CSIs Refuse Case

I can't think of anyone for CSI:LV. There was one where Catherine wanted the case and was even like "fire me" if she didn't get it(Cool Change) but I don't recall anyone saying "I'm not taking this case".
I can't think of any episode where anyone refused a case. I'm sure there have been a few where someone has been pulled off of a case. But, I might also be getting my shows mixed up.
No you're not. I remember Warrick getting pulled off or nearly so in Random Acts of Violence. And Catherine was told to recuse herself in one of the Sam Braun eps. She didn't though.

Hawkes got pulled off on NY last week. ANd before that he didn't tell Mac he knew the victim and Mac I think pulled him off.
Yeah and on Miami, the entire team got yanked off the case when Natalia was a prime person of interest in her ex-husband's murder in "Internal Affairs" and Calleigh was recused from investigating her father's case involving possible vehicular manslaughter. She was not a happy puppy. It would be interesting if any CSI from any one of the shows. What circumstances do you think it would take for someone to refuse a case?
I don't think that's ever happened at least not on the original CSI. (Don't watch Miami and have missed some NY eps)

I can't imagine a reason someone would refuse to be on a case.
Well Lindsay did run away from a crime scene but she stayed on the case after Stella got on herl. That's as close as I can come to what it'd take.
There was "Curse of the Coffin" from Miami, when Eric refused to touch any of the evidence in the case because it was used in a Santeria ritual.
In "The Case of the Cross Dressing Carp" when they found the body in the remnants of The Rampart, Sam Braun's casino, Catherine handed the case off to the Swing shift Voluntarily.

Of course, this was after she got nailed a couple of times for staying on Sam Braun cases when she was either explicitly asked to stay away, or when she knew that she shouldn't have worked the case.

Otherwise, I can't think of any other cases where a CSI voluntarily recused themself from a case, even if there was conflict of interest.

On New York, I know Hawkes got tossed from a couple of cases, one because he knew the victim. The entire team got pulled from the case where Hawkes was accused of murdering the bartender.