CSI: New York--'Down The Rabbit Hole'

CSI Files


The dead body of a young woman dressed in a leather outfit and a bright green wig is found slain in a mannequin warehouse, a gunshot wound to her head. Sid Hammerback notes that several knife wounds to her neck indicate she was tortured, and that she's had extensive cosmetic surgery, including a facelift. The CSIs begin to process evidence from the scene: a male customized doll wearing a shirt with the name Johnny on it, a wood shaving and a tick. Adam finds a Google image match for the woman: a popular avatar named Venus from the online meta-world Second Life. Through Second Life's records, the CSIs are able to identify their victim as Cheryl Miller, but Mac has to enter the world of Second Life to find Don Juan 2-3, aka Johnny O'Dell, whom Cheryl was involved with. With Adam as his guide and intervention from Stella, Mac is able to find Johnny and Adam traces his IP address to his location. When Danny and Flack go to pick him up, he tries to run, and they are surprised to discover he has a gun.

Johnny admits he and Cheryl were involved and that he had plans to meet up with her that night, but that he stood her up because he suffers from acute multiple sclerosis and is dying. He's shocked to learn Venus is dead since he saw her avatar online only a few hours before. His gun, which he bought because of his degenerative illness, is not a match to the bullet that killed Cheryl. Mac goes back into Second Life looking for Venus and with Adam's help is able to jump through the hoops to track her down, only to find another avatar pursuing her, accusing her of being a fake. Adam is able to get the other avatar's address just before his connection is lost. The CSIs rush to the address only to discover Johnny O'Dell dead at the kitchen table, shot execution-style just like Cheryl. Based on striation markings, Hawkes confirms that the bullet came from the same gun that killed Cheryl, and also ties the gun to another crime: the murder of a one Judge McHenry in the woods of New Jersey a week ago.

While Stella and Danny visit the real Gearhead shoe designer who Venus purchased trendy shoes online from for a date with an avatar named Mr. TCB, Mac tracks her online, but she infects the lab computers with a virus, forcing them to shut down. The CSIs turn to Mr. TCB--a congressional aide named David King, but he admits to them that it's his boss, Congressman Devane, who uses the Mr. TCB avatar in Second Life. Mac puts it together: the killer is a paid assassin who killed Cheryl to gain access to her avatar and arrange a date with the congressman. Johnny was killed when he got in the way. The CSIs rush to the New York hotel where Devane is staying, but they're seconds too late. Mac catches up with the assassin--a young blonde woman--but she shoots a man she's taken hostage in order to escape, and though Mac pursues her, she slips away through a trash chute.


As someone who didn't know anything about Second Life before the press for the episode came out and hadn't seen the interface until tonight's episode, I have to say, I'm impressed. The graphics were cool, and the moniker "Second Life" is fitting, as the meta world Mac jumped into is just that--an entire world where people interact, attend social functions and even shop for hip new accessories. I was a little skeptical going into the episode about how well Second Life would mesh with the investigation, but with Adam chasing IPs as Mac interacted with suspects, the script sold the idea of the online world being a crucial part of the investigation.


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Thought I don't watch NY much, only seen about 3 eps ever, I did enjoy this one.

Adam teaching Mac how to use that systems was utterly hilrious. Mac trying to hit on the avatar as a male and being addicted to it to find Venus were quite true.

The one thing that bothered me was they portrayed gamers as people who only live in front of the computer or their chosen system. Yes there are some that do that, but a majority are out living their lives. Some may sitting next to you at the office meeting, be your boss, or be yourself. Sometimes labeling can be taken too far, especially in some tv shows.

Over all it was a good ep, too bad the killer got away. Hope they finally solve the case I really want to know why the other women did it. My theory is that she was jealous that the other woman was so popular and could do whatever she wanted, and the other wanted all that.
Kristine, my darling, who's your favorite nit-picker? :p

THe CSIs turn to Mr. TCB
Darn shift key. ;)

Great review, as always. Adam and Mac were awesome together in this episode--proof that they should have more scenes together if you ask me. ;) The little battle scene was utterly unnecessary in the big scheme of things, but Adam made it worthwhile anyway. :p

I'm curious to know how they're going to continue the Second Life thing--if the woman is still using Venus' avatar, they could follow her. If Venus doesn't do anything until next year, I doubt she'd be a cyber celebrity any more--even in Second Life, I'm thinking that people are fickle. :p

The thing with Danny's wardrobe is hilarious. The fangirls get what the fangirls want, but I didn't know we wanted so much of it. ;)
wolfesgamergirl said:
Thought I don't watch NY much, only seen about 3 eps ever, I did enjoy this one.

Adam teaching Mac how to use that systems was utterly hilrious. Mac trying to hit on the avatar as a male and being addicted to it to find Venus were quite true.

That was really cool. You could tell Mac was just having fun with the whole thing. I wonder if after it's all over, he'll give it another go to see how he'd fare in one of those fights.

