Does any one's opinion matter?

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I lurk on many message boards where I read reviews and critiques about csi series. Many of what I've read can only be described as below the belt, cruel, harsh, humiliating, degrading, rude, insensitive... and that is alongside the sublime, encouraging, wonderful, sweet, ego-boosting ones.

When I do read a negative review about csi, part of me wants to take the person who wrote it by the throat and bash his or her head against the wall until his or her skull started to crack, while reciting in an intense and audible whisper, "I'd love to see you try singing while wearing a corset that's squeezing you to within an inch of your miserable little life and let's see what csi can do to your case (kidding :p)". While another part of me says, "you sad, sad, shadow of a human being, you must really have a lot of time on your hands to come up with creative ways to say 'YOU SUCK'."

But of course opinions are all subjective, and aren't a benchmark if something's good or bad. What's garbage to one person is glory to another, and no other person can convince him or her otherwise. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

I can't help but wonder.... how do you react whenever you read a below the belt and rude comments about csi ny series?
*shrugs* I really don't react at all. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and it would be rather dull if we agreed all the time. Sometimes I agree with the negative reviews -- some episodes are downright awful and the actors and writers do slip up from time to time. I don't think anyone should approach the series with the belief it's perfect in every single episode. I enjoy watching the show on a weekly basis and admire its strengths, but I also realize and accept its faults.

So no, I don't personally care if someone writes an atrocious review. Like you said, there are other places who sing and praise the series regardless of the episode's content. If negative reviews are bothersome, go read somewhere else.
Perhaps I would take the time to come up with a response to your question if you hadn't come in and immediately shown yourself to be a complete troll. :rolleyes: You want to bash people's heads in? How very mature, I'll be sure to pay the utmost attention to you from now on.

I have better ways to spend my time, thanks.
Yes, people's opinions matter--that's why we allow both positive and negative opinions of the show here.

kooki27 said:
When I do read a negative review about csi, part of me wants to take the person who wrote it by the throat and bash his or her head against the wall until his or her skull started to crack, while reciting in an intense and audible whisper, "I'd love to see you try singing while wearing a corset that's squeezing you to within an inch of your miserable little life and let's see what csi can do to your case (kidding :p)". While another part of me says, "you sad, sad, shadow of a human being, you must really have a lot of time on your hands to come up with creative ways to say 'YOU SUCK'."

Threatening/suggesting physical violence isn't allowed here, and given that this is your first post, I suggest you change your attitude quickly, or else you'll find your time at this board brief.

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