Discussion: Team Differences


Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
This thread is so that everyone can discuss the difference between the two teams. Grissom, Catherine, Nick, Warrick, Sara, Greg, Brass. -- Catherine, Nick, Riley, Greg, Ray, Brass.
The good and the bad of each and your reason for you're opinion. How each member of the team has changed since the day they started on the show (not just day one), yes this includes the lab rats as well as the ME's Office. How each member has matured, relaxed more, gotten funnier, etc. basically how they have changed.

Now before you all start getting into this lets remember a couple things:
-This is as I said a "Discussion" not a thread to argue or bash either a character (the Show Criticism rule applies) or each other, a healthy debate is one thing and can be a good thing, anything beyong that not so much.
-You know you are entitled to your opinion just as others are entitled to disagree with it, as well you have the option to agree to disagree and walk away should start feeling upset (can't control your emotions) about something that is said something I highly recommend. Fictional show, fictional characters keep this in mind.
-Lets keep this more then three lines, and please only quote what you are responding to.
-Lastly this is not about ships of any kind, so keep it out of here, if you want to discussion their relationships as a family that is one thing romantically is down the hall called the SC forum.
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Well I guess I'll start.

Well I guess one of the reasons I love the new team is getting a chance to see my favourite character, Nick in more of a leadership position along side with Catherine. There's more of emphasis on team unity than with the old team where I saw fractions more often than not. Grissom was rather unequal with his treatment of the team, playing favourites with Warrick being labelled 'the rock'. So far, I don't see Catherine playing favourites with anyone.

With the new team, we also get to see Greg in bigger roles since he's no longer the junior guy. Last week's episode proved how far he's come since his lab rat days.

And what I like about Ray is willingness in spite of postion as a doctor, he always remembers he's the new guy and he's still finding his way and he's honest about it.

Secondly, I find Catherine has a different style of leading the team, it's created an equality, there's more encouragement from her.

Now Grissom was a great leader, but over the years I found he seemed to withdraw from the team. I guess once he felt he had no more students to teach as he expressed to Warrick before he went on sebbatical, he didn't need to be there as often.

In the first few seasons, I found the younger members very much in competiton with one for Grissom's approval-each with their own agenda.

I don't find there is much of that probably because there's no need to. Riley is the only level two, Ray's the only level one and Greg and Nick are both level 3s, but Nick is the senior guy and Greg respects that.

Now the competition in the early seasons created an interesting dynamic, but at times it was painful to watch because at one point when Nick and Sara were competing for a Key Position (which was subquently cancelled) and Grissom ended up suggesting Nick for the job. Sara became embittered by it for personal reasons and took it out on Nick, i.e. cough drops. It didn't seem very flattering for the character-just my opionion-none of them are perfect.

Now the new team is still in the honeymoon stages, so there might be some friciton, but so far I'm liking it.
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Thanks for adding this thread, Destiny. I was actually enjoying this discussion in the last episode thread (even though it was off-topic there). Here's pretty much what I had mentioned in that thread:

I like the way that the writers have been bringing this new team along – helped by the plentiful ‘team’ moments. I think it’s their way of bringing a noticeable change in the team's supervisor. Grissom was not the type to be around people when he didn't need to be, so the writers kept the team's personal moments for few-and-far-between intervals (which was a shame). Plus, when you add Sara as a team member, that's two out of the five that weren't socially active. Catherine, being a person more comfortable when she's around others, would more than likely reflect that personality onto her team. With this new team, Greg and Riley seem to carry on the people-person vibe, Nick is kind of back & forth between outgoing and introverted, and Langston is probably the most quiet of the new team, but yet he's real good with people. With that new dynamic, the old show-no-personal-team-moments strategy just doesn't fit.

Also, I think the more focus on the ‘team’ moments is due in part to the fact that Catherine's always been the 'mother' of the team, always seeming to smooth things out when problems arise within the ‘old’ team - like giving Grissom a nudge to send Sara a plant, or calming down Warrick in the (women's) bathroom after he & Nick had a mini blow-up over a case, etc. Now that the 'mother' is in charge, there's certain to be a different dynamic, and the writers have shown that well so far. Even think back to the teaser in the latest episode “no way out” after they finished their training drill, Cath quipped "be nice kiddies".

