CSI: Miami--'You May Now Kill The Bride'

CSI Files

<p><b>Synopsis:</b><p>Susan Alston is about to marry baseball star Greg Tanner in an outdoor wedding on a beautiful Miami day when a gunshot rings out, instantly killing Susan. Tanner's bodyguard, Duane Cross, rushes him away in a Rolls Royce. While the CSIs process the scene looking for the shell casing, Tripp chases down Duane, who hits the detective with the front of his car. Tanner tells Horatio that he blames himself for Susan's death--he believes an obsessed fan killed her, thinking Tanner was breaking up "the team"--his baseball partnership with fellow bad boy Russell Brooks. Calleigh finds evidence that Duane's gun has been fired, but she can't tell how recently. Alexx discovers that Susan had glitter paint under her fingernails, leading Delko and Calleigh to check out the strip club where Tanner had his bachelor party. Lexa Knowles directs them to the stripper who danced for them, Kelly Chapman, who tells Delko that she didn't fight with the bride-to-be--she danced for her. Calleigh finds a bullet in the wall and learns that Duane fired a shot when he found the strippers chasing after hundred dollar bills the baseball players were throwing towards them.<p>When Alexx discovers the bullet that killed Susan ricocheted and fragmented, the CSIs realize Susan wasn't the intended target. Calleigh and Delko return to the scene and find the remains of the bullet wrapped around a diamond from the veil. Calleigh determines the diamond is a fake, but the veil's designer insists the veil was real and uses a GPS tracker installed in the veil to trace it, leading Horatio and Tripp to sports agent Alan Farris, who has the real veil in his trunk. He claims he held the veil hostage to get money Greg Tanner owed him, but Tanner had a fake veil made instead of paying him. Farris denies any involvement in Susan's death, but the CSIs bring him in. Lexa Knowles calls Delko back to the strip club, imploring him to help her catch a patron who used a fake credit card and skipped out on a twenty thousand dollar bill. Delko runs the print the club took and finds it's a match to Russell Brooks, who has quite a lengthy rap sheet. Delko confronts the arrogant baseball player, arresting him for credit card fraud and telling him he's going to pay Lexa back. In the lab, Tripp finds Calleigh running a test for GSR. Both are surprised when she discovers it on his pant leg. Tripp recalls Duane's car hitting him in the leg earlier that day, and a closer examination of the car reveals a gun mount on the carriage. The killer was able to fire the weapon remotely.<p>Duane denies any knowledge of the gun mount under his car, and the mystery deepens when Calleigh and Delko use a laser to determine the killer's real target and discover it was in fact Kelly Chapman, the stripper from the bachelor party. Calleigh questions Kelly, who is shocked to learn she was the intended victim. She reveals the reason why: she has photos of Greg Tanner in women's underwear. Calleigh confronts Greg, and shows him how the gun mount can reverse dial the cell phone that triggered it. With Tanner in front of her and Russell, Duane and Farris just outside, Calleigh dials. Russell's phone is the one that rings: after Kelly threatened Greg with exposing the photos, Tanner asked Russell to take care of her. He did--with disastrous results.<p><b>Analysis:</b><p><i>Miami</i> returns from the hiatus with a bang--but did we really expect it to return any other way? It's vintage <i>Miami</i> to have a baseball bad boy using a high tech device to get rid of a troublesome stripper. Not since the IAB guy in <i>CSI: NY</i>'s <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/newyork/season1/the_dove_commission.shtml">"The Dove Commission"</a> used a high tech mini-helicopter armed with a gun to try to take out the woman who betrayed him has a murder so personal been so sophisticated. <i>Miami</i> wouldn't be <i>Miami</i> if it wasn't a little over-the-top, but it's without a doubt a welcome return.<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45\%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full reviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/you_may_now_kill_the_bride.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Kelly was invited (quite strangely I might add) by the bride. When Ryan is looking at the guest list Kelly is listed as Friend of the Bride (when watching on HD, I'm not sure if it was visible on standard TVs). I guess Susan liked the dance she got but it's still puzzling why she would invite her.
But really, who invites the stripper from his bachelor party to his wedding?
Twas very odd. But then, the bride wasn't the brightest.

Lexa Knowles' awkward attempt at seducing Delko into helping her was more uncomfortable to watch than it was sexy
A few people have said this, but I really didn't find it uncomfortable (but neither did I find it sexy). It made me laugh. Seriously. Probably not the effect they were going for but I found it really funny to watch her come on to him. With people saying they found it uncomfortable, I wonder if Miami did that on purpose to make Delko feel uncomfortable or if it was supposed to be sexy to highlight the fact that Eric's no longer interested in women who are throwing themselves at him.

Delko can't take his eyes off her. Calleigh is bashful about trying on the veil but doesn't seem to have a problem with Delko's unabashed staring.
And isn't is just so cute. The music in the background, the sunshine, the slight breeze... *sigh*. I loved the use of Music in this ep to enhance things and feelings. 'Thinking about him' or however it goes. I'm not sure what song it is.

Not that the sexual tension isn't fun, but isn't it time for these two to get a room?
No comment. That just needed to be said again.

and also a moment that humanizes Horatio.
Thank you. I nearly fainted when I glanced to the screen and saw Horatio expressing emotion. Maybe he is human after all. :klingon: Klingon will be sad, he enjoyed super-H staying with him for a while.

Great review darling :) I've missed these!
This episodes "remotly activate gun under car thingy" reminded me of the episode "High Octane" in season 5 where the hydrolics killed the victem. Looks like the cars now - days are much more violent. High-tec cars have been used more recently like that spy car in NY in "You only die once".

Oh yeh, Nice reveiw.
Kelly was invited (quite strangely I might add) by the bride. When Ryan is looking at the guest list Kelly is listed as Friend of the Bride (when watching on HD, I'm not sure if it was visible on standard TVs). I guess Susan liked the dance she got but it's still puzzling why she would invite her.

Ah, good catch--I did miss that. But like you say, it's still bizarre. What bride would do that??? And put the stripper in the front row?