Danny's Dogtags


What's the deal with Danny's dog tags? Nothing I've read has stated he was in the military, so why does he wear them? :confused:

Or are they Carmine's and he wears them for personal reasons? I don't know much about the actors, just their characters. ;)
Carmine said that he got them when he was in Blackhawk Down, a movie he did before CSI: NY. I think he had some sort of explanation for why he wears them--I can't remember at the moment! I imagine Danny wears them for a relative, because he himself was not in the military.
I never used to like the dogtags, now he doesn't seem to wear them and I find I miss them.

Then he started wearing a different choker type thing, it kinda looked like handcuffs but wasn't?? If anyone knows what I mean. :lol: Anyway, he never wears that anymore, either.
I never used to like the dogtags, now he doesn't seem to wear them and I find I miss them.

Then he started wearing a different choker type thing, it kinda looked like handcuffs but wasn't?? If anyone knows what I mean. :lol: Anyway, he never wears that anymore, either.

Doesn't he wear some wooden beady thing now? That struck me as being more Carmine than Danny when I first noticed it though. :)