Environmentally Friendly Alternatives.

Coco Chanel

Global Warming is a huge part of life today, and a burden that we all must live with on our shoulders.
I realized that there wasn't a thread related to this topic, and I thought it might be interesting to see who else is concerned for the environment and what other people are doing the play their part :bolian:

I thought I might start by mentioning a fantastic film on the issue of Global Warming, if anybody is interested. Even though it came out years ago, and you all probably know of it. An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. It's truly fantastic and gives some great ideas as to what you can do.

One thing I've noticed that I really like is how Google has created a sister site called Blackle. (http://blackle.com/) it's the exact same as Google, except it's black. :) black backgrounds take less power to generate and just by typing in a different URL, you can get the same functions as google, but save energy on your monitor. I think it's the logic and little things like this that could go a long way in saving our environment.

It would be great to know any ideas that everybody on this forum has :adore:
Well I think EU is doing well with this lamp change thing.

I recycle as much as I can.
I plug off every machine I can when I leave apartment for more than one day.
Instead of buying plasticbag when I am at supermarket, I have my backbag or bag made of fabric.
I definitely recycle as much as I can. I spend a lot of time rinsing out the plastic and metal containers after I'm done using them. When I leave a room, I turn the lights off. I try not to use any lights more than I have to. I'm not completely sold on the CFL bulbs, but I use them in the fixtures that will accept them, particularly lights I use a lot.

I also walk a lot of places within a few blocks, rather than using my car. My car is one that gets good gas mileage, especially for a six cyllinder engine.

Also, I tend to patronize local shops, so I don't have to travel far to get things. I also love the new canvas shopping bags. firstly, they're really durable, and secondly, they hold a lot more than a traditional paper or plastic bag.

I'd like to be able to do more to help the environment and be green. I'd really like to learn more inexpensive and practical ways to be green, so keep the ideas coming.