Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

I've watched and love it !!!
Neil Patrick Harris is the cutest villain ever !!! :lol:
Such a pity it was so short...
I've seen it too and love it! I agree it was too short, but I hear there might be a sequel in the works. I really hope so! I want to know what happens. :D
I just loved it. I worship Joss Whedon and when I heard about this super-villain-musical I was so excited!

Just hope there will be a DVD soon! I already bought the soundtrack. I could listen to it non-stop!

My favourite line that always cheers me up when I'm down: Captain Hammer telling Dr Horrible: "The hammer is my ****."

I just love everything about it. The songs are great. The story is funny, yet sad at the same time and the actors are just amazing.
I just saw it and loved it. I was so excited when Liz Vassey (Wendy Simms) appeared at the end in the evil league of evil. The songs were awesome. It had a surprisingly sad ending which I didn;t see coming at all.
love_fan; said:
I just loved it. I worship Joss Whedon and when I heard about this super-villain-musical I was so excited!

I just love everything about it. The songs are great. The story is funny, yet sad at the same time and the actors are just amazing.

I loved it too! Joss Whedon is fantastic! My sister showed it to me on YouTube and I thought it was great.

I was so excited when Liz Vassey (Wendy Simms) appeared at the end in the evil league of evil.
Me too. :D

My sister also told me it was done during the writers strike last year. I wonder if Joss will do something else like this.
My sister also told me it was done during the writers strike last year. I wonder if Joss will do something else like this.

I heard that Joss might do a sequel, but we all know how sometimes things don't pan out. :rolleyes:

I do hope that he makes another...I want to know what happens after that door closes on the Evil League of Evil meeting!
My sister also told me it was done during the writers strike last year. I wonder if Joss will do something else like this.

I heard that Joss might do a sequel, but we all know how sometimes things don't pan out. :rolleyes:

I do hope that he makes another...I want to know what happens after that door closes on the Evil League of Evil meeting!

I heard they were going to do another too, but you never can be too sure what you hear these days.
It would be a shame for them to just waste the idea on just one episode though...they should make a feature film or something :)