CSI: New York--'Enough'

CSI Files

<p><b>Synopsis:</b><p>Three men are found dead in one night, all victims of fatal gun shot wounds. One is killed in bar, one is found dead in the street, apparently dumped from a car, and the third is found in an apartment that belongs to the man in the bar. The three victims are identified as Michael Jones, Duckins LaBranch and Luther Stockton--three drug dealers who were set to go to trial for murder the next day. The ADA on the case, Natalie Greer, tells Mac the men were going to rat out another dealer in exchange for lessened sentences, and sends him to Jones's lawyer, Jacob Donovan. Donovan tells Mac that the men were going to rat out a dealer named Petrix DeRosier. Before going with Flack to question Petrix, Danny discovers the two recovered murder weapons were the ones the three men used when they killed their victim. Danny and Flack question Petrix, but he gives them nothing, simply noting that the murders were bad for his business. Stella and Detective Angell find the vehicle Duckins was killed in--it was stolen by the prostitute he was with when he was killed. She denies killing him, but Angell notices blood on her bra, and Stella finds the third murder weapon in the car. As the case proceeds, Mac finds himself facing a very different problem: Adam and six other lab techs are being let go in a month due to budget cuts. Mac fights Sinclair for Adam's job and posits waiting six months to purchase state-of-the-art automated work stations, but Stella reminds him how crucial the workstations are, and says they'll have to find another way to save Adam's job.<p>Stella investigates stun gun marks on Duckins' body and traces them to Maggie Hall--a woman who was attacked, her face brutally cut, a week ago by the three murder victims. Maggie was set to testify in the trial against the three, something which shocks Mac, since he promised her based on the strength of the evidence that she wouldn't have to testify. Maggie's three brothers are enraged, and Mac returns to ADA Greer, who tells him some of the evidence was compromised, forcing them to call on Maggie. Petrix DeRosier is cleared based on electronic surveillance evidence which places him nowhere near the scene of any of the crimes, and Lindsay posits that a substance found on one of the guns could link it to Maggie's brother Kevin, who works at a grocery store. Three brothers, three murders--but none of them are talking. Adam finally manages to get a print off some glass from the bar Danny has left him to reassemble; it's a match for Jacob Donovan, Michael Jones' lawyer. Mac brings in the three men's lawyers and he, Danny and Flack question them. Disgusted after the attack on Maggie, Donovan concocted the plan to do away with their disreputable clients. All three lawyers killed each of their clients at the same time. Donovan won't give Mac an official confession; he's convinced he can get a young, eager attorney to work the system and get them acquitted. The case solved, the team members come into Mac's office one by one and give up their paid vacations in order to buy Adam more time on the job until Mac can come up with a more permanent solution.<p><b>Analysis:</b><p>It's a rare episode of a <i>CSI</i> show when I find myself rooting for the killers, but oh, I was rooting for the killers this time around. The last time I recall finding killers so sympathetic in <i>CSI: NY</i> was last season's <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/newyork/season4/commuted_sentences.shtml">"Commuted Sentences"</a>, when several women teamed up to kill rapists who had more or less beat the system. The CSIs are supposed to stick to the evidence, but, like the audience, they're only human, and they can't help but have an opinion. And it's hard not to simply conclude that the murder of three killers who brutally attacked a witness isn't justice in a sense, albeit not the traditional sort usually meted out on <i>CSI</i> shows.<p>I loved the scene in the precinct after the arrest of the Hall brothers, when Danny and Flack are talking about whether or not the brothers were justified, and how a jury would perceive them. Bleeding heart Danny thinks any jury would acquit, while Flack, ever the tough, hardened cop, thinks the jury wouldn't let them off scot free. When Mac comes in, the two are eager to get his opinion, and Flack asks Mac the same question Danny asked him, "What if it were your sister?" Mac thinks for a second and answers honestly: "I'd kill them." It's a nice, straightforward moment between the three, where they come off not as mere instruments of justice, but real men unable to keep from having opinions about the case.<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full reviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/enough.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Great review as always Kristine! :D

Guest star J. R. Cacia was fantastic as ringer leader Jacob Donovan. He never seemed to be the soulless schmuck Mac was so ready to peg him--and all lawyers--as in their first encounter. He had a genuine demeanor that suggested he'd be better suited to the DA's office than to life as a criminal defense attorney taking on drug dealers and murders as clients. The image of the lawyers shucking their suits and donning blue hoodies--garb their low life clients might opt for--and going out on the town to kill their own clients is a rich one. It's a truly inspired twist.
I agree that it was a great twist but I wasn't quite surprised they did it. I've seen my fair share of law school classmates being all idealistic and after practicing law for a while get cynical, embittered and hardened, especially those specializing in criminal law. I actually don't blame them for what they did. I guess they could only take so much. Oh well...

