CSI: New York--'Live Or Let Die'

CSI Files


Two men disguised as a doctor and a patient head to the roof of a hospital, where they hijack a helicopter carrying a liver needed for a transplant. When Danny and Flack find the helicopter the next morning, it's been abandoned on a nearby roof, the pilot injured but alive and tied up inside. Mac and Dr. Hawkes discover the body of the intern, Ryan Elliot, who signed for the liver, by the hospital, on a lift truck by a billboard. The liver is missing. Danny processes the helicopter and takes the tape used to tie the pilot up. He also finds glass in the alley from the getaway car. Dr. Hammerback shows Hawkes that the bullet that killed Ryan was a through and through. The bullet, a jacketed round, is still missing. At the police station, Stella and Lindsay meet Charles Cooper, who they've brought in for questioning in the death of Lillian Stanwick, a twenty-two-year old hostess at the restaurant Majorica. Lillian's last call was to Charles, but he claims not to know her. The CSIs don't believe him--Lillian had his business card, and both of their prints were on it. Charles storms out, sticking to his story.

Dr. Keith Beaumont tells Mac he was waiting for the liver to transplant it into his patient, Ed Rice. He doesn't know Ryan, but assumes he was a courier. He also tells Mac that the list of people who would have known about the liver was a long one. On the roof where the helicopter was found, Mac, Flack and Danny follow a blood trail off the roof. They look down into a grate below--the bullet could have fallen into it. Luckily there's a homeless man across the street fishing for money with a homemade contraption, and Mac talks him into loaning them his fishing device. They recover the bullet and take it back to the lab, where Hawkes has surprising news: the prints of the dead intern match a pediatrics intern named Sean Hovac, not Ryan Elliot. Flack and Hawkes bring the real Ryan Elliot in for questioning, suspecting he may be involved with the conspiracy. He insists his absence was pure coincidence--his roommate called at the last minute with Knicks tickets and he talked Sean into signing for and delivering the liver.

Hammerback tells Lindsay that though there's evidence Lillian had sex before she was killed, he has found no defensive wounds. Lillian was killed by a blow to the head, which caused an arterial subdural hemorrhage in her brain. There were no prints on the bike found underneath her body--perhaps she was pushed into it? Stella pays a visit to Lillian's apartment, where she overhears an angry neighbor complaining about a painter who didn't show up to finish his work. In the apartment, Stella discovers an array of business cards from various men. In the lab, Danny works on a latex fleck pulled from the duct tape and the glass from the getaway car, while Mac maps out the case on the glass wall of his office. Mac thinks there must have been someone on the inside helping the thieves. Hawkes tells him the bullet matched a gun used in the robbery of a dry cleaner recently. Flack pays the suspect, a young woman named Angie Watson, a visit in jail. After some encouragement, she describes to him where she abandoned the gun, but won't name her partners, whom Flack suspects she left the gun for.


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Thank you! :) Yeah, I really, really liked this one. It was by far one of the best of the season, and had a different vibe to it than the average CSI: NY episode. I like it when they shake things up. :D
I enjoyed it as well; good review.

It seems we finally have the answer to why Mac always has glass walls in his office: so he can write on them!

Does that mean we don't get any scenes of Mac changing his shirt after a late night in the office (a la Harrison Ford's character in Working Girl)? Bummer. I'll just leave now.

Before I leave, I found the episode average overall (that's actually a good thing, since I love them all), and I agree that the references (both direct and indirect) to Mac's wife and Aiden's case were definite pluses.
Well, you never know! We might see Mac changing through that glass office! :lol: Anything is possible. ;) But I was laughing when I saw him writing on his wall with the dry erase marker! That's a novel use of glass walls. :D
Top41 said:
But I was laughing when I saw him writing on his wall with the dry erase marker! That's a novel use of glass walls. :D

Hey, we use what we can. ;)

Then again, those glass walls can come back around and bite you in the ass. Especially if there's a two people getting a little too close to one another and the whole lab can see. Talk about gossip!
I know! Mac didn't think the whole thing through very well...those walls just beg for nosy people to look in and spy on their boss. And I'm sure the NY CSI lab has an office gossip. :lol:
"Would these eyes lie?" => the line that made the episode! Oh Flack.... what would CSI:NY be without you? And another chase scene -- geez, I could get used to that big time! I love the fact that he did shorten Danny's nickname more -- they seem to be hella comfy with each other that they converse without even looking at each other. And both of them with guns drawn, hallelujah! One question, Flack's left-handed, right? *sniff* Why doesn't he represent? Lol...

Is it just me or does Danny have that one same shirt in different colors? What happened to all those crisp dress shirts? And Flack loves pattern on pattern. Stella and Lindsey buy from the same shop. I am almost forgetting how Mac looks like with a tie. Lol....

Another Hawkes-Hammerback scene! *love*
The 'does it turn you on' Dantana scene, idk -- but it was kinda amusing to watch. Danny and Lindsey do have bouts of awkwardness when they're in a room together... whether they're talking or not. It was like watching an Entertainment Tonight interview. "Does it turn you on?" -- oh man, imagine Aiden asking Danny that! Oh and what if Flack is also in the room. Hahahhaha....

Speaking of Aiden, it's so nice to see her again. It's good to know that CSI:NY is one of the shows that doesn't forget its former castmates once they are off the show. Does Lindsey know Pratt prior to this investigation? That part wasn't clear to me.

On the last scene, where Mac talks about the suspect's wife .... the only thing that would make that more dramatic -- is if Mac exits the room, goes straight to his office and contemplate. Then Stella checks up on him. *sigh*

Lindsey as a character? Before, she's starting to grow on me. Probably her heavy sighs and the way her lips twitch. But now... idk. I wouldn't care less if she got the whole 45-mins to herself.

Btw, CSI:Miami -- I can't watch H scenes with a straight face anymore hahahaaha.....
Flack's awesome. His lines are so perfect! And his shortening Danny's name was just adorable. :D Those two areso cute.

Danny seems like the kind of guy to have one shirt in different colors. :lol:

Aiden would have already known if it turned Danny on. She's a little sharper about men than Lindsay is, I think. ;)

I think Stella filled Lindsay in on Pratt--I don't think she knew beforehand.
Lindsey didn't even reacted when she realized that Stella knew who Pratt is. Which I found odd. Idk. Hahahah...

Aiden doesn't need to ask Danny what turned him on -- after all, they know what a RoboSpanker is. Lol!