CSI: Miami: 'Dangerous Son'

CSI Files


Valera delivers some shocking news to Horatio Caine: a suspect is his son. The narrative flashes back to 8 hours earlier when a hostage situation involving parole officer Andrew Bennett ends in tragedy: Bennett's dead body falls from the second story of his house, a fatal bullet in his chest. His killer escapes in a boat. Jake Berkeley, just returned from a trip to Antigua with Calleigh, takes the lead on the boat while Calleigh and Delko scour the house, retrieving the bullets from the shooting. Calleigh lifts a shoe print that proves to be a match to one of Bennett's parolees, but it turns out the boy, Dylan, was caught romancing Bennett's daughter Stephanie. Bennett confronted him and chased him away, but Dylan swears he didn't kill the officer.

Natalia is surprised to come across Ryan at a private shooting range, where he's now working as an instructor. Natalia is there to train for her firearms certification, and the two agree to keep each other's secret. Horatio looks on as Delko questions Kyle Harmon, a sixteen-year-old who violated his probation by drinking. Delko asks Kyle if he killed Bennett after the officer got the alert about the probation violation, but the teen denies it. Horatio asks Yelina Salas to do some digging on Kyle. Jake recovers the getaway boat and the CSIs discover drugs hidden by the engine. The boat belongs to the Miss Cafe--the place Kyle works. Horatio instead questions another of Bennett's parolees, Rick Bates, who also worked at the cafe. Rick delivered food to people in the boat, but denies any knowledge of the drugs. Yelina's search pays off when she visits Kyle's latest foster parent. She discovers his mother was a nurse named Julia Eberle, a military nurse, and his father was a man named John Walden.

As the CSIs investigate, another hostage situation crops up: the wife of prison guard Mike Newberry, Kathleen, is abducted. Horatio picks up a call on her phone and realizes the kidnapper is Kyle, and is suspicious when he asks for a specific amount of money: $126,000. Kyle cuts off his monitoring ankle bracelet and abandons Kathleen, fleeing on a boat. Horatio interrogates Mike Newberry, who confesses that the money Kyle was after came from Rick Bates, who was dealing drugs in jail. He agreed to hide the money and split it with Rick, but when Rick got out of jail early, Newberry kept the money. Delko restores a bullet found in the engine and gets a print off of it--one that matches to Ryan Wolfe! The mystery is soon explained by Natalia, who recalls Ryan was required to load guns for clients at the shooting range. Ryan IDs Rick as one of his clients, and Rick admits he shot Bennett during an altercation after the P.O. caught him dealing.


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