Episode Title


Hi. Can anyone help me.

I'm an avid fan of CSI Miami. I've got all the DVD's and the CSI DVD with the crossover "Jurisdiction".

Through out the seasons lots of things have been said about Raymond Caine being bent etc and he was shot.

We later find out that he hasn't been shot and then later, in season 5 (I think) we see Raymond die in Rio when H and Delko go looking for Marrisol's murderer.

Is there an early episode/pilot when Raymond is supposedly shot? Can you tell me the name of it please?

I feel as though I've got a chunk of Horatio's past missing.

Thanks for your help

Hi Teresaad. :)

Unfortunately, we never actually see Raymond shot. We learn of his death through perhaps an implication during 'Cross-Jurisdictions' when Horatio's sitting on the beach with Sasha at the end of the episode. Then we learn more through 'Dispo Day' and 'Freaks and Tweaks' etc. and later during 'Big Brother', I believe, we learn he was shot in the heart but we never actually see it taking place and there isn't any kind of flashback to it. The whole thing supposedly happened way before 'Cross-Jurisdictions' so there isn't an episode to go with it.

I hope this helps. :)
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Thank you for your help.

I'm dissappointed there isn't an episode but at least now I'll stop driving myself crazy looking for it.

Its a shame they didn't start with this as a pilot it would have answered a lot of questions.

Thanks again

It definitely would have answered questions. But it seemed to be a backstory/motivation for the Horatio character in the first season, so it makes sense that they wanted to develop him through that and not actually show us what happened.

Anyway, you're welcome! I hope you enjoy the rest of the boards. :)
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