The one thing that bothered me was they portrayed gamers as people who only live in front of the computer or their chosen system. Yes there are some that do that, but a majority are out living their lives. Some may sitting next to you at the office meeting, be your boss, or be yourself. Sometimes labeling can be taken too far, especially in some tv shows.

I actually thought the "anybody could enjoy this" was well illustrated not only by Mac and Adam (who said he's in Second Life) but also by the congressman. Granted, he was being a sleaze, but he presented a counter-point to the idea that all gamers are shut ins who sit on the computer all day (like Cheryl and Johnny were portrayed).

Over all it was a good ep, too bad the killer got away. Hope they finally solve the case I really want to know why the other women did it. My theory is that she was jealous that the other woman was so popular and could do whatever she wanted, and the other wanted all that.

I hope it goes a little deeper than that she was a paid assassin, or at least we find some sort of connection between the victims.

Faylinn said:
Kristine, my darling, who's your favorite nit-picker? :p/quote]

You, definitely you! :D And fixed. :cool:

[quote[Great review, as always. Adam and Mac were awesome together in this episode--proof that they should have more scenes together if you ask me. ;) The little battle scene was utterly unnecessary in the big scheme of things, but Adam made it worthwhile anyway. :p

Agreed and agreed. It's a great example of a character in his element being given a chance to shine and really owning the scene. It wasn't necessary, but it was fun and at the end of the day, that's what matters.

I'm curious to know how they're going to continue the Second Life thing--if the woman is still using Venus' avatar, they could follow her. If Venus doesn't do anything until next year, I doubt she'd be a cyber celebrity any more--even in Second Life, I'm thinking that people are fickle. :p

I wonder that, too. Second Life is going to factor into the conclusion ep, so my guess would be she resurfaces around that time. I've seen it happen on message boards--when a popular poster leaves for a while and then resurfaces, there's definitely some attention there.

The thing with Danny's wardrobe is hilarious. The fangirls get what the fangirls want, but I didn't know we wanted so much of it. ;)

It cracks me up, too. Don't get me wrong--I love the white shirt. He looks very, very attractive in the white shirt. But in three out of the five episodes? Poor Danny really does get pimped out on this show, but, as I've said before, it's nice to have a man rather than a woman being played up as the sex symbol on the show. But if Danny can afford a motorcycle, a pool table, and a really swanky apartment, he should have a few more items in his wardrobe.
Great review Kristine. :)

the young, hip (at least in the net-world) lab tech who has a certain geek chic quality

Oh my. That is just the best description of Adam! Geek chic is awesome…

I did enjoy this episode, I have to say that I mostly enjoyed it for Adam and Mac’s scenes, and for the (beautifully) excessive gun/vest porn.

Personally, I found it to be a little bit too much of an advert for Second Life. Whilst I appreciate that it was always going to be that way, what with the ‘game’ supposedly moving into the online world after Venus escapes, it was still a bit much… But from my point of view, Adam made it worthwhile, in fact I don’t think it would have worked with anyone else. :lol:

AJ Buckley really was fantastic, and I think this episode definitely showed why they have bumped him up to regular character status. Now, if we could just get him into those opening credits….
Top41 said:
I wonder if after it's all over, he'll give it another go to see how he'd fare in one of those fights.
You know, when I was re-watching the episode a few minutes ago, I noticed that they kind of focused on Mac a moment when they were talking to Johnny about how he could fall in love in Second Life despite any problems in real life--and I wondered if they might be implying that Mac would consider that (after the thing with Peyton)--or at least understand the appeal of it for the purpose of believing Johnny...

I've seen it happen on message boards--when a popular poster leaves for a while and then resurfaces, there's definitely some attention there.
True, true...

But if Danny can afford a motorcycle, a pool table, and a really swanky apartment, he should have a few more items in his wardrobe.
Well, if he's pumping all of his money into an apartment that he barely spends time in, he might not have enough to buy new clothes--his priorities are a bit backwards. :p

But I think this shirt was slightly different, actually--it had dark stitching. Have any of the others had that? Are they playing on a white-shirt theme for him this season or something? :lol:

Elsie said:
I have to say that I mostly enjoyed it for Adam and Mac’s scenes, and for the (beautifully) excessive gun/vest porn.
Hehe, ditto! :p

Adam made it worthwhile, in fact I don’t think it would have worked with anyone else.
Absolutely--I wouldn't have bought it if anybody on the team had 'researched' the metaverse just for this, or if any of the others supposedly played. Adam worked it, and AJ made it work. :lol:

No, I take that back--Sid is totally a Second Lifer. :lol: His daughter casually brought it up over Thanksgiving last year and he took a peek at it and joined. :p

AJ Buckley really was fantastic, and I think this episode definitely showed why they have bumped him up to regular character status. Now, if we could just get him into those opening credits….
Here-here! (or is it hear-hear?)
Really enjoyed your review. I also loved the interplay between Flack and Mac ... those two actors really play off each other well. And YAY! Adam! What a perfect storyline for AJ to have fun with and shine. My only quibble: If Adam was obviously the Second Life expert, and the case was teetering on how well the play was handled, why not just let Adam helm it from the beginning with Mac standing nearby to tell him what he wanted? I also felt the parts in front of the big screen were the only ones in the eppy that took the game thing too far.

