Don Imus


With what Don Imus recently said about the Rutger's Women's Basketball Team should he loose his job.

Article about Don Imus

I had one request for debateing this, can we please keep it mature, responsable, and not flaming other posters who disagree. Please feel free to go from Don Imus specifically to the First Amendment in general.

ETA: For those of you who have voted, could we please debated this more. Please explain your opinions and not just vote. I've voted but I wanted to wait for some others to offer their opinions before I did.

Sort of hoping for more of a debate than we have going right now.
I'm all for freedom of speech and speaking your mind, as I respect everyone's opinions. However I don't feel this was an opinion, it was just insulting and of bad taste. I mean why would you say something like that?? :confused: Of course it's going to upset people. As a female, I'm offended. I think it's a ridiculous thing to say. It's certainly going to hurt his image.

On matter of losing his job or not, I think it would be best if he just quit rather than be fired and humiliated. Quitting would be the right thing to do and it would show that he was really sorry. I don't think his statement is protected under the first ammendment at all, because it's just crude and insulting.
I could never stand him. old buzzard :mad:.. boring and should go away.. his comments were so out of line.. It would be nice if he apologized to the girls he insulted, or maybe him and Rosie O'Donnell could start their own. "we hate everybody" show" or "morons, idiots and losers unite" :mad:
Imus makes comments like that all the time. If you're going to be offended by something along those lines then you shouldn't listen to his show. He can say something like that if he wants to, but he knows it isn't going to win him any fans (granted, it did get him a lot of publicity).
I agree with showtime that you know that he says this type of thing a lot so if you're going to be offended don't listen to his show.

As for whether he should have been fired or not, I say absolutle not. I'm a fan of the first amendment and I'd rather have to hear some BS like this than risk having a government decide what can and cannot be said. Even though I hate to admit it semms to be happening now.
I'm not to big of a fan of Imus, and I think what he said was despicable and tasteless, but if we remove someone off the air just for upsetting someone, there would be no one left. However, I feel bad that what the Lady Knights have done on the court is overshadowed by this.

Oh, and as an alumnus of The State University of New Jersey, let me say, there is no apostrophe in Rutgers.
sure, it was a dumb and hurtful thing to say but he shouldnt have been fired. yes, everyone has the right to free speech but it is up to the individual to understand what is respectful or not.

i do think this thing was taken so far because he made a comment that was offensive to black people, if he had just said 'hos' people would have been pissed and that would be the end of it. there have been a lot worse things said recently about different groups of people and they have not been fired. isaiah washington, anna coutler, that head guy in the army (i forget his name) all used derogitory comments about gays and they have their jobs. paris hilton made offensive comments about the jewish religion and she still has television shows and endorsement deals. it is a complete double standard.

if you feel you can fire someone because they say something you dont like, pretty soon everyone would be out of a job. we all do it, we know we shouldnt say certain things but we still do. it doesnt make us bad people it just shows we werent thinking in that instant. don imus has been doing his show for 40 years and has been on the edge (so ive heard) and probably offended a lot of people in that time. what makes this comment so special he deserved to be fired for? yes it was mean and hurtful to those women, but its only words.
I've been wwatching all the controversary on him and this issue, and now their bringing up the fact about the vulgar lyrics in RAP and HIP-HOP music.. it is pretty deplorable & disrespectale and vulgar.. so, two sets of standards here.. he has been offensive for years, but, where did he hear this kind of crap..HMMM, well, not to go on and on, but celebrities who are on the airwaves, need to watch what they say, :(and now he's paying the price. He lost two jobs at once. he's a millionaire, so he won't be hurting financially, but career wise.. he's toast! he's 66, so enjoy retirement already :rolleyes:
Allmaple, while I agree the entire thing has been blown out of proportion, I don't think that its right at all to brush it off because it's just words. Words can be much, MUCH more hurtful than a physical attack, and while they do need to be recognized as such, his comments weren't actually made with any malicious intent.
im sorry if i was unclear, i meant he shouldnt be fired over just words. he didnt threaten to harm them or anything, he upset them and probably embarrassed them. and again, if you can be fired for upsetting someone thered be hardly anyone working.

like desertwind said, not only is there a double standard on how bad a derogitory comment is depending on who its said to, but theres also a double standard on who is allowed to say it. im really in favour of if its not ok for one person to say it, its not ok for anyone to say it. but i know a lot of people dont feel that way and it will never happen.