Eddie and Carmine on ET


Just wanted to you let every one know that tonight's episode of Entertainment Tonight has Eddie and Carmine riding a hot air balloon. I know they show repeats of the episodes but I'm sorry, I live on Hawaiian time and I never know when the repeat times are. It also gives some stats about their life... height, place of birth, and status :eek: Carmine was freaked out about the balloon and Eddie was looking hot in a sleeve rolled up, blue, button-opened shirt with a bit of scruff. :devil:
They were actually on the Insider within about the first 5-7 min. of the program. It was pretty funny. Carmine's pretty agile when bailing out of a basket. Faster than a bunny on Easter.
Awww, yeah, I'd love to see a link or hear more about it. How cute that their little "mancation" made the entertainment shows, though it was months ago, so the timing is interesting...unless they went away together again? :devil: ;)
I saw pictures of the 'mancation' on the internet, they were in a magazine, but it would be nice to see the actual show. Could someone please put the link up? Please?