CSI: New York--'Playing With Matches'

CSI Files


A team of firefighters responding to a call are shocked when a burning man literally slams into their truck. Sid determines the victim died from smoke inhalation when toxic fumes filled his helmet, and a patch from the Mercury 3 shuttle and the victim's odd trajectory make the CSIs wonder if he did in fact fall from the sky. Sid also makes note of a meat thermometer found by the victim and apparently used to stab him. Kendall Novack offers another theory when she reassembles wood and ceramic debris from the scene and concludes that the victim was a luge racer. Kendall shows Danny and Lindsay that the luge their victim was using was homemade, but notes that his suit was state-of-the-art. Lindsay also notes the victim was covered in a variety of accelerants, indicating he may have been doused and set on fire. Using their victim's estimated velocity at the time he hit the fire truck, Danny and Lindsay are able to determine he was riding his board on 45th street between 6th and 8th. When they go to the location, Lindsay discovers a dip in the road that may have caused their vic to fly off it and into the air. Lindsay finds a metal wheel at the scene and Danny gets a call from Kendall: the patch was purchased off of eBay by a user named "Mercury." Danny and Detective Angell track down a luge racing match and are able to find Mercury, who identifies their victim as "Demon," aka Deckman Hollister. He admits to participating in a brutal race with Demon and to stabbing him with a meat thermometer, but denies killing his rival.

Lindsay is able to recover a logo on the metal wheel: Concrete Cowgirl. Concrete Cowgirl, whose real name is Sandra Cook, is a professional luge racer with big company endorsements. The suit she's wearing in the picture on her website matches the one Deckman was wearing when he died. Danny questions her and she tells him she sent Demon the suit after he broke her official speed record. She raced down the same path Deckman took, hoping to match his speed, but she toppled over before she reached his speed. She insists she didn't kill him, saying she'd never jeopardize her career. Danny and Lindsay return to the lab to recreate the conditions for Deckman's race, and Danny recalls it was raining lightly the night Deckman died. The CSIs realize the rain would have brought up oils from the street, coating Deckman's suit. When they conclude that Deckman must have lost control and tried to stop the luge racer, they look at his shoes and realize the steel beneath the sole ignited the fire--and sent Deckman to his accidental death.

A woman's dead body is literally washed out of a public toilet. Stella identifies her as Vanessa Matlin, a twenty-three-year old social worker. Mac notices defensive wounds on her arms, and finds a knife by her body. Sid determines the wounds weren't fatal; Vanessa drowned when the public toilet filled up with water. Sid recovers red wax from Vanessa's hair and blood from under one of her fingernails. Hawkes processes the bathroom and discovers a polyurithane seal in the sink, clogging up the bathroom. Stella gets a hit in CODIS on the blood under Vanessa's fingernail: it's a match to Seth Riggin, a man Mac helped put away for the murder of a single mother several years before. Mac tells Stella he's certain Seth was the killer, despite the fact that Seth maintained his innocence. After checking the evidence again, Mac pays Seth a visit while Stella searches his cell. She finds a letter in an envelope and takes it back to the lab to analyze. Hawkes traces the red wax in Vanessa's hair to a man named Vinnie Palgrave, recently fired from a port company that uses the red wax to seal bottles of port. Vinnie, a former convict paroled two weeks ago, tells the CSIs that he and Vanessa were dating; they met eight months ago on felonydate.com. He swiped a bottle of port and went to her apartment, but she broke up with him and he left angry--but he insists he left her alive. DNA evidence backs up his claim.

Mac and Flack search felonydate.com and discover that Seth had a profile on it, but deleted it. Stella has the answer: Seth was in a relationship with Vanessa. After trying to decrypt the letter in the envelope, she found his message hidden under two stamps on the envelope, urging Vanessa to "stay strong." Flack thinks Seth got Vanessa to fake an attack in order to make it seem as though he was innocent all along. They ponder how she got Seth's blood until Mac recalls a ketchup packet among Vanessa's personal effects and discovers the red liquid inside is in fact blood, not ketchup. The CSIs are still baffled by what went wrong in the bathroom, until Hawkes discovers three burned wires that controlled the self-cleaning system and the door mechanism. Mac is able to recover prints from the wire and matches them to John Szabo--the owner of a company that was outbid for the public bathroom contract. Hoping to get the city to change their mind and choose his company, he sabotaged the bathroom--with fatal results for Vanessa Matlin. Mac pays Seth one final visit in jail to tell him that his plan has been foiled.