Carmine Giovinazzo and Eddie Cahill play off each other masterfully. It's so much fun to see Danny and Flack work together, something we've thankfully seen a lot of this season.
Well said. I always love the banter between these two. It's always hilarious when they work together, well, most of the time anyway. Maybe it's because they've both got a smart mouth. :lol:
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You know I love your reviews by now. :p

Killing the killers with their own guns was definitely poetic - and they were definitely sympathetic perps. The guys they killed were total scumbags, no doubt about that.

Angell is back! Yay! :D :D :D I loved her interaction with Danny and the way she dealt with the hooker. :p

Danny and Flack on the swings was adorable. :lol: I always love their scenes, but something like that is fun - it makes you wonder if that was in the script or if they came up with it when they were filming. :p Who could resist using the swing when it's Right There? :lol:

Speaking of adorable - oh, Adam. *hugs him* The poor dear. His first scene with Mac went from amusing (when he was nervously rambling) to sad (when we found out he was going to lose his job) to 'aww' (when he said he was glad Mac hadn't been the one to make the decision - I'd like to see a bit more of their relationship. It seems like Adam might look at Mac as sort of a father figure). I also liked seeing Mac's anger at losing a valuable member of his team - Stella's points about the machinery were valid, of course, but I liked that Mac made it clear that machines can't replace talented people.

His seeming lack of concern for the other lab techs losing their jobs was slightly amusing, though. :p

It kind of sucks that Adam is at the 'bottom of the totem pole' so to speak - I mean really, he's kind of the unsung hero of the lab. He often does the dirtiest or most tedious jobs, he can find the most obscure evidence, and how many times has he cracked the case? - yet when it comes time to get rid of people, he's one of the first to go.

The rest of the team sacrificing their vacations to give him a bit more time was a very sweet gesture. I bet as soon as Stella mentioned the idea, it didn't take much to convince them. After all, how in the hell would they function without the X-Factor in their midst? :lol:

It's interesting that they didn't come up with a quick solution for the problem - one thing that guarantees is continuity for at least a few months, and it also guarantees some more good moments for Adam in upcoming episodes. I'm really glad TPTB saw what a great character Adam was and added him to the series regulars - it makes it less believable that he'd really be leaving, but he's gotten some great stuff and it looks like that trend is going to continue. And while we might not buy that Adam is really going to lose his job, it'll still be fun to watch the episodes and see how they go about saving his ass. ;)

Also, Danny totally needs to find his glasses. I'm used to seeing pictures of Carmine without them, but they're part of Danny as a character - a small part, but one that I see no reason to be rid of. If Carmine had laser eye surgery, they can get him fake glasses or whatever. :lol:
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it's interesting that Danny and Lindsay are clearly taking separate vacations.
And Yeah. Umm. Wedding's just fall through do they? That very day? That very day Danny cancelled his vacation? And uh. What month are we in on the show. Has it been stated? And why did she mention ITALY. ITALY of all places. Isnt that where Danny's family comes from?

Its also highly possible that Danny had organized that vacation without Lindsay's knowledge as a surprise. And vise versa.:rolleyes:

In saying that, its also very possible that none of them were ever going anywhere. Just saying that, to try and save Adams job.

This episode was filmed only days before, TPTB gave this spoiler.

