CSI: New York--'A Daze Of Wine And Roaches'

CSI Files


Simone DeLille, a young French tutor dressed as Marie Antoinette at a charity event meets an untimely end in a mock guillotine as her fifteen-year-old charge, Evie Pierpont, watches in horror. Mac and Stella face opposition on two fronts: newly promoted Deputy Inspector Gerrard refuses to let them move the body because of a request by the U.N., while Evie Pierpont's representatives, including lawyer Luther Vandeross and child psychologist Jackson Pillock, don't want to let them near the girl. Evie insists on talking with Stella and expresses her grief over her French tutor's death. The CSIs suspect poisoning, but Sid Hammerback has to dig deep to find evidence of it once he finally gets Simone's body, which Mac finally has removed once he learns her visa had expired before her death. The coroner finds evidence that Simone ingested a poison contained in a Dendridic Polymer, a cutting edge seal for chemicals too dangerous to be directly introduced into the body.

Flack shows Danny and Lindsay the body of Alec Green, a chef found dead in the wine cellar of his restaurant by the bus boy, Gregory Sanford. The CSIs are surprised when they discover a roach in Alec's mouth, and even more surprised when Lindsay finds expensive gemstones affixed to the roach's back. A little research reveals roach jewelry is a relatively new trend, and the CSIs are able to trace the particular piece to a restaurant critic named Clarissa Evers, who tells them that Alec took the necklace from her and that the roach escaped. She denies killing the chef. Lindsay discovers the expensive wine in Alec's cellar was a rip-off, and a print beneath one of the fake labels matches Julian Feeny. Danny confronts him, suspecting that Alec figured out the wine was fake and called Feeny out on it, but Feeny dismisses his assertions.

Stella matches bite marks on a choker Simone was wearing to a man named Charlie Cooper, but the CSIs are surprised to discover him dead in the morgue, the victim of a fatal gunshot wound, apparently at the hands of Simone. The CSIs soon find out why: a blackmail note Simone received, threatening to expose her lack of visa. Simone clearly suspected Charlie of sending the note. Stella takes handwriting samples from the entire staff at the Pierpoint mansion, and speaks with Evie again, who cries over Simone's fate and hands Stella her handkerchief, which a suspicious Stella tests and proves that Evie's tears lack emotion.


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Best review yet, Great job. This was probably my favourite episode this season. I was so glad they stayed away from any romantic innuendos between D/L. I thought they gave Danny some great one liners (he was on par with Flack last night!) To me, they redeemed themselves from the last episode.
d2400 said:
Best review yet, Great job. This was probably my favourite episode this season. I was so glad they stayed away from any romantic innuendos between D/L. I thought they gave Danny some great one liners (he was on par with Flack last night!) To me, they redeemed themselves from the last episode.

Thank you! :) Yeah, Danny and Lindsay are tolerable working together as long as it's not the whole "we want to be together but caaaaaaaaaannnn't" melodrama.

Danny's quips were fun, but I love how Flack called him on that one about the guy being "screwed to death." If anyone can judge humor, it's Flack, and I liked his little snark at Danny. :lol: Fear not, Flack--we know who the real comedian is. ;)
Yes! The banter in the wine cellar between the two of the was great (it was so good, I forgot that Lindsay was even there). They utilized almost every character on the show (except for Peyton). I love it when they include everyone. And, yes, "tolerable" is a good word! :)
Excellent review, as usual. :D I didn't notice any typos, though. ;) :p

The episode was kind of...boring, on the first viewing anyway. It might be better the second time around. But there were definite high points (*cough*Adam, the Danny/Flack snark*cough*). ;)

I'm glad that they didn't go with romantic stuff for the D/L scenes, but the one thing that really tweaked my nerves a bit was in that scene with Adam--was it just me, or did Danny make his high-as-a-kite grin, a la the hallucination scene from 3.18? :rolleyes: If he never makes that face again, I'll be happy.
Faylinn said:
The episode was kind of...boring, on the first viewing anyway. It might be better the second time around. But there were definite high points (*cough*Adam, the Danny/Flack snark*cough*). ;)

I noticed a lot of people found this one boring, but I enjoyed it--there was something about the cases that kept me involved. The A-plot was a little complex, but I think that was so that the final reveal could be really shocking.

I'm glad that they didn't go with romantic stuff for the D/L scenes, but the one thing that really tweaked my nerves a bit was in that scene with Adam--was it just me, or did Danny make his high-as-a-kite grin, a la the hallucination scene from 3.18? :rolleyes: If he never makes that face again, I'll be happy.

:lol: Indeed. I don't mind the banter between them--I don't find it nearly as compelling as the banter between Danny and Flack or Danny and Adam, but it's fine. Lindsay is at her least grating when she's focusing on work and not her own issues. Like I said...tolerable.
^The roach broach was a cute line, and I did like how freaked out Danny was by the roaches in the apartment. Lindsay was the one who had to go for it with the curtain filled with roaches. That was a hilarious moment. Clearly, Lindsay is going to be the one killing the bugs in their relationship while Danny stands on the chair and points at where the bug went. :lol: