CSI NEW YORK RPG (Rated R/ 17+) Cannon's Available

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** Hey Everyone

So i wasnt sure where to post this but i figured that since this is where the majority of the CSI New York Fans reside this would be the best place. If my posting here is a nono then i apologize a million times!! I know there are a number of talented writers around here and i figured some might be intrested in this.

CSI NEW YORK RPG (Rated R/ 17+) Cannon's Available

Do you like to solve mysteries? Always wanted to know what it would be like to be a top Criminal investigator in the mean streets of the Big Apple?

Well here is your chance! If you are 17+, an avid and advanced RPer and a fan of the hit CSI: New York show then this game is for you.

Check out: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/CSI_NY_aRPG/

Take a look around and see if this is the place for you. We are accepting all characters and as it's a new game; many cannon's are still up for grabs. A 17+ game means not only will we be exploring the relationships at work but off duty as well.

If this game sounds right for you stop on by and check us out.
This is a PG-13 board for one, and two, websites should be advertised in the Websites forum.

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