Danny and Lindsay's relationship will continue stronger than ever, with a little bump along the way
Im pretty sure, they didnt change direction that quick.:rolleyes:

And ya know what. Who cares if they did change direction. It's their show, they can do what they want. I mean were people not cheering them when they thought TPTB had changed direction at the end of last season. Those same people are yelling at TPTB now, for according to them, doing the exact same thing they were praising them for, not that long ago.:rolleyes:

Oh, Lindsay, I'm sure you've had plenty of bad sex--no doubt you scrunch your face up and hope it won't last longer than 10 minutes. It takes two to make it good, honey. No doubt Lindsay is as joyless about sex as she is about everything else save for brown-nosing.
Ya know, I get you dont like Lindsay, but seriously that comment is just ridiculous. Do you realise how silly that comment sounds to people reading it? That IMO is just plain crude. I get your a reviewer and all, and its only your opinion, but could you sort of make you bias's not so blatently obvious. Your hatred for the character is shining through to a point, well to a point, that your reviews come off highly offensive in parts. And before you come down on me. Like you say about AB, you put yourself out there, you should expect the criticism.

Whats done is done. The storyline is happening, and no amount of yelling, obscenity and ranting is going to change that.
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Great review, Kristine. :)

it's interesting that Danny and Lindsay are clearly taking separate vacations.
And Yeah. Umm. Wedding's just fall through do they? That very day? That very day Danny cancelled his vacation? And uh. What month are we in on the show. Has it been stated? And why did she mention ITALY. ITALY of all places. Isnt that where Danny's family comes from?

And it was pretty obvious, to me anyway,(specially given the moods of both D and L) that D and L cancelling crap was supposed to be connected to their upcoming storyline.

:confused: I disagree. I thought it was quite clear that the cancelling of vacations was in order to help keep Adam's job for longer. That's why Stella and Hawkes also cancelled their leave. I don't believe any of their plans fell through at all, the wedding is probably still going ahead, they just used those excuses as their reasons not to take the leave.

Even if their upcoming storyline was why they were cancelling stuff, why would Danny cancel anything considering he doesn't know that Lindsay is pregnant yet? That wouldn't make sense.

And ya know what. Who cares if they did change direction. It's their show, they can do what they want. I mean were people not cheering them when they thought TPTB had changed direction at the end of last season. Those same people are yelling at TPTB now, for according to them, doing the exact same thing they were praising them for, not that long ago.:rolleyes:

No one is saying that they can't change direction if they want to.

Oh, Lindsay, I'm sure you've had plenty of bad sex--no doubt you scrunch your face up and hope it won't last longer than 10 minutes. It takes two to make it good, honey. No doubt Lindsay is as joyless about sex as she is about everything else save for brown-nosing.
Ya know, I get you dont like Lindsay, but seriously that comment is just ridiculous. Do you realise how silly that comment sounds to people reading it? That IMO is just plain crude. I get your a reviewer and all, and its only your opinion, but could you sort of make you bias's not so blatently obvious. Your hatred for the character is shining through to a point, well to a point, that your reviews come off highly offensive in parts. And before you come down on me. Like you say about AB, you put yourself out there, you should expect the criticism.

:confused: I don't see that quote in the review. Probably because the review doesn't mention it. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion, and Kristine obviously welcomes feedback on her reviews, so I won't try and speak for her, but perhaps that comment should be referred to in the forum it was made in, rather than in here as it doesn't pertain to the review.

Whats done is done. The storyline is happening, and no amount of yelling, obscenity and ranting is going to change that.

Again, I can't see any yelling, obscenity or ranting in here.
Kudos to you guys for getting the review up so quickly! :thumbsup:

As you can tell from my name, I'm a Flack girl! What can I say, I :adore: a man who knows his Scooby Doo, likes Tom and Jerry and would kill anyone who messed with his sister! That moment when Flack knocked Petrix off the swing and then gave that hard, cold stare to his approaching muscleman was pure gold. I almost leapt off the chair and screamed "Yeah baby!" :luvlove: I was into the moment, what can I say? I want to see that stare again! I liked that he did something tough rather than just made a sarcastic remark. For me, Flack and Danny were pure gold last night! I loved them together. They are electric when they're onscreen bantering with each other. They need an episode all to themselves.

The story last night didn't wow me. I work with lawyers and believe me they wouldn't stick their necks out to get their assistant a day off let alone commit murder . That's how I know it's fiction. :guffaw:

They spend so much time each show telling us how they collect/process evidence but last night they didn't really show us how they arrived at the three lawyers. I know there was something about a fingerprint. They seemed more intent on introducing the twist in the tale.

Angell fans, I'm sorry, but she cannot act! She's a beautiful girl but she can't act. Her eyes and face are so blank. She just waits for her cue and says her line and then waits for the next person to say their line. It's bad.

Adam: how cute was he when he described himself as being 'devastatingly handsome'? :cool: They should fire Lindsay and keep Adam.

Stella: beautiful lady and I like her character but Melina K does this thing which is annoying. Whenever someone says something profound, she stares off into the distance and purses her lips in that "things that make you go hmmm" fashion. It's soap opera acting and she's past that now. I wish she didn't do that.
Ya know, I get you dont like Lindsay, but seriously that comment is just ridiculous. Do you realise how silly that comment sounds to people reading it? That IMO is just plain crude. I get your a reviewer and all, and its only your opinion, but could you sort of make you bias's not so blatently obvious. Your hatred for the character is shining through to a point, well to a point, that your reviews come off highly offensive in parts. And before you come down on me. Like you say about AB, you put yourself out there, you should expect the criticism.
:confused: I don't see that quote in the review. Probably because the review doesn't mention it. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion, and Kristine obviously welcomes feedback on her reviews, so I won't try and speak for her, but perhaps that comment should be referred to in the forum it was made in, rather than in here as it doesn't pertain to the review.

I didn't see it either from Kristine's official review but I think melanie33 quoted it from Top's post from the Grade 'Enough' thread.
Thanks for the interesting review. For what I have seen this was an enjoyable episode and good to see Adam to get some of the limelight.

Oh, Lindsay, I'm sure you've had plenty of bad sex--no doubt you scrunch your face up and hope it won't last longer than 10 minutes. It takes two to make it good, honey. No doubt Lindsay is as joyless about sex as she is about everything else save for brown-nosing.
Ya know, I get you dont like Lindsay, but seriously that comment is just ridiculous. Do you realise how silly that comment sounds to people reading it? That IMO is just plain crude. I get your a reviewer and all, and its only your opinion, but could you sort of make you bias's not so blatently obvious. Your hatred for the character is shining through to a point, well to a point, that your reviews come off highly offensive in parts. And before you come down on me. Like you say about AB, you put yourself out there, you should expect the criticism.

:confused: I don't see that quote in the review. Probably because the review doesn't mention it. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion, and Kristine obviously welcomes feedback on her reviews, so I won't try and speak for her, but perhaps that comment should be referred to in the forum it was made in, rather than in here as it doesn't pertain to the review.

Whats done is done. The storyline is happening, and no amount of yelling, obscenity and ranting is going to change that.

Again, I can't see any yelling, obscenity or ranting in here.

Sorry but I have to agree with melanie33 when I saw that comment in the other thread I have to say I was very much shocked by it and I found it quite below the belt. I understand that some people don't like a character and that is very much their right, but it is also the right of other people to like a character. I did not see that as constructive criticism, I saw it very much as character bashing. But as you pointed it this comment she be put in the forum thread it was put it so I will raise my concerns. Unfortunetly I have my doubts it would be heard.
I didn't see it either from Kristine's official review but I think melanie33 quoted it from Top's post from the Grade 'Enough' thread.

That is exactly my point.


LME said:
I understand that some people don't like a character and that is very much their right, but it is also the right of other people to like a character. I did not see that as constructive criticism, I saw it very much as character bashing. But as you pointed it this comment she be put in the forum thread it was put it so I will raise my concerns. Unfortunetly I have my doubts it would be heard.

Well, we're all here for discussion. But I'm not sure that anyone needs to necessarily be constructively critical about a character, of course if it was a mention of the actor I think that would be different, but a character isn't real, so I don't see anything wrong with voicing your opinion on them, both positive and negative. I can't speak for Kristine, but I took the comment to be more humourous and jokey rather than anything else, I see no reason for anyone to take it personally.

And thanks, keeping it in the forum would be preferable. If you disagree with any comments made about a character, please feel free to voice your alternative viewpoint. That is always welcome.
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it's interesting that Danny and Lindsay are clearly taking separate vacations.
And Yeah. Umm. Wedding's just fall through do they? That very day? That very day Danny cancelled his vacation? And uh. What month are we in on the show. Has it been stated? And why did she mention ITALY. ITALY of all places. Isnt that where Danny's family comes from?

