Dating Your Own Birth Sign

Well, I dont really know what I believe. I dont know if I believe in those signs and stuff
I think you need to have some things in common or you will always be disagreeing, but I think if you date your same sign and say, you are both stubborn, then I guess it would be had to get along, in a relationship you both need to give in now and again and that relationship wouldnt work.

Personally I think its best to be with someone who is completely different, perhaps same interests but different views. :)
Aries (March 21 to April 19)
This can be a tough match. You're both hot-headed, want your way, and tend to blame the other person when things go wrong. On the other hand, you spark each other's passionate nature, and will have lots of active fun together. Fighting fairly is the key to your success … as there will be fights! "Never go to bed angry" should be your mantra.
:lol: Interesting. :lol: I've never ever had an argument. :rolleyes: Probably not a good thing, but it's true. People say mean things to me, and I just stand there then I start to cry. :rolleyes:
Hah you're an Aries, too? I'm the same way. I think us Aries just have a tough exterior, but are just softies on the inside...

I also think it's both signs together, like Chinese and Western. So if we go by that I'm a Aries-dragon dating a Sagittarius-horse, and according to that we get along well. Horses and dragons both like to play and have fun, and are both very passionate, and the Sag-Aries are in the same element, and both masculine, so it works.

As for dating your own sign, though, it depends on the sign. Like, I would NEVER date another Aries or dragon (which both have the same traits, and makes me twice as stubborn and hot-headed :rolleyes:) But some signs I think work best together, especially feminine and water signs, because they are more sensitive, and would understand each other more than a hot-headed masculine sun sign would.
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
If you're both dedicated to the higher Virgo goals of health and service, this could be a match made in heaven. Just don't try to improve the other person or criticize their behavior -- which kills the passion. Overanalyzing the relationship can also make it wither on the vine. Plant a garden or do yoga together and you'll bring out the best in each other.
Hmm I think I was born under the wrong sign cause I don't garden and yoga bores me. :lol:

Goodness even the Description of you're sign" doesn't fit me well alot of it doesn't it, its like its twisted, go figure. :p
Destiny you made me laugh :lol: my mom was a Virgo, Sept. 18th, and she didn't garden or do yoga either :rolleyes: but was the nicest person I've ever known![and a great cook] it's just for fun, some of it's true, some not! They always say my sign, ARIES too, isn't compatible with Capricorns, and they're my total favorite people, bosses..friends.. boyfriends.. girlfriends etc. and my baby grandson Jack, is so in tune with me, smiles always, minds me, and laughs at me, CAPRICORN BOY! he's 5 ;)
I'm Aries too!(April 1st :p ) We'll yea I never really argue a lot but if someone is blaming something on me I will say that another person did it. And if I do argue is probably just playing around.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Aquarians are very open-minded, and can tolerate (or even enjoy!) each other's eccentricities. And, you make the best of friends. However, the emotional realm is not your forte -- so you both may shy away from declaring your feelings and taking things into deeper waters. To cultivate passion, you'll have to venture out of your comfort zone.

Hmmm, that's very interesting. The guy I'm interested in now is an Aquarius, and he doesn't really speak much of his feelings/emotions/how events make him feel. And I know that I'm not the most trusting person, so I withold my emotions a lot. And yes, he's very eccentric. Strange stuff; sometimes it's just so far off from my situation and other times it's scary how dead on it is. *shrugs shoulders*

P.S. - that_girl1, I love your icon. It made me giggle. :lol:
I'm a Virgo. Can't say I enjoy gardening or yoga either but I'm generally very true to my sign (Virgos tend to be analytical and meticulous)

I wouldn't know about dating your own sign though...never tried it :)
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
You might not think this would be a great romantic match, since both of you are hard-headed realists. Yet that very practical nature lets you appreciate who the other person really is, devoid of illusions. You can be yourself in this relationship. Just don't let your worldly ambitions or need for status take precedence over a nurturing home life.

:p I dated one Capricorn once and ...eeew :lol:

I seem to have a thing for Gemini :rolleyes: