Dirty Sexy Love


Police Officer
I watched this today and actually liked it. A lot of characters with different stories, but they are all held together by family. I love Donald Sutherland. High society in NYC let the wackiness ensue.
Since Charity mentions Donald Sutherland (Kiefer's dad), I am guessing it should be his new series, "Dirty Sexy Money." Sounds like a great cast. Too bad there are two other shows I will be watching at that time so I will miss it until rerun season comes around.
Yeah, I agree. It looked like it was totally worth my time, but I guess I will have to watch it online on the weekends. I love Donald Sutherland and Peter Krause.
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Ah yes you're right Money I guess that's what I get for missing the opening credits. I saw the replay on the weekend as well, and I guess that's what I will continue to do if they will be showing it.