CSI: Miami--'Cyber-lebrity'

CSI Files


Reluctant teenage "cyber-lebrity" Candice Walker, who has been under the microscope since a picture of her appeared on the internet , is horrified to witness her boyfriend, Luke Selyan, fatally shot with an arrow at her swim meet. Horatio calls Ryan Wolfe and asks him to act as Candice's personal bodyguard, while Calleigh confiscates the archery team's bows from Robert Whitten, Candice's coach, noticing that the man has quite a few pictures of Candice up on his wall. While the mass's continue to follow Candice's every move, lab tech Sam Barrish and Delko discover photos of Candice taken up close, and Alexx finds a camera in Luke's glasses. A blogger confesses to planting the camera and a transmitter, but he denies being anywhere near the pool when Luke was murdered. Horatio finds himself pulled into the Candice controversy when webpages start linking to him--and mention a Grand Jury case he was involved in. Stetler urges Horatio accept police protection, but he declines.

When the tires of Horatio's Hummer are slashed, he brings in Damen Argento, the son of the man the grand jury put away five years ago, with Horatio's help. Damen blames Horatio for his father's death, but Horatio has nothing concrete to hold him on. He lets him go, with a stern warning. Alexx discovers lipstick behind Luke's ear, and footage from the camera in Luke's glasses leads the CSIs to Miranda Harton, a flirtatious fellow student who was convinced Luke was only staying with Candice because of her notoriety. Delko notes that it's a convincing motive for murder. Calleigh finds Coach Witten's DNA on the trigger of the bow that killed Luke, but he denies doing anything that would hurt Candice. After a promotional photo shoot Candice's mother set up, a man dressed in black attacks Candice and Ryan but escapes. Ryan scratches the man, and Natalia runs his DNA and discovers that it was none other than Candice's father who attacked the pair. Horatio talks to the man, who admits he did it because he feared for Candice's safety and didn't want her doing promotional events that put her in the public eye--and in danger.

After Sam shows Horatio a webpage declaring: "Horatio Caine Dies Today," Horatio drives his Hummer to a pier and leaves it--with a gun inside--and tells Sam to post the location on the internet. Calleigh is able to figure out the height and weight of the person who shot the bow, leading the CSIs to Miranda. Footage from the camera from Luke's sunglasses reveals her getting the key to the room where the bows were stored from Coach Witten. Miranda fesses up: she was aiming for Candice, not Luke, but when Candice didn't dive into the water, her arrow struck Luke instead. Horatio waits on the pier for his would-be killer and isn't shocked to discover it's Damen Argento. Damen has taken the gun from the Hummer and aims it at Horatio. Horatio gives him a chance to stand down, but Damen aims the gun at Horatio and fires...blanks. Horatio raises his own gun and arrests Damen. Back at the station, a new "cyber-lebrity" is born as Miranda is led out of the police station, and Candice sighs in relief as her stint in the public eye ends.


Fame in the age of the internet is certainly a worthy topic for a television show to ponder, but "Cyber-lebrity" is just so preposterous that it's hard to take the episode seriously. We're supposed to believe that a single photograph of a teenage girl has sparked such a frenzy that she's stalked by ordinary people in a way not even the biggest celebrities are? If a blogger is going to post someone's real time location, wouldn't it be that of <font color=yellow>Britney Spears</font> or <font color=yellow>Paris Hilton</font> as opposed to a random high school girl whose picture cropped up on a blog somewhere? Perhaps if Candice herself had been a blogger or had a live video feed--like <font color=yellow>lonelygirl15</font>, the premise might have been more believable. But as it is, it's hard to believe that there'd be so much ado about nothing.


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