Its also highly possible that Danny had organized that vacation without Lindsay's knowledge as a surprise. And vise versa.:rolleyes:

In saying that, its also very possible that none of them were ever going anywhere. Just saying that, to try and save Adams job.

Considering Stella specifically said they were all giving up a week of vacation to extend Adam's time in the lab and Hawkes made the comment that "San Francisco is closed" as a way of explaining cancelling his vacation it was pretty obvious they were all going somewhere. Also Lindsay was making the excuse that the wedding was cancelled to explain her giving up the vacation. And when did we learn that Danny has family in Italy?? I don't recall that being stated on the show. Another thing is that would Mac really let two people on the same team take vacation the same week? That would leave them short staffed. Obviously not everyone was taking vacation the same week but the vacations were staggered. They were taking seperate vacations. There's no way that scene can be interpreted any other way.

And ya know what. Who cares if they did change direction. It's their show, they can do what they want. I mean were people not cheering them when they thought TPTB had changed direction at the end of last season. Those same people are yelling at TPTB now, for according to them, doing the exact same thing they were praising them for, not that long ago.:rolleyes:

This comment really belongs in another thread, but I'll respond anyway. Obviously if people don't like Lindsay and/or Danny and Lindsay together they're not going to be happy about the sudden change in direction to keep them tied together. Conversely, it seems pretty obvious that people who don't like Lindsay and/or DL would be happy that TPTB seemingly was deciding to change course with the story line and separate the two at least temporarily. Everyone is more than aware that TPTB can and will do what they please with their show. It doesn't mean everyone has to like it. I seem to recall people going completely over the edge when Danny slept with Rikki and are now singing TPTB's praises over the direction the story is now taking. It's funny how that's OK but the opposite isn't.

Oh, Lindsay, I'm sure you've had plenty of bad sex--no doubt you scrunch your face up and hope it won't last longer than 10 minutes. It takes two to make it good, honey. No doubt Lindsay is as joyless about sex as she is about everything else save for brown-nosing.
Ya know, I get you dont like Lindsay, but seriously that comment is just ridiculous. Do you realise how silly that comment sounds to people reading it? That IMO is just plain crude. I get your a reviewer and all, and its only your opinion, but could you sort of make you bias's not so blatently obvious. Your hatred for the character is shining through to a point, well to a point, that your reviews come off highly offensive in parts. And before you come down on me. Like you say about AB, you put yourself out there, you should expect the criticism.

Whats done is done. The storyline is happening, and no amount of yelling, obscenity and ranting is going to change that.

Who's yelling and using obscenities?? It never fails to amaze and amuse me that people get so offended and take comments so personally on behalf of a fictional character. Lindsay doesn't exist so she can't be offended. Also, as Elsie said, this comment wasn't even in the official review, so your "criticism" of it doesn't belong in this thread. There's a distinct difference between Kristine's professional reviews and what is said in a message board thread.

On a more positive note, I loved the review as always. Danny and Flack proved once again they deserve their own "cop buddy" show. :D And Adam was wonderful.
Danny and Flack on the swings was adorable. :lol: I always love their scenes, but something like that is fun - it makes you wonder if that was in the script or if they came up with it when they were filming. :p Who could resist using the swing when it's Right There? :lol:

I could easily see it being spontaneous--and isn't it so very Danny to go sit in the swing the drug dealer has just been forced to vacate? :lol: I love how Flack did that, by the way. The man might give lip, but he takes none.

It kind of sucks that Adam is at the 'bottom of the totem pole' so to speak - I mean really, he's kind of the unsung hero of the lab. He often does the dirtiest or most tedious jobs, he can find the most obscure evidence, and how many times has he cracked the case? - yet when it comes time to get rid of people, he's one of the first to go.

It does suck, but is often the way it is. More often than not, the most valuable people are the one doing the grunt work.

Also, Danny totally needs to find his glasses. I'm used to seeing pictures of Carmine without them, but they're part of Danny as a character - a small part, but one that I see no reason to be rid of. If Carmine had laser eye surgery, they can get him fake glasses or whatever. :lol:


it's interesting that Danny and Lindsay are clearly taking separate vacations.
And Yeah. Umm. Wedding's just fall through do they? That very day? That very day Danny cancelled his vacation? And uh. What month are we in on the show. Has it been stated? And why did she mention ITALY. ITALY of all places. Isnt that where Danny's family comes from?

