'CSI' Ratings Dip Despite Visit From Petersen

CSI Files

The latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, “The Two Mrs Grissoms”, shared the top spot on Thursday, February 3. The episode pulled in 13.80 million viewers, which was down from the previous episode. These numbers were still enough to put it ahead of Grey’s Anatomy (11.10 million), Bones (10.18 million), NBC’s combination of The [...]

I know Petersen wasn't there this week as a ratings ploy, but I still think they should have advertised his return.
Exactly - there may or may not have been a big bump in ratings, but bringing back a former star like that (even for one scene on a computer screen) should get some promo time.

(As I'm looking through Google News for relevant CSI stuff, I noticed that the Entertainment Weekly ratings article has almost the exact same title as the one I wrote - it was totally unintentional, but now I feel bad. I didn't copy anybody, I swear!)
CBS didn't really need to promote it. It got a life of it's own on the Web from CTV's little mistake (and you can't tell me that CBS didn't know what CTV did within an hour of it happening!). I honestly don't think that that many people stopped watching CSI because WP left. Heck, the rating were going down before he left.

CBS didn't really need to promote it. It got a life of it's own on the Web from CTV's little mistake (and you can't tell me that CBS didn't know what CTV did within an hour of it happening!). I honestly don't think that that many people stopped watching CSI because WP left. Heck, the rating were going down before he left.

I disagree with both your points, but I'm not going to rehash the 'when did the ratings start to go down' debate.
But, as to the first point, yes, it did get some buzz on the internet, but not enough to reach millions of Nielson families. I don't know how much 'buzz' is worth, really. With all the buzz that Bieber's appearance in the premier got on the internet, you'd think the episode would have had 50 million viewers. :lol:
The best way to reach an audience is still through tv promos. The 20 million people who watch NCIS, or the 25 million who watch AI, or the 40 million who watch the Super Bowl. That's what makes an impact. The internet buzz is free advertising for the networks so they might try to capitalize on it as much as they can, but I doubt it makes much difference in the overall ratings.
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. . . but not enough to reach millions of Nielson families.
Nielsen's announced in 2007 that it planned to increase its 'families' from about 35,000 to 100,000 in four years. This is a really tiny percentage of total viewers.
An NBC Universal researcher was quoted as saying, in 2007, that their sample group was so small then that a single viewer going on vacation could seriously affect the ratings of a niche cable network show. :shifty:
Source: Want to be a Nielsen family?
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. . . but not enough to reach millions of Nielson families.
Nielsen's announced in 2007 that it planned to increase its 'families' from about 35,000 to 100,000 in four years. This is a really tiny percentage of total viewers.
They were quoted as saying, in 2007, that their sample group was so small then that a single viewer going on vacation could seriously affect the ratings of niche show. :shifty:
Source: Want to be a Nielsen family?
You're right about the Nielson family. Sorry, I should have just said 'viewers', since they do extrapolate. But, my point is still the same, I think.
Everyone knows the Nielson system is archaic, and they are working to bring it more up to date. We'll see what they come up with.
For another angle on this topic: I downloaded this episode on itunes, and discovered that it is the most popular episode of CSI on itunes to date. Another measurement that's probably more tangible, albeit more limited, than the Nielson ratings.
So, there are other ways to measure the worth of an episode, and a series, than Nielson.
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The ratings have been pretty damn good [top rated shows], usually always in the top 10 on the Media thread. Plus, don't forget that their are mega new shows viying for thier piece of the pie. Some fans are wary and tired of the old CSI, and like the fine-tuning of the episodes since WP left. And the old adage "Out of sight, out of mind", is also palatal;)