Eric & Calleigh Will 'Assess' Their Relationship

CSI Files

With Adam Rodriguez returning to CSI: Miami full time in the fall, fans will have to wait and see how Eric Delko’s relationship with Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) develops during season nine. (Spoilers after the jump!) Executive producer Marc Dube told Entertainment Weekly that Eric and Calleigh “will spend some time assessing their relationship.” He added, [...]

Re: Eric & Calleigh Will ?Assess? Their Relationship

With any luck they'll decide working together and being in a relationship is too much and they'll go back to being just co-workers. I doubt it, but a girl can dream.
I'm predicting that this is another one of Marc Dube's misleading/overblown "zingers." After all, we heard pretty much the same song-and-dance about Calleigh & Eric's relationship in the so-called E/C "spoilers" for Season 8 from Dube and O'Brien. :rolleyes: Hopefully TPTB are smart enough to realize that continued uncertainty about the E/C romance would be irritating to CSIM viewers on both sides of the fence. E/C fans like me just want our favorite couple to be settled and happy for a change. :luvlove: And I'm pretty sure that the non-E/C-shippers don't want to see any more "are they or aren't they?" [going to stay together] :confused: for Calleigh and Eric, either. With any luck, the writers will shift the angst and drama to some of the other cast-members, and just leave Eric & Calleigh be, for a change. That way, the focus during Season 9 can get back to where it belongs: On giving us strong team dynamics and crafting quality criminal investigation storylines. :)
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I'm predicting that this is another one of Marc Dube's misleading/overblown "zingers." After all, we heard pretty much the same song-and-dance about Calleigh & Eric's relationship in the so-called E/C "spoilers" for Season 8 from Dube and O'Brien. :rolleyes: Hopefully TPTB are smart enough to realize that continued uncertainty about the E/C romance would be irritating to CSIM viewers on both sides of the fence. E/C fans like me just want our favorite couple to be settled and happy for a change. :luvlove: And I'm pretty sure that the non-E/C-shippers don't want to see any more "are they or aren't they?" :confused: for Calleigh and Eric, either. With any luck, the writers will shift the angst and drama to some of the other cast-members, and just leave Eric & Calleigh be, for a change. That way, the focus during Season 9 can get back to where it belongs: On giving us strong team dynamics and crafting quality criminal investigation storylines. :)

There is no "are they or aren't they." They are. I personally wish they'd just stop the relationship period.
There is no "are they or aren't they." They are. I personally wish they'd just stop the relationship period.

I agree. The E/C melodrama that is the focus of the show has become a pathetically bad soap opera. A soap opera that is dragging this show into cancellation. And the sad part is that characters with so much potential, who are so much more interesting, have been forced into the background for the last 4 seasons to make way for these two. Now all their potential will never be realized because TPTB can't let this trainwreck relationship die already. :rolleyes:
I've been watching NY & Miami, since the season is over and all there are is re-runs, and I love this couple, and their hardly on at all, very briefly. So, to me it's hardly a soap opera. I hope this continues, the chemistry between them is "sizzling", and I hope to see more of them~
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^they're on 'Miami', not 'NY'.

And count me in as another fan who just wants to see this trainwreck END for good.