Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

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Yeah. About the URl linking things: I have read it before. I've just forgotten everything.
I'll remember it next time, though!

For "Go To Hell" pic number 7, it kinda looks like he's thinking either...
"You kids better get off my lawn!!" or...
"Grissom!! Something shat over here!!" *giggle snort*

Y'all don't wanna know what shat is....
well I made an icon of pic #7 - I will post it over in fan art if anyone is interested.
So I was sent this pic by a very nice frind of mine, and thought that I should share it.

Be warned there is skin and some other nice accessories :devil:, so I'm putting it in link form. :D

Enjoy! ;)

still I don't think the pic is real, where did you find this? cuz the body doesn't fit with his head, and this pic is taking around 2001, hairstyle, it just look so unreal
I never claimed that it was a recent picture. Just because the old hairstyle is in the picture doesn't me that it's fake.

My friend found it on a website and sent it to me. This is a legit picture, it hasn't been photoshopped if that is what you are thinking.
I'm pretty sure that pic is from an older movie that he did. I think it's real, it looks real to me. IF it's not then that's one hell of a manip.
I'm not sure what to think, if it's real then DAMN! But if it's not then it's a very good fake.
It is a was posted a long time ago on another message board and we all confirmed it was fake.
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