Election Time.


I figured I'd start a thread about the upcoming elections. Since it's the closest of the two races, which party do you think will win the Senate. If you want you can talk about your state elections if you want. Feel frre to either rave or rant about the candidates.
Well, I actually payed more attention to the primary races more than the general elections, seeing as my mom was running to retain her place as our couty prosecutor (Also Known As District Attorney). Unfortunately she lost. She would have kept the post until December 31st but she took another post as an assistant prosecutor in a different county.

As for state wide elections we're up for a new governor and I don't think I've ever seen more rude, unprofessional political commercials. It's actually pretty pathetic. But I'm hoping to keep Governor Granholm. I think that she could do a lot more for our state than Dick DeVoss can.
I'll be glad when it's through. I'm getting sick of all the back and forth negative ads around here (Chicago area). After a while it just gets like "enough already"
^^ I hear you MacsGirlMel. I'm in southern California, with a Political Science degree to boot! This whole thing is driving me nuts, with all the candidates' and propositions' commercials back-and-forth.

I don't base my decision on a 30-second commercial, and I'd like to think others don't as well. Although I'm registered Republican and tend to lean that way, I also don't vote party-line. I vote for the candidate that best represents my views and beliefs. If that's a Democrat or other party, so be it.

I just want the election to come and go. I'm tired of all the polls telling us what's going to happen, when no one has a clue about what's going to happen. Believe me. I studied statistics and polling in school. "Scientific polls" aren't so scientific.

My piece for a Friday night. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
I'm in Southern California also (L.A. County). My mother in law, my husband and I will be working at the polls on Election Day as usual. The voting apparatus here is slightly changed - still the Ink-A-Vote goodie, but now you put your completed ballot through a device on the ballot box that makes sure the dots are clear enough to be read. If not, it spits it back out. There's also a new audio booth for the visually impaired.

I won't go into my preferences in terms of candidates or propositions...but I am sick and tired of the constant "go negative" campaigning. Sadly, those who refuse to do so don't fare so well in the pre-election polls and I don't know what chance they'll have in the "big game". What's said in some ads isn't even necessarily true, but it's like junior high school - say it often enough, and in a snotty or paranoid enough manner, and it takes on a life of its own...

But I'm with you...I'll be glad when the damn thing is over...
Here in Massachusetts, I think that Devall Patrick is going to beat Kerry Healy.

Kerry Healy has spent most of her campaign attacking Devall on legal defense work he did a while ago. He paid for a convicted rapist to get a DNA test, because the rapist said he was convicted because he's hispanic. When the DNA test came back positive, Devall droped him as a client. Kerry Healy has said that she will always support the victim and not the defandant, yet she has also said that gun laws need to be loosened. She has promised to lower taxes but with that Boston won't get any more much needed police. Evem though she was LT Governor during Mitt Romney's entire term, she never held a press conference of her own or madew a sppech of her owm. She would always stand behind him and never contradict him or giver her own opinion. She would pretty much be background for his publicity. Even now, she won't critizcize him for making offensive jokes about the Commonwealth in other oarts of the country. My other problem with her is that Mitt Romeny is such a bad governor, I wouldn't trust his second in command.

During Mitt Romeny's one term as Governor, he has spent less time in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, than he has campaining in major states for his presidental run in 2008.

Devall Patrick promised that he would hire 1000 more police officers for Boston. He has also said that he probably won't be able to lower taxes because we need a lot more to happen to improve the Commonweath first. I suppose i should mention that Boston needs more police because this year we've exceed the amount of murders which he had last year, and last year we had more than what we had ten years ago.

The final things which makes a lot of people support Devall Patrick is he's been sticking to the issues during debates and his commercials are about what he'd do for the Commonwealth. Whereas Kerry Heally's ads have been over the top sickening, to attack Patrick's defending of a rapist, she made an ad that shows a white woman being followed in an epty parking garage. A ot of rape victims have come out and said this ad is too over the top, we basically re-live our rape when we see the ad.
Let's just hope this election won't be staged. I read an article somewhere that pointed out that the Bush administration is using a new Bin Laden video to lure people into voting Republican. But I know what you mean Calihan, some candidates spend too much time attacking their opponent and not enough time focusing on what really matters : the people. Let's just hope it comes as close to fair as possible, that's about as realistic as we can be.
Yep, MacsGirlMel, I totally agree...Chicago area sucks around election time. If I could vote, I wouldn't vote for Roskam or Duckworth, because I'm sick to death of their stupid ads :mad:. Can't wait 'till they're over. Just the thought of it makes me grin stupidly. :D
The ad I mentioned that caused Kerry Healey to lose a lot of support, I actually found it online. I think the ad may have been shortened, but I'm noty positive. Even if it was shortened it is the actual ad.

Kerry Healey's ad.