Do women really just want a 'Mr Average'?


Do women really just want a 'Mr Average'?

Are high-flyers less attractive in your experience?

Women prefer men who do not have top careers, according to scientists at the University of Central Lancashire.

The researchers said women seemed to feel high-flyers would not be good fathers, commenting that attractive and successful males may concentrate on "a mating strategy" rather than on parenting.

Do you find high-flyers unattractive? Do you think highly successful men just concentrate on a "mating strategy" in your experience? What do you look for in a partner? (a reminder to please keep responses PG-13 ;))
All the men I've ever dated have been in the same middle income bracket as me or they've been the "starving artist" type. I wouldnt say definitely that I wouldnt date a guy who was rich but I simply dont move in those circles. Also the business suit has to be the singularly most unattractive item of clothing a man can possess in my opinion, unless it happens to be Bryan Ferry who's wearing it. ;) I probably pass dozens of otherwise attractive men on my way to work every morning and I just dont notice them because they're all dressed in the same dull fashion.

Having said that there was one guy on the train home last night...whoo-wee!! :D
Haha, honestly...

Mr. Average is non-existant :lol: For me personally, I don't focus on income unless the man is mooching on me, but by then, I probably would have kicked him out. XD I go for men of all incomes, but it's not something I find out about until the 5th date maybe ;)
K, I am just gonna be honest & say yes, I want a man with $$$ in his pocket. I refuse to be a broke ass guy who can't afford all the things we do. That being said, I ain't no golddiger either. I'm not searching for Mr.Moneybags. No. I just want a guy who can support himself. Worrying about my expenses is bad enough :lol:.

I already settled for the kind of guy I want to marry culture wise & without any surprise that man is gonna be Greek :lol:. I have no problem with dating guys of other races & religions but when it comes to the one guy I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with he's gonna be Greek. I want to carry on my traditions. Personality wise I'm looking for a guy who isn't a jackass. As long as he's nice it's all good. Sensitive or funny, I really don't care. Also, I can't stand guys who are too weak to stand up to their mom's. I'm the kind of person who has no problem telling anybody what I think of & I don't want to be with a guy who is a total coward. Sorry, but wimps need not apply :lol:. One of my best friend's mom was a total jerk to my best friend & her boyfriend didn't have the guts to tell the mom to back off & stop being rude. I was shocked. Look, I know she's your mom man but you gotta defend your girlfriend. Seriously...

Finally, looks wise. I've also found myself attracted to men with olive skin, dark brown or green eyes & dark hair. Blond hair & blue eyes are nice but I could never see myself with a guy with those physical looks. I mean, nothing is wrong with blond hair or blue eyes but I'm just not attracted to that kind of look. Oh, and bad teeth are gross. I take pefect care of my teeth (4.5 years braces etc) so I expect my guy to do the same thing.

Oh, and I will never ever date or marry a smoker. Smoking is by far the worst habit on the planet (besides drugs) & it is just beyond disguisting. Just...eww.

Well, I've said my two cents. I don't care how I come across as I've been 100% honest & honesty is key. Lying to make one look good is actually bad.
Well, as my friend puts it, I'm attracted to "broken people", and she's right. I honestly don't care whether he has the money or the cars or the astonishingly good looks. I prefer the people I can really talk to, because they understand.

My boyfriend at the moment...he isn't rich, but to me, he's how every guy should be. Yes, he has many home issues as well as some genetic health issues, but he's the sweetest, most caring guy I think I've ever met. He's not too bad in the looks department either, honestly. But he's always there when I need someone to hold on to. He's someone I can relate to, which makes it so easy to talk to him, which is something I think is critical in any relationship.

So, no, I wouldn't want anything more than "Mr.Average".
theres nothing wrong with 'average', but below average... im gonna have to go with jorja on that one. theres a life i want for myself, and i dont want to be scraping by because the man i married wants to flip burgers for the rest of his life.

although, on more than one occaision its been proven to me that some of the 'hot guys' are total assholes and not worth your time. if you cant win me over with your personality then it doesnt matter how good looking you are. i have to be able to deal with you for years to come and not want to kill you :lol:

but, i think its individual. there are guys out there who are the high flyers and are some of the nicest youll ever meet, and then there are the average guys who are no good.
Being 15, money really is a huge issue in school, out with mates etc, but I can't say I would go out with soemone for their money. I want a guy I can talk to, whether it be about sports, or the latest braekthrough in science. But I don't want a guy who would sponge off me because he has no money, he needs to support himself. I don't see how you can have a really successful relationship with you having to worry about your finances as well as his.

That said, sometimes Mr. Moneybags turns out to be an ass, whereas Mr. Average is actually Mr. Wonderful, personailty wise. You can't really distinguish a guy by his pay check ;)

Basically, the guys I look for now, have to be smart, funny, kind, sweet and not a royal pain in the ass. Its not about money, or clothes or fashion sense, its about the guy inside.

ijustwannadance said:
So... who is Mr. Average then? I mean, what makes that fine from being to rich to average or average to poor?

You raise an interesting point. According to the research, the high-flyers were men with high-status jobs such as architects and company directors. The more "average" men had medium-status positions such as teachers or travel agents. Below average men had low-status roles such as gardeners and postmen.

The researchers found that purely on looks, the best-looking men were assessed as the best partners. But within this group, when professions were taken into account, those good-looking men with medium status jobs came out top.

I hope that helps answer your question :) but of course, this is just what the researchers defined as "average" and other people may have different opinions on what they would call an average man.
^ I think anyone can be attractive and sweet, whether they have a good career or not. If I find a cute guy with barely any money, I'd go for him. If I find a cute guy with lots of money, I'd go for him. Of course, it also depends on if the guy has time for a relationship or not.. if it's a cute guy with top career who doesn't give a **** about our relationship, then well..
for me i've spent my whole life around people who are in what I guess would be concidered upper class so most of the people I meet live an above average lifestyle. Of course i'm still in high school so out in the real world I will probably meet someone without 50,000,000 cars :rolleyes:. I really don't like people with a lot of money, waaaay too much of an attitude.
It seems as if Average is based on income. Personality and charisma doesn't really seem to play a role in on who people want to be with, does it?
Ok so what do the experts thing of someone in the computer field. Average or above average? My husband's a computer programmer by trade, we own our own pet food business now, but I went for him for his looks and personality.
Who knows? If we don't know, then apparently, we're not the experts :lol: The "experts", I wonder what they define themselves as because they basically "label" people based on income, rather then personality, charisma, etc. Could it be possible that these so called "experts" are robots? :lol: So.. I was just wondering, what passes their standards, and what doesn't? Is there a line or what?
That's a good question. I think what most women want is a man to be there for them and not cheat. Sometimes Mr Average can be as decietful as Mr Perfect. So to answer your question I'd have to say "no" for me. :)