Its also highly possible that Danny had organized that vacation without Lindsay's knowledge as a surprise. And vise versa.:rolleyes:

In saying that, its also very possible that none of them were ever going anywhere. Just saying that, to try and save Adams job.

This episode was filmed only days before, TPTB gave this spoiler.

You're reaching. ;)

And ya know what. Who cares if they did change direction. It's their show, they can do what they want. I mean were people not cheering them when they thought TPTB had changed direction at the end of last season. Those same people are yelling at TPTB now, for according to them, doing the exact same thing they were praising them for, not that long ago.:rolleyes:

Most of this makes no sense, but as for TPTB changing direction, I don't see anyone in here denying them that right. I'm just observing it.

Oh, Lindsay, I'm sure you've had plenty of bad sex--no doubt you scrunch your face up and hope it won't last longer than 10 minutes. It takes two to make it good, honey. No doubt Lindsay is as joyless about sex as she is about everything else save for brown-nosing.
Ya know, I get you dont like Lindsay, but seriously that comment is just ridiculous. Do you realise how silly that comment sounds to people reading it? That IMO is just plain crude. I get your a reviewer and all, and its only your opinion, but could you sort of make you bias's not so blatently obvious. Your hatred for the character is shining through to a point, well to a point, that your reviews come off highly offensive in parts. And before you come down on me. Like you say about AB, you put yourself out there, you should expect the criticism.

Made in a completely different thread and a completely different forum, but as Elsie says, pretty obviously a joke. In the informal review thread for the episode, I get more casual than I do in my professional review for the site. ;)

As you can tell from my name, I'm a Flack girl! What can I say, I :adore: a man who knows his Scooby Doo, likes Tom and Jerry and would kill anyone who messed with his sister! That moment when Flack knocked Petrix off the swing and then gave that hard, cold stare to his approaching muscleman was pure gold. I almost leapt off the chair and screamed "Yeah baby!" :luvlove: I was into the moment, what can I say? I want to see that stare again! I liked that he did something tough rather than just made a sarcastic remark. For me, Flack and Danny were pure gold last night! I loved them together. They are electric when they're onscreen bantering with each other. They need an episode all to themselves.

Flack and Danny really are my favorite thing about this show. The humor the two generate is just unparalleled. I'd love to see these two get their own episode!
Firstly, I have to agree with Flackette. EV (Angell) cannot act. She just always falls so flat for me. I think that could be why I have a hard time getting behind the Angell/Flack ship because Flack stands out and his personality really comes through whereas Angell seems so flat. JMO though.

I could not stop laughing when Flack and Danny were sitting on the swings together! How cute are they?! :lol:

Also, maybe I'm reaching but did anyone get a slight feeling of foreshadowing regarding Flack's sister when he, Mac, and Danny were having the "What if it was your sister?" discussion. I mean we already know that Sam often finds herself in trouble and I think it could be a great episode if not arc for Flack. I mean imagine the conflict he'd go through? Knowing he'd have to play it by the book but at the same time wanting revenge.

I really liked that the team rallied around Adam. Hawkes' excuse was by far the best! "San Francisco is closed in January!" :lol:

And just my two cents, the comment made by someone about Lindsay and the bad sex did come off a little crass... Just sayin...
Also, maybe I'm reaching but did anyone get a slight feeling of foreshadowing regarding Flack's sister when he, Mac, and Danny were having the "What if it was your sister?" discussion. I mean we already know that Sam often finds herself in trouble and I think it could be a great episode if not arc for Flack. I mean imagine the conflict he'd go through? Knowing he'd have to play it by the book but at the same time wanting revenge.

Good point. We've kind of had two sister references recently, though the last one was directed at Danny. I hope nothing truly terrible happens to Sam--Flack would be devastated.
His seeming lack of concern for the other lab techs losing their jobs was slightly amusing, though.
Yes, so Adam gets to keep his job for an extra month or so. Too bad about the other five techs.
I found the whole 'oh I won't take a vacation so my co-worker' scene to be a bit ridiculous. If I was one of the other five techs, I'd be severely pissed off by tat.