CSI: Miami--'Gone Baby Gone'

CSI Files

<p><b>Synopsis:</b><p>The CSI team steps into help after woman's baby is stolen from her arms in front of a Miami restaurant. Jill Walsh tells Horatio that a man and a woman stole her baby, Sophie, right out of her arms, claiming she was theirs. Back at the Walshs' home, Horatio takes a recent picture of Sophie--one taken by a photographer neighbor at a block party--while Calleigh gets DNA samples from Jill, her husband Stuart and their teenage son Keith. While the CSIs are there, a call comes in, demanding five hundred thousand dollars from the family in exchange for Sophie. Delko asks Keith about a broken window in the house, and Keith tells him someone threw a baseball through it a few days ago. Delko takes the ball and lifts prints from it, but isn't able to find a match for them in the system. Horatio and Ryan find baby clothes in a trashcan near where Sophie was taken, and DNA on them matches a man named Marty Ellis. Jill identifies him as the man who took Sophie, but when the CSIs go to arrest him, they find him dead in his house, the victim of a fatal gunshot wound. Calleigh gets a frantic call from Jill Walsh; her son Keith has taken a hundred grand of their money and gone off to pay the ransom. While the CSIs hunt for them, Delko follows up on the baseball, opening it up and discovering sepia photography developing fluid in it, leading him to Brad Garland, the neighborhood photographer who took pictures of Sophie. Horatio questions the man, who admits to throwing the baseball because Keith was always throwing things in his yard. He tells Horatio that he took pictures of the families in the neighborhood to drum up business. The CSIs track down Keith, but he's already made the money drop in the park the kidnappers specified. There's no sign of Sophie; all that the CSIs find is her binky, with fresh saliva on it. When the CSIs run the DNA on the saliva, they confirm it's Sophie's--and also learn that Stuart Walsh is not her father.<p>Horatio confronts Jill with the knowledge, who admits she feared that her one infidelity resulted in Sophie. She admits to sleeping with Brad Garland, the photographer, and admits to Horatio that Brad is the baby's father. Brad claims to have had no idea Sophie was his, and acts like he wants nothing to do with the child--or supporting her. Calleigh matches the fragmented bullets from Marty's body to a gun used in a robbery a few weeks ago and identifies a suspect in the robbery: Carla Hoyle. The CSIs find Carla, Marty's partner in crime, but she doesn't have Sophie. She tells the CSIs she gave the baby to Rodrigo Sanchez, the mastermind behind the plot--and the maitre d at the restaurant Sophie was kidnapped in front of. Rodrigo caught Carla and Marty pulling a credit card scam at the restaurant and blackmailed them into kidnapping Sophie, telling them Jill walked by with her everyday. Carla killed Marty after they demanded the ransom money, certain he was going to double cross her. Horatio mounts a search for Rodrigo. When Natalia finds a sepia-toned picture of Sophie in Rodrigo's locker, leading the CSIs to conclude Rodrigo and Garland masterminded the kidnapping together. Horatio and Ryan question the photographer, who used the baseball to break into the Walshes' house and get some of Sophie's hair to prove she was his child. Once he learned she was, he hired Rodrigo to kidnap her and bring her to him. Horatio informs him that Rodrigo is missing and never intended to turn Sophie over to him. The CSIs go over a journal found in Rodrigo's locker and discover his plans to sell the baby. They race to the airport, where Rodrigo is about to exchange Sophie for $750 thousand dollars from a couple desperate for a baby. When he spots the CSIs, he flees in his car--only to have it overturn when he gets cut off. Rodrigo emerges with a gun, but Horatio shoots him down and then goes into the car and rescues Sophie. He returns her to her tearful mother, who thanks him profusely. <p><b>Analysis:</b><p>"Gone Baby Gone" is definitely a fitting 150th episode for the action-packed series, and up until the over-the-top ending, is an exciting but not outlandish entry. I wasn't really surprised when Sophie turned out not to be Stuart Walsh's child and I was pretty sure Garland had something to do with her abduction, but the episode was thoroughly involving until Rodrigo Sanchez went rogue and double-crossed Garland, trying to sell the baby right out from under him to a couple from South Africa. Rodrigo comes off as a pretty stupid mastermind--he leaves a journal with all his evil plans behind in his locker and in the end when it's obvious the game is up, he brandishes a gun at Horatio, which is the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a bull. If there's one thing <i>Miami</i> could use in its next 150 episodes, it's smarter adversaries.<p>Up to the point where Rodrigo is introduced, the episode offers a pretty satisfying thriller. Having Marty and Carla snatch Jill's baby by claiming loudly that she was their own was an intriguing way to pull off the kidnapping. I wish that had been played up more; it would have been nice to have some mystery surrounding whether the kidnapping was in fact a kidnapping at all. The revelation of the photo album in the teaser dispels that possibility, and though the twist that Stuart isn't Sophie's father comes later on, it's nowhere near as intriguing as it could have been had the episode played up a mystery involving whether or not the baby really belonged to the Walshes.<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full reviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/gone_baby_gone.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Nice review, dahling. :)

That ending scene was so ridiculous. Not only was Rodrigo driving all willy-nilly with a baby in the car, but HORATIO WAS CHASING HIM! And then after the car crashed and Horatio headed over, told Sophie he was coming and walked into the smoke, I was rolling my eyes.

Only Horatio Caine. :rolleyes:

My mom got a bit annoyed with Tara in this one (after seeing her get miffed with Eric and Ryan - but mostly Eric - in the other episode). :lol: She was like, "I don't like the new girl." And when the topic of Eric and Tara flirting (or whatever) came up, she was even less pleased. :lol:

Fay's mama does not approve of dis behaviors. :p
Good review. I agree with you about Rod there. Never point a gun at Super H - you will lose. I was surprised there was no mention of Brad Garland the photographer. While breaking the glass and the kidnapping of the baby was not the way to go, courts are typically not going to be sympathetictowards the father in a case like this. I highly doubt the mother would have allowed him to see the baby either so I can completly understand why he did it and the love he had for his daughter was obvious. He by far came across as the most likeable chracter to me in the end.