CSI: Miami--'Felony Flight'

CSI Files


A quartet of teens get more than they bargained for when they go to help the survivors of a small plane crash. They are greeted by convicted murderer Henry Darius, who shoots them dead and steals their car, taking fellow convict Ken Hastings with him. When the CSIs arrive, Horatio quickly concludes that the plane has been sabotaged. Darius was on his way to Miami from New York to help authorities find the body of one of his victims, Lydia Johnson, a young woman he shot to death in her car in front of her young son, Adam. Darius is now free, armed and dangerous. Delko confirms Horatio's suspicions about the plane being sabotaged: someone punctured the coolant duct, releasing hot gas and eventually causing the engine to fail. Tripp tells Horatio that Mac Taylor has offered to fly down to Miami to help recapture Darius, and Horatio takes him up on the offer.

Lydia's husband James is upset to learn of Darius's escape--he and his son want closure. Horatio thinks it's possible that Darius wasn't his wife's killer, despite his confession. Calleigh and Ryan go over the tape of Darius's confession looking for clues. They zero in on Darius's cryptic statement that "Mr. Hoberman helped him" bury the body and search the papers around the time of Lydia's death for references to any Mr. Hoberman. Calleigh finds an obituary for an Albert Hoberman for the day before Lydia was killed and they go to dig up his grave, hoping Lydia's body will be inside. Hoberman is the only one in the coffin, but they do find a shovel beneath the coffin with blood on it. Delko finds the pilot's notes and discovers he was planning on diverting to Opa-Locka Airport before the plane crashed. Horatio and Tripp race there to find Joann Nivens waiting for Henry--she was his pen pal while he was in jail. She denies that she was waiting for him, but Tripp finds twenty grand in her purse. Before they can investigate further, Tripp gets a call: the car Darius stole has been spotted.

A helicopter follows the car and shorts out its battery, but Darius escapes, leaving Ken behind. Ken claims Darius forced him to sabotage the plane and then dragged him along on a killing spree at a sorority house at Miami University. The CSIs rush to the scene only to discover several dead girls spread out throughout the house. Alexx sadly goes over the bodies, but Calleigh follows a blood path and discovers one survivor hiding in a cabinet. Back at the lab, Ryan has determined the blood on the shovel was Lydia's, but Horatio doesn't think Darius buried her. He talks to Lydia's son, Adam, who tells him that after his mother drove him to soccer practice he looked back to see a man with long hair in the front seat of his mother's car. While he goes off with a sketch artist, Tripp and Delko seek out Lydia's minivan, which is still impounded and Delko finds a CD in the player--a homemade one by someone named Brian Miller. Tripp and Delko pay Brian a visit and he tells them he accosted James Johnson, a record executive, in his car a day before his wife's murder to play the CD for him, but that Johnson dismissed it as awful and gave him his card. Horatio is upset that James didn't tell him about this a year ago, and is even more frustrated when he discovers James and his wife swapped cars the day of her murder.


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Just want to note a small correction that should be made to the synopsis: The city (and airport) that Darius was planning to divert to is "Opa-Locka", not "Ocalapa". Opa-Locka is a small city just north of Miami.

The name "Opa-Locka" made an impression on me when I first learned of it because there aren't many place names that have hyphens in them :)
Another great job!!

Few points on my opinion of the episode:

Great character interaction with the cast. It's nice to see that the Miami/NY cast can get along better than the original CSI's cast.
Just want to note a small correction that should be made to the synopsis: The city (and airport) that Darius was planning to divert to is "Opa-Locka", not "Ocalapa". Opa-Locka is a small city just north of Miami.

The name "Opa-Locka" made an impression on me when I first learned of it because there aren't many place names that have hyphens in them :)

Cool, thanks! :)

I think the casts interact great, too, abc. Sinise and Caruso really do work great together.