Do you have a personal quote?


CSI Level Two
I know we have a quote thread, but those are not really personal quotes but quotes by famous people etc. So I hope it's allowed to post this new thread :)

You probably all have a personal quote that guides you a little bit through life. Well I got a few. I'll post them with a little explanation although I think they're all pretty obvious but okay :)

"I'm an angel with a devils tail."

- I'm by nature a very friendly person but don't mess with me cause you'll very soon regret it. The quote also reminds me that even though you think you know the most friendly person in the world, he/she can still be dishonest, cruel.. Like I said I'm very friendly but I know what I'm capable of, so don't ask what others are capable of ;)

"It's easy driving a porsche it's keep driving it that's hard."

- Everybody can own something fancy but most of them can't afford to keep it. So that's an extra booster to work harder and push yourself to the (healthy) limit.

"A tragedy is not nearly as tragic as not doing anything about it."

- When something tragic happens to you you can whine about it all you want but nothing is going to change until you do something about it. So not doing anything is more tragic :)

"Good is just not good enough."

- There are areas where I try to be as perfect as possible. So when I do something and think "mm this is good." the next thing I think is "How can I make it better?".

When I'm depressed I always try to think "I've been through a lot of things and in the end everything was okay again, why would this time be different." Than I think something a long the lines of "In 3 days I'll feel so much better.. it's always like that.. time heals all wounds." Those are not really quotes, but they serve the same purpose as quotes. They make you happy or they motivate you :)

So do you have any personal quotes? If so post them. If you want to explain them, do so but it's certainly not a must. Try to keep the layout like I did post the quotes in bold and the explanation normal :)
Mine are:
"Go for it." Reminds me to take a chance and have a go.
"Every Little Helps". I know I work for Tesco so it's kind of cheesy to adopt it but it makes me realise it's the small things that make the biggest difference in anything I do.
"What goes around comes around" or "You get what you give". Two ways of motivating me to do my best at work as I know that whatever I put in I'll get back in some way even if it's not at the time.
Carpe Diem, not a personal quote though...

Seize the day, enjoy life before it's too late. Don't regret anything.
"Life's too short. So, if you want a happy one, you gotta grab it." From Instant Star. This helps me remember to live life to the full, and not dwell on the past.
I pretty much live my life like this:

"No one is going to change your life for you, only you can change it."

And also:

"Only you can place the puzzle pieces of your life in the right place. No one else knows where they are hidden, only you do."

They always remind me that I cannot rely on others to change what I don't like, I'm the only one that can change them.
Life isn't about what happens to you. It's about how you handle what happens. (from: The Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans)

It describes my life pretty well. I've gone through some difficult phases in my life, most difficult, obviously, being my mother's death when I was 12. Some people never learn to cope with that, but I did. I got on with my life although I sometimes just wished that I had a mother to talk to, I didn't get depressed or did bad things, because I always knew that it wouldn't change anything about her being gone.
"Sing your heart out as if no one's listening"

Sing as beeing yourself. In the past it was really hard for me to be myself, in fact I didn't know who I was...I lived trying to be what others wanted me to be until I realized that it was ok to be myself weather others liked it or not.
Sometimes it's still hard to show what I feel, to say what I think so this quote, that I first heard from Paula Abdul, helps me remember that...

"the greatest luck is the one you already have, not the one you think might come tomorrow"

it pretty much speaks for itself
I see most people are using quotes said by other people the meaning of the topic I more or less ment to be is that you'd post a quote you made urself.. but it's okay :)
Well there is one I made myself:
Remember yesterday, think of tomorrow, and live right now!
Not difficult to understand, I think. That's just the way I live my life.
Even though the world wants you to be someone sometimes then I just have to sit and don;t forget:
"Don't forget who you are!"

When I tend to get to lazy or when I am to scred for something:
"Just go for it/Just do it"

Is the course I am taking the one I want and need?:
"Roads can be so long that you might forget what your destination is"

Had a friend at age 14 with a brain tumor and she had to get some brain surgery which was so dangerous she might lose her life... The words that she said in a confident way:
"We'll see what happens"
That sentence gives me so much strenght today and changed into a quote for me!!!
She died at age 18 after a 4 year bad battle... 5 years ago... RIP Wendy!
its the normal ones you need to watch out for
pretty much of the people ive met in my life if they (or someone else) describe themselves as 'normal' i have found they are not people i enjoy having around :lol: its the quirks in people that make them much more fun and interesting ;)

dance like nobody is watching
similar to the singing one, but i dance like a fool and i dont care! especially in the car, its more fun when you go all out :D
Give everything your best effort, even if people tell you you'll never succeed.

It means always try my best to accomplish everything I set out to do. When I have my mind set on something, even if people say I'll never be able to do it I never give up on the task/job.
Just found out a new one

Keep your eyes on the prize.

This year I'm doing a specialisation year and most people who come from the direction I took 6 years, go to company management and I switched to shop management & window decorating. I regret it a lot, but I constantly remind myself that it's only for one year. When I graduate I'm able to open a store which is really good since if I don't succeed as screenwriter I want to open my own store :D So keep your eyes on the prize, walk the path and don't look back, just think of the result :)
I have a few quotes that I really like, but I think my personal quote would have to be "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising everytime we fall." -- Confusius

I heard it in a movie once and I fell in love.