Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25
Lost2MuchSpeed is using their bye pass.
Wyoming is using their bye pass.
cinegirl is using their bye pass.
sherlockanne has failed to get in their entry and is disqualified.
-Comment to this post with your chosen
3 icons. (make sure to look at all of the icons, and don't randomly pick bad ones, pick the TOP THREE OF LEAST QUALITY) With these 3 votes, you must include a reason for each icon and why you're voting for it. If you don't follow the rules, you will be banned from voting.
-You are voting for the LESSER QUALITY icon. Please do not vote using your personal preference, as we are voting on the general quality of the icon. This means you should look at the cropping, coloring, sharpening, text, etc. Do not vote for an icon because you don't like the style of it. DO NOT put personal preference into your comment or your vote will be disqualified.
Examples of good reasons:
50: The text is oddly placed
68: The colouring is overpowering
72: The icon is oversharpened
56: The icon is too blurry
Examples of bad reasons:
"I don't like the font." (Personal preference)
"I hate the colour pink." (Personal Preference)
"You can't tell it's Vanessa." (You may comment on the cropping instead.)
"The tiny text/decorative brush is unreadable." (Because they’re supposed to be that way.)
-Remember to vote for 3 icons.
-You don't need to be a participant of the challenge in order to vote.
-With enough votes, voting will close on Tuesday night.
-The makers of the icon with the most number of votes will be eliminated.
(Because the competition is winding down, only one icon maker will now be eliminated)
Challenge Five Entries: