'CSI: The Experience' Goes To Columbus

CSI Files

<I>CSI</I> visits the Buckeye state.<p><A class="link" HREF="http://www.csitheexperience.org/index.html">"CSI: The Experience"</a>, the interactive museum exhibit, has set up shop in Columbus, Ohio until September 1. Officials at <A class="link" HREF="http://www.cosi.org/">COSI Columbus</a> are hoping to draw in 150,000 visitors with the attraction during the exhibit's run at the museum. "We're very excited to get it," <font color=yellow>Kelli Gaza Nowinsky</font>, a COSI spokeswoman, told the <A class="link" HREF="http://www.columbusdispatch.com/">Columbus Dispatch</a>. "We're expecting it to be a…summer blockbuster for us."<p>The exhibit starts with a video using the actors from <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>. Afterwards, visitors get to go through one of three crime scenes to collect evidence and play CSI. "Kids are already interested in it before they even walk through the doors," Nowinsky said. "The actors from the show are there to guide you in a video component. It opens their eyes to this type of career path, that things aren't solved in a neat hour like they are on the show."<p>A members-only viewing at COSI last Friday included a visit from <font color=yellow>Jon Wellner</font> (Henry Andrews) and <font color=yellow>David Berman</font> (David Phillips), two actors (and researchers) for <I>CSI</I>. "CSI: The Experience" <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/news/250507_02.shtml">opened</a> last year in Chicago. Since then, it has been to Boston and Houston. After the current three-month stint in Ohio, the interactive exhibit will move on to Minnesota and will continue to travel from museum to museum.<p>The original article is from the <A class="link" HREF="http://www.columbusdispatch.com/live/content/weekender/stories/2008/05/22/9A_KID22.ART_ART_05-22-08_T9_HCA8E39.html?sid=101">Columbus Dispatch</a>. For more information about the exhibit, visit the official <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csitheexperience.org/index.html">website</a>.<center></center>
My school sponsored a trip to COSI Labor Day weekend. I think we only paid an extra $5 to get into the CSI exhibit. While the cases pretty much solved themselves, the sets were really interesting and the whole experience was tons of fun :]