CSI:NY Quote Guessing Game

It's been a while but I've played this game before in the Miami forum and it was fun.

It this has already been done, please forgive me and mods, please feel free to lock. I didn't see it anywhere though but I could have missed it.

What you do is post a quote and then everyone tries to guess who said it and which episode. Whoever guesses correctly gets to post the next quote. If the winner doesn't post a new quote within 48 hrs, then anyone can post a new quote to keep the game going. Same thing if the poster of the quote doesn't get back to the winner.

Here's an example:

#1-So, a crapsicle killed this guy?
#2-Plain and simple.


I'll start us off:

#1-Oh, that can't be sanitary.
#2-Who cares if it's sanitary. I wanna see the menu.

Yes, it's an easy one.

Have fun. :)
You're right screamingpoet. Now it's your turn.

BTW, the poster declares the winner because eventually the quotes should get harder. However, if the poster doesn't get back within say 24 hours, then by all means continue. ;)
episode was Stuck on You????

Off to bed now, so if it is right can somebody else take my go?
I think we did this before but it's been a while and the thread is buried so deep we might as well hold a memorial service. I still love doing this though so... Bring it on! :D
It has already been done but if the old one pops up I'll lock it. :)
I looked and couldn't find it. ;) Anyway, saramaks said anybody could take her turn. So, whoever wants to post a quote next feel free. I watched 4 episodes of season 1 last night and had all kinds of quotes. Should have written them down because now my mind is blank. :rolleyes:
If you folks don't mind, I'll have a go. Should be pretty easy:

#1- I've slept with a lot of women. Some wild, some crazy, some both.
#2- Excuse me?