It's one accidental death too many in "Playing with Matches." For one case now and then to turn out to be not murder but an accident is plausible, but two in the space of one episode is a bit much to swallow. I liked that the death of the luge racer turned out to be the result of a series of unfortunate events and not the doing of any one nefarious person, but the fact that the sabotage of the bathroom led to the accidental death of a woman who was trying to exonerate a guilty man by faking an attack was just a little too much.


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Great review, although that seems kind of strange to say since I haven't actually seen the episode yet. :p I think you make great points, though.

I'm not sure this was the best episode to end a potentially-shortened season. Since there doesn't seem to have been any sort of continuity from episode 13, I don't know why NY didn't flip-flop the final two episodes the way Miami did. It would have made more sense, and episode 13 would have been a better way to end it for the time being...(Although, like you say, there could be more episodes--I suppose they could have counted on that when choosing the final order.)

I like Angell, and I'm under the impression that she didn't interact with Flack in this one--that's good. I was starting to wonder if they were only going to use her when they could put her in scenes with Flack. Emmanuelle is great, and I'm glad they brought her back this season--now I'm crossing my fingers that they keep her around, and not just to be the girl-pretty to match Flack's boy-pretty. :p Reducing her to nothing more than stage dressing and a potential love interest would be a real shame.

Kendall...I really really want to like her. I've tried to scold myself if I've been harsh about the character because I know that she's only been in two episodes that I've seen, and characters need time to settle. But I don't get a good feeling about her from this one either.

Although AJ isn't guaranteed to be in every episode despite his contract, not having him in the final two episodes of a potentially-shortened season was a bad move if you ask me. Honestly, if they weren't going to use Adam, they should have just done away with the lab techs and only used the core cast. (Although I suppose they could have signed Bess to do a certain number of episodes or something and needed to include her.) It's not that Bess is a bad actress--I haven't seen much of her to form an opinion--but I just don't think Kendall is a character that NY needs. Lab-Snob Barbie doesn't really fit with the rest of the cast--a quirky sort of girl (regardless of how beautiful) would have been a better fit IMO.
Faylinn said:
I'm not sure this was the best episode to end a potentially-shortened season. Since there doesn't seem to have been any sort of continuity from episode 13, I don't know why NY didn't flip-flop the final two episodes the way Miami did. It would have made more sense, and episode 13 would have been a better way to end it for the time being...(Although, like you say, there could be more episodes--I suppose they could have counted on that when choosing the final order.)

That probably would have ended the season (if this is indeed the end of the season) on a more personal note, but also a real downer. Maybe they didn't want to go out on Danny's intense guilt. Though I agree, it probably would have been a more memorable end. Let's hope the strike is resolved and there are a few more episodes down the road in season four.

Kendall...I really really want to like her. I've tried to scold myself if I've been harsh about the character because I know that she's only been in two episodes that I've seen, and characters need time to settle. But I don't get a good feeling about her from this one either.

Although AJ isn't guaranteed to be in every episode despite his contract, not having him in the final two episodes of a potentially-shortened season was a bad move if you ask me. Honestly, if they weren't going to use Adam, they should have just done away with the lab techs and only used the core cast. (Although I suppose they could have signed Bess to do a certain number of episodes or something and needed to include her.) It's not that Bess is a bad actress--I haven't seen much of her to form an opinion--but I just don't think Kendall is a character that NY needs. Lab-Snob Barbie doesn't really fit with the rest of the cast--a quirky sort of girl (regardless of how beautiful) would have been a better fit IMO.

I think Kendall is kind of unnecessary. I think they're trying to turn her into the quirky pretty girl, but I don't know if it's the writing or Bess Wohl, but it's just not getting across. She just doesn't really fit in the lab. I also think she's the 'one character too many' character. We now have Sid, Angell and Adam as supporting/non-CSI characters. Do we really need any more than that, when there are six CSIs? I know realistically Adam wouldn't be the only lab tech, but really, they've got such nerdy gold with him that I don't see why they're bothering, other than to up the 'hot chick' quota. I think Angell is more than enough in that department, and much more natural as a detective than Wohl is as a lab tech. If they want a woman to balance out Adam in the lab, I think they could do better.