
Hello =3 Not entirely sure if this is precisely the correct place for this, but I just started a new RP site off in the distance of Invision Free land mainly because I was too ridiculously bored to do anything else and because I couldn't find a good CSI RP site to join. ;3

I didn't take any of the canon characters,just signed up as my own character and shoved her in a random supervisor position so I could A. Keep canon open and B. Have my admin powers without looking odd. SO if anyone wants to join, just let me know. It'd be much fun once we got a couple people, I'm sure. :3 Thanks for your time!
Thank you all so much for replying! I PM'd you all. =3

I'm still the only one on the site, so anyone who reads this should know that there are still a -lot- of canon open! I've included the possibility for characters from NY and Miami also! :3
Haha, well, it's not really about what I want. xD If anyone wants to join, they can. Just PM me and I will send you a link. But I will reiterate once more that the RP is on a seperate site and not set up like the RP's here, so if you see the site and are confused, just let me know. =)