In this new-but-familiar role as supervisor, Cath actually has to lead the team. When she was in charge of Swing in season 5, she had Nick & Warrick with her. They didn't really need to be supervised, other than what cases they should work, They were seasoned at the job. Plus Catherine was different as supervisor at that time because she was still trying to get Grissom's respect as an equal instead of his 'right hand'. When Grissom was in charge, the entire team was seasoned. He didn't really need to supervise them very much (which is good since he sucked at it). With this new team, Catherine's got one seasoned CSI (Nick), one with a few years experience (Greg), one with 'some' experience (Riley), and one with basically just a medical background and no real CSI experience (Ray).

This new (and improved) team makes for a more interesting show. (Just give me more WENDY!!)
Thank's Destiny well, this is a tough cookie, I for one am a hardcore original CSI fan with the original team. But I'll try to dicifer the difference now that 3 team members are gone~

Grissom:: The best boss ever as I saw and watched him throughout 9 years, he had a knack for getting into peoples minds, from his team to the suspects. He could be rattled and not understanding and then turn around and be warm friendly and funny, and so understanding. He was, and is magicial. The whole team admired and looked up to him for many various reasons throughout these 9 years. I think at the end, in his last hurrah, saying goodbye, he'd had enough, and wanted to move on, much to the dismay of the team. NO one like him on TV to me, ever and won't ever be again!

Cath A pistol and wore her heart on her sleeve, smart and sarcastic, and was great with wittness's. She had some stellar moments, with her team mates and her personal life and the suspects at the crime scenes. She's had her share of heartbreak. Hopefully she'll continue to be the strong independent woman that CSI fans have watched and admired for the last 9 years, with the two newbies now on the team!

Nick Wonderful compassionate, sympathetic Nick, so sensitive and so good with his original buddies. The strong camraderie with Warrick his admiration of Grissom, "you were my best student" his stellar performance in so many episodes 'Grave Danger' especially. What can one say about him he's the bomb!

Warrick Deep, brooding, but caring and kind to all, got mad as hell with the suspects, when they were out of line, his respect also for Grissom his friendship with Nick and Cath and Sara & Greg. His death devastated me and all his fans, I couldn't believe it. he'll be sorely missed:( more later.. have to go now

Sara I liked her immediatley form the minute I watched her. She had a special aura and was exceptional in all she did and all she said. Her beautiful physical appearance, and her superb acting skills, sweet, caring but could be fiesty when she felt something was awry. How she was in tune with all her team was extrodinary. I don't think anyone can ever replace or subsititute her on this show~

Greg How when he was quirky Greg in the lab. funny and off the wall. And how he grew and became a CSI. He's changed and matured, but still wonderful. He also loved his team, and I think he was deeply affected by the loss of 3 of his mates. I see him now a bit different still great, and hope in the new episodes we get to see him and his book deal!

Hodges What can one say about this character, obnoxious, as hell, but plays it so well, He doesn't get that his team can barely tolerate him, but has great expartise in all he does, He'sjust such a kiss a**, and doesn't get that he is. He is still great in this role!

Brass the best one liners ever on any show, He's wonderful as Capt. Brass, so hilarious and he's a steadfast soul to be reckoned with. I hope he continues just the way he is~

Doc Also the best at what he does, so through, and into all the horror, the blood, guts and just does his work like he's supposed to~

Lab Rats Archie, Wendy, Super Dave and all the rest sensational, and always a dream to watch~

THE NEW TEAM It's just Dr. Langston, and Riley. LF is great, calm cool, and collected, so smooth and does have his own brand of charm, And his expartise above reproach. It's great to see him in this role, but he's no Grissom, even by his own words, "no one can replace Billy" I have enjoyed him since we first saw him, and hope he continues in this fabulous role~

Riley HMMM. so far She's had great moments, and not so great. I felt that sometimes she was reading cue-cards, and her personailty below par. She was great in last week's ep. but I have to wait see if she can rise to the magnificent role that Sara/Jorja had.

I will never get over the old original team not being together, they were the cream of the crop, the best ever on any TV drama in my opinion.and I feell they're all in a transition mode as of now, suffering, and sad and not quite up to par they're still traumatized by the loss of 3 team members they all loved, and time hopefully will heal the deep wounds that this caused them. But I am a CSI fan so, I will continue to watch and enjoy the new team as best as I can, and hope the stories continue to be the best~
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