two injuries in one case, and this was very unexpected! The whole building scene seemed too much and unecessary, but we'll get the resolve in the next ep. Oh and who knew Nick was into men?"
aaand as I said I went on here and I hung out with the "gayayay"-part of the site. xD

that's just tonight's dream, I've had couple more, but I think this one takes the prize. I left out a lot of details so it wouldn't be really long to read, but yeah. :)

Have you ever dreamt of CSI? Share!
God I have but I can't really remember much detail about any of them because I wake up, go "I just had a CSI dream...then forget it! Lol But they are really weird.

I remember one when the whole CSI team (Vegas) were slow motion running in the corridor with that Chariots of Fire music playing! I was like What the...? How could I ever dream something that random! But that was the only CSI dream that I can actually remember quite clearly.
I had that dream about a year ago so it was a long time now lol but I don't think I will ever forget it cos it was just so random!
I dream of CSI all the time. I can't really think of any specific ones right now. Except the one really strange one where Greg ended up being Indiana Jones trying to save the lab from a cave-in. That one was interesting.

Most of the ones I dream have something to do with Nick/Greg though, and very few of them are G rated...
I usually do not remember my dreams, but I am sure they involve Emily Procter or her character, which means that they might not be suitable for this message board. :devil:
I usually don't remember my dreams either... But I do have dreamed about CSI: Miami. It is also the case here that when I wake up I have like: I dreamed about "" but what was the content???
I dreamed about CSI:NY some time ago. It was wird. There was a ritual murder. The corpse of a beautiful girl was stabbed with a christian cross. Some of his organs were taken away. Then the team found out about another case like that and another...
Finally they found a man, who was made of the missing parts. It was in a huge mannor. The view was terrifying.
I think i am about to make a fan-fiction story by my dream :D
Phobia said:
Finally they found a man, who was made of the missing parts. It was in a huge mannor. The view was terrifying.
I think i am about to make a fan-fiction story by my dream :D
I think it has already been done. It's called Frankenstein.
Hmmm... A man made out of missing parts from a beautiful girl? Kinky.
This dream definitely tops the weirdest dream ever chart. One time, I dreamt that I was running from my house, with my little brother, and that we were running from these aliens :D disguised as people. Suddenly, this helicopter landed in front of us, and Horatio and Eric were in it, and basically, we had to shoot the aliens with rifles. It was just so random, and you know how in dreams, people don't look the same, but you still know who they are? Well, Eric didn't even sound like Eric, he sounded more like Grissom? *scratches head in puzzlement*. And ever since then, I've placed paper and stuff by my bed and written my dreams down (the weird ones) down. Has anyone dreamt about any other TV shows?
Ooh I had a CSI dream a couple of weeks ago. I was at work, fun fun, and someone just collapsed at the fitting rooms, and then everyone in the queue started collapsing :S then I took control (of course) and then a plane landed in the work car park (which is like tiny) and out stepped Catherine, Sara and Grissom. They started working the scene, when Greg came running in asking me how I was (apparently I knew Greg in this dream!!) Well, the next thing I know me, some guys from work, Cath, Sara and Greg ( i don't know wht happened to Grissom) were out dancing in our local (not so great) nightclub. Then people started collapsing randomly again.. and I woke up.

Strange . . .
I have had dreams as well.....but it is usually just about certain characters...but they are not part of CSI - they are "different" people. I hope this makse sense! For example - I had a dream about Ryan once....but he was a DJ at a club downtown. It was very bizzare.
there is an old 'csi dreams' thread in the general csi forum that can be found here

so come to the general forum! we need some love up there :lol:
Wow, that ... was an old thread, no wonder I couldn't find any other thread like this. xD;
I'll give love! :) I'm very lovable. And lovely. *goes to look at general forum*

All you guys, I love your dreams. xD Whenever I tell people about my CSI dreams, they go "you're so obsessed" and aren't interested. I'm glad more people are obsessed. :)
I have had a few CSI NY dreams usually its my continuation of an episode or having what i want to happen happen.
I have had some CSI dreams. Alota of em' too. Last one was H was shot and Eric saved him and Grissom daved Sara from beong shot and Warrick saved Cathnrine, and then its was a bucnch of other rndom CSI things.