Dungeons and Dragons


Hello -

As an avid CSI fan, I thought it appropriate to register at what appears to be a fairly active message board to discuss with my fellow "fanatics", though was also happy to see a Miscellaneous section to discuss one of my other loves: Dungeons and Dragons. I'm hoping with this many people registered here, I will find at least a few other players to chat with. I am referring, of course, to the tabletop roleplaying version, not electronic gaming, though those are often entertaining as well...but nothing can beat a day of Mountain Dew, dice, and some good role-playing.

Firstly, for those unfamiliar with "D&D", it is a fantasy roleplaying game originally created in the mid 70's, and is now widely played today. Although some versions of play vary (some using dungeon boards, miniatures, etc.), I find it most entertaining to play with the ever-essential dice, character sheets, and of course, the most important tool: Your imagination. Players embark on quests and journeys, guided by the game's DM (Dungeon Master), who 'narrates' the game, calculates scores, and in general handles every aspect of the game except the actual gamers themselves. Also needed for play are a few books, ranging from the Monster Manual series (made for the Dungeon Masters to choose and calculate enemies for players to battle), Player's Handbooks, and a few on-the-side volumes for specialized character creation. To explain the entire aspect of what D&D is in one post is something not possible, but it's truly an incredible game when played with good minds.

Now, on to describe my current character (tell me about yours!): She is named Malice, her race is Vampire Spawn / Blood Emporer, and her class is Rogue/Assassin. I built her for stealth and assassination, and now that she is leveled up quite far, is a brilliant fighter in both stealth and melee. She's skilled in acrobatic weaponry, and has many means of disappearing, moving silently, shapeshifting, and anything else that goes with darkness, stealth, and assassination. She is a Blood Emperess (slightly below a Master Vampire), which means she can take the spilt blood of her enemies and manipulate the blood to create individual entities which remain under her control. She has a pair of divine weapons recovered from the depths of Hell (The Daggers of Loki), and can also shapeshift into a Black Hellfire Wyrm, which allows her to cast multiple Level 9 spells per day. In summary: She took a level in Badass.

Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4

Feel free to share your gaming type, characters, stories, etc. here. I'd love to hear about them.

So long and goodnight,
You must have read my mind, Hellsing, I was thinking of starting a thread about this as well. :)

I would love to share my character fs I wasn't inbetween campains. We end the game when the semester of school ends incase some of the players aren't coming back to the college.

I'm in the midst of trying to create a new chara but am having trouble deciding. Any suggestions? I do want someone with spell casting powers and perhaps even able to fly.
I was a member of a campain for a while but that was a long time ago. I really need some DnD friends around where I live now. It was so awesome back when I played.

I do play WoW though... that's fun.
wolfesgamergirl said:
You must have read my mind, Hellsing, I was thinking of starting a thread about this as well. :)

I would love to share my character fs I wasn't inbetween campains. We end the game when the semester of school ends incase some of the players aren't coming back to the college.

I'm in the midst of trying to create a new chara but am having trouble deciding. Any suggestions? I do want someone with spell casting powers and perhaps even able to fly.

I would definitely suggest something Arcane or Draconic if magic is what you're looking for. You could be a Bard (using magic through music and dance), or if you wanted to be something more sinister, you should check the PHB. I usually specialize in stealth and melee, so I'm not much good with making magic characters, but Arcane is pure magic. I also know that Draconic / Hellfyre beasts can sometimes control LARGE amounts of magic, which is why I suggested them, though you would need to look in the Monster Manuals for that. I'll take a look through my PHB to see what I can find for you.

Bear in mind that you can also purchase and equip magical items along the way, much like my character. I have NO natural magical powers outside of Blood Manipulation and Domination, so much of it comes from items I have killed and looted for or bought.

I am actually DMing my own campaign very soon. I'll have to type up the basic story sometime when I have more time.
Thanks! Now that I have those suggestions I can go looking thought my DMs books and finding what I need. You are ever so helpful. :)
Well, I know I posted the 4th page of my sheet with character background already, but I'd like a bit of feedback and/or a few more ideas as to what to add to it. Here is what I have so far:

Malice, originally named Aiden, grew up in the remote village of Krollen. Since childhood, she was haunted by gruesome visions and hallucinations, slowly driving her to the very brink of insanity. One night, constantly tormented by the sadistic, terrifying visions, Aiden broke into a blind rage, mercilessly slaughtering her entire family. Afterwards, overcome by the now very real scene of carnage before her, she fell unconscious. When she awoke, she had been shackled and imprisoned, surrounded by nothing but darkness and the glowing pairs of eyes around her, encircled by the angelic wings behind them: She had been brought forth for divine judgement by the Five Archangels of Ennead. She was turned; transformed into an immortal, but far from divine...Forced to live forever, neithing living nor dead; Feeding off the essential life force of the living: Blood. She was tortured for months: Wrists bound with blessed and holy rope, forever leaving laced scars burned into her flesh; starving her; whipping her; forcing her to relive her darkest moments. On the 365th night, she was released, but was stopped by their leader. He touched her forehead, and in one moment of blind agony, the outline of the angelic wings of the Archangels were carved into her back; a permanent reminder of the divine judgement that had been passed upon her. With that, they threw her back down to Earth, her eternal purgatory. Driven to chaotic rage by the torturous events of her judgement, she washed into an existence of stealth, torture, and killing with the sadistic pleasure of revenge driving her. Sworn to seek revenge on the lawful and good, she now lives the life of a blade-for-hire as a Chaotic-Evil assassin, hunting down and killing all who oppose her.

Thoughts or ideas? I'd like to expand a bit.
By the way, wolfesgamergirl, I did a little digging:

What you are looking for in a character is definitely a Celestial. I highly recommend them for your race. You would most likely have to be Lawful-Good or Chaotic-Good, however, but I don't know what your usual alignment is.
My alignment changes with each character that I play, change is good in any game. Thankd you for finding that and I'll see what else I can find.