CSI:NY For better and for worse. (Danny/Stella)


Hit and Run
Alright, after a long break from spending time here, I'm back, with my 2nd fanfic. Even though i said that i'd make a SMacked fanfic, i was sort of run out of ideas, but i was wondering, what it would be like, if Danny and Stella would get together, and make their own little family.

By the way, i've read the news about Danny and Lindsay, and the pregnancy, but still, i felt this story had to come out :D
Here you go:

CSI:NY For better and for worse.

Chapter 1:

Danny looked around, the only thing missing in the new nursery was their little girl, but that would have to wait, as her and Stella still were at the hospital.

It had been 4 days since she was born, but it had been a rather difficult birth, so the doctor had asked Stella to stay at the hospital with the baby for 5 days.

Danny corrected the pillow in the cradle, and placed the little teddy bear next to it. He was pretty proud of him self, it hadn’t taken him more than 4 days to make a nursery out of a room they used to store some of their stuff.

They had only moved in, in this cute house, 2 months ago. It was laying just outside central park, and it had been rather expensive, but with Stella’s savings, and the money he got from selling his apartment, they could almost afford it, it wasn’t much they had had to loan.

He hadn’t ever thought that he would get a family, with Stella, he had always thought of her, just as a friend, but things had changed, and they had just celebrated their 1 year anniversary 2 months ago.

Which reminded him that another celebration he should get ready for, was Stella’s birthday, well, it was a little late, as her birthday actually was 4 days ago, the day their daughter was born, but he wanted to celebrate her birthday tomorrow, when she came home.

Stella wasn’t expecting him to have all these things ready, but he knew that he had changed a lot over the past 14 months, being with Stella really made him grow up, and he was happier than he had ever imagined.

Well, there were things he couldn’t do as often as he used to, like going to a bar with Flack, or going away for the weekend, just him and his bike.

And then there was the fact that Mac was often around, well he was prepared for that, as Mac was an important part of Stella’s life.

Danny would actually also have to call Mac, to ask for the next 2 weeks off, so that he could spend more time with Stella and the baby, well he could probably just ask him in the morning, he would probably be at the hospital when Danny was going to pick Stella up.

Mac had worried even more about Stella than Danny had, which probably wasn’t going to change, Danny worried a lot about Stella, but Mac worried just a notch more.

But now it was about bedtime, he had been working his ass off all day, to get everything ready, he could barely wait for Stella and their daughter to come home.
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