Yeah, I'm catching the Carmine-as-eye-candy bent we've been seeing. At least try a new color. Geez.

The whole STella/Drew thing makes me smack my head. I think it would be nice to see her slowly let herself open up to another relationship over time ... it would be a good example for other victims of violence to see that play out on TV. Unfortunately, something tells me this Drew guy may not be what he seems, as he met Stella while on a case. We shall see.

Call me crazy, but I'm intrigued with the whole 333 thing.
Elsie said:
Great review Kristine. :)

Oh my. That is just the best description of Adam! Geek chic is awesome…

Thank you! :) I just love that phrase, and it fits Adam so well. :lol:

I did enjoy this episode, I have to say that I mostly enjoyed it for Adam and Mac’s scenes, and for the (beautifully) excessive gun/vest porn.

Personally, I found it to be a little bit too much of an advert for Second Life. Whilst I appreciate that it was always going to be that way, what with the ‘game’ supposedly moving into the online world after Venus escapes, it was still a bit much… But from my point of view, Adam made it worthwhile, in fact I don’t think it would have worked with anyone else. :lol:

Agreed--I saw it as a great character ep for Adam and Mac, as well as a tour of Second Life. The advert part was probably most obvious when Adam did battle, but it was so fun that I went along with it and enjoyed it.

AJ Buckley really was fantastic, and I think this episode definitely showed why they have bumped him up to regular character status. Now, if we could just get him into those opening credits….

No kidding. Why isn't he there? He really should be. "Special Guest Star" doesn't cut it.

Faylinn said:
You know, when I was re-watching the episode a few minutes ago, I noticed that they kind of focused on Mac a moment when they were talking to Johnny about how he could fall in love in Second Life despite any problems in real life--and I wondered if they might be implying that Mac would consider that (after the thing with Peyton)--or at least understand the appeal of it for the purpose of believing Johnny...

Perhaps, though I wonder if he related more to Johnny's loneliness and sense of isolation. I doubt Mac would seriously consider looking to Second Life for love, but I could see him online dating (perhaps disastrously :lol: ).

Well, if he's pumping all of his money into an apartment that he barely spends time in, he might not have enough to buy new clothes--his priorities are a bit backwards. :p

But I think this shirt was slightly different, actually--it had dark stitching. Have any of the others had that? Are they playing on a white-shirt theme for him this season or something? :lol:

If it's intentional, I'm willing to go along with it. White is a very symbolic color--it could have something to do with Danny's special brand of innocence. For someone who has seen so much, he remains touchingly naive and saddened about how people can hurt each other. Or it could be a nod to how he was offered up as a sacrificial lamb for another character's storyline last season.

But I suspect they're just pimping him out. ;)

Absolutely--I wouldn't have bought it if anybody on the team had 'researched' the metaverse just for this, or if any of the others supposedly played. Adam worked it, and AJ made it work. :lol:

No, I take that back--Sid is totally a Second Lifer. :lol: His daughter casually brought it up over Thanksgiving last year and he took a peek at it and joined. :p

:lol: I think everyone would have been at a loss for words if they'd discovered Sid was a Second Life fan. :lol:

audrina said:
Really enjoyed your review. I also loved the interplay between Flack and Mac ... those two actors really play off each other well. And YAY! Adam! What a perfect storyline for AJ to have fun with and shine. My only quibble: If Adam was obviously the Second Life expert, and the case was teetering on how well the play was handled, why not just let Adam helm it from the beginning with Mac standing nearby to tell him what he wanted? I also felt the parts in front of the big screen were the only ones in the eppy that took the game thing too far.

Logically having Adam go through Second Life himself makes sense, but storytelling wise it might have crippled the viewer since it would have simply been a matter of watching Adam go through Second life. It wouldn't have really invited the viewer in. Mac was kind of a proxy for the viewer, and really provided some of the funniest moments in the episode. I love how befuddled he was at times. I thought it was a good idea to have Adam step in when he did in the gladiatorial ring.

Yeah, I'm catching the Carmine-as-eye-candy bent we've been seeing. At least try a new color. Geez.

It's a lovely color on him, and really works for Danny, but yeah, they do need to change it up a bit.

The whole STella/Drew thing makes me smack my head. I think it would be nice to see her slowly let herself open up to another relationship over time ... it would be a good example for other victims of violence to see that play out on TV. Unfortunately, something tells me this Drew guy may not be what he seems, as he met Stella while on a case. We shall see.

Exactly...I'd love to see her in a functional relationship like Mac had with Peyton, rather than seeing her consistently be drawn to inappropriate or overly-aggressive men.

Call me crazy, but I'm intrigued with the whole 333 thing.

I am, too, to some extent, but the storyline needs to progress beyond the creepy calls at this point. Why was there no follow up on that bloody shirt Mac got?