CSI: Miami--'Death Pool 100'

CSI Files


Mr. Ice, jeweler to the stars, is hosting a party for his elite clients, but the soiree is interrupted when gunmen arrive to steal the bling and leave two people, Ethan Parker and Dakota Hudson, dead in their wake. Ethan was apparently killed for refusing to give up his jewelry, but Dakota, who was killed in the pool by a gunshot wound to the chest, gave hers up, making the motive unclear. DNA on the facial mask worn by Ethan's shooter leads the CSIs to Rodrigo Garza, one of the robbers, but Dakota's killer remains a mystery. Alexx is able to determine that Dakota was shot in the water, and the casing from the fatal bullet is different from the one that killed Ethan. A hit in IBIS leads the CSIs to Kevin Iverson, who insists his gun was stolen months ago. When Horatio notices a "Death Pool" list, he becomes suspicious. Kevin was involved in off-shore gambling based on when celebrities die, and he made a hundred grand off Dakota's death. Kevin maintains his innocence.

The CSIs question Rebecca Lamar, who also bet on Dakota. While Horatio talks to her son Tyler, who tells the CSI that his mother is in trouble over mounting bills, Rebecca tells Calleigh and Ryan that she traded Dakota to a secretive man known online as Todd321 a month earlier. Todd321 turns out to be a man named Todd Barasky, but Todd hasn't struck it rich. He has just sold his car to pay his gambling debts. He's been beaten, and he identifies a man named Shin as his assailant. The CSIs bring Shin in and find a knuckle duster on him and cash which Horatio suspects is counterfeit. Calleigh calls in Peter Elliot who confirms that the money is indeed fake "super notes," but Calleigh is shocked when he identifies a bill of hers as a super note as well. She confronts Ryan, who gave her the bill after she bought an iPod for him. He admits to having played the death pool once and offers to come clean about it, but Calleigh, worried about the lab's standing, tells him she'll take the heat.

Horatio is able to board the ship where the offshore gambling takes place, and the ship's proprietor, Lee Choi, welcomes him, knowing the ship is out of Horatio's jurisdiction. Because diesel fuel was found on the bills, Horatio believes they were manufactured on the boat, but he can't prove it--yet. Tripp is bothered by the fact that none of the stolen jewelry has turned up at the party, but when Calleigh notices that Dakota's ears are irritated from cheap jewelry. Ice's baubles were fakes, and the CSIs catch him and the remaining shooter from the party destroying the fake jewels. Ice threw the party and faked a robbery in order to destroy the fake jewels, figuring his clients would recoup the losses with insurance claims. But Ethan was on to him, and Ice had him killed.


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Firing a handgun under water?

I remember the junior team on mythbusters did this with a number of fire arms, can anyone remember the range under water that they assessed the 9mm to be effective. I got the impression that distance in this episode was beyond that range.
I think it depends on the angle. Shooting straight down into the water didn't have as much of an effect as shooting at an angle. So basically if you dive into the water to avoid gunfire, don't just go straight down, do down at an angle and you'll be safer!
The mythbusters episode where a gun was actually fired underwater, was on a myths revisited programme in response to the tests of firing a gun into water. In the first one, bullets from the ultra high speed and heavy calibre shattered on impact and there was no further penetration. When they did the revisit the junior team had a very long box filled with water and a rig to remotely fire the submerged guns underwater. The target was a block of balistics gel. Only the hand guns had any effect at a short distance. The bigger guns were not so effective and the shotgun actually blew up at the stock. I still can not remember what the effective underwater range of the 9mm was but I am not sure it was a far as that depicted in the CSI episode.
i didnt see this miami episode, so i dont know the depth they used. but i remember the mythbusters episode and i think on an angle the furthest they got was about 5 or 6 feet.
allmaple said:
i didnt see this miami episode, so i dont know the depth they used. but i remember the mythbusters episode and i think on an angle the furthest they got was about 5 or 6 feet.

The one where they were firing at an angle into a swimming pool was firing into the water and it was Adam and Jamie doing it. Firing under water came in a myths revisited programme and that was done by the junior team and no "angles" were used as it was answering the question of what if the gun was underwater as well, what would it's kill range be.
OK I have now googled this and from this web page a 9mm or .357 magnum would be lethal at 2ft.

In the CSI Miami episode, the distance between victim and shooter looked further than that.