CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!


Announcer: Get ready to match the stars! From CSI: NY-Gary Sinise. From CSI: Miami-Khandi Alexander and Rex Linn in the Brett Sommers and Charles Nelson Reilly chairs. From CSI and the OC: Melinda Clarke! (Audience: WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!) Family Feud host, Richard Karn in the Richard Dawson chair. And Ms. Match Game herself, Betty White!!!


(Theme Music Gets louder. Hankster Rayburn comes out with his telescoping Microphone waving to the audience. Theme Music trails off)

Hankster Rayburn: Hello everone! Welcome to another edition of CSI: Match Game. Today, we have many board members that want to post here, and try to match these 3 Mojito Lunchers! (Camera pans to the Celebrity panel who laugh and clap)

Hankster Rayburn: Now there may be some in the audience at home that don't know how the game works. Well, here's the basic rules:
Two phrases will be posted in spoiler bars--A and B. Each one contains a BLANK (_____________) in them. The goal is to come up with a funny word that works in the phrase that would, if you were actually in studio, match as many of the stars as possible. However, in the boards, we have a lot more contestants, so everyone gets to post. If possible, please try to answer the most recent phrases. If answering previous phrases, put the date before your answers so that they would make sense. The most important rule of the game for this board's sake is that the answer MUST be kept PG13 or it will be removed by the Moderators. The second most important rule is the word should make sense in the context of the phrase, yet still be FUNNY! We all on board here?


Rex Linn: I just wanna say somethin' first, Hankster!

Hankster Rayburn: Rex! What can I do for you?

Rex Linn: I just wanted to let everyone know, that though I am sittin' in the Charles Nelson Reilly seat, I... AM.... NOT.... starring in a remake of Ghost and Mrs. Muir! (Audience laughs)

Hankster Rayburn: Rex Linn, ladies and Gentlemen! (Audeince applauds, Rex waves and winks.) Okay then! Those of you at home that have GSN a/k/a Game Show Network, you may want to watch some old Match Game reruns to get a feel for it. However, sometimes those reruns push the PG13 boundary. Please use good judgement in posting.

(Hankster walks over to the cabinet and hits a button. Two phrases pop up)

Don Flack said, “My date last night was so frigid…” (Audience: “HOW FRIGID WAS SHE?”) “She was so frigid, her escort was a ________ .”
At Yankee Stadium, free CSI seat cushion night was a HUGE success because they put ____________'s picture on the cushion.
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Applause for Hankster Rayburn and the new season.

A: Eskimo
B: Conrad Ecklie (In the famous words of Fonzie, "Sit on it!")
Congrats on Season 7!!! :thumbsup:

A. the ICE QUEEN from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

B. Flack's (who wouldn't want to sit on Flacks' face :p )
A. Stanley Roper from Three's Company

B. Ecklie's (the definitive answer!)

New phrases for Tuesday, April 15th (Tax Day in the US!):

Horatio Caine said "Last year... I got audited.... apparently.... I can't claim.... ____________(s) ... as a deduction!!!

Grissom said "Conrad Ecklie accused me of claiming by bugs as dependents on my tax return. However, I'm sure he's going to claim the ________________(s) he had last year as medical expenses too!
On this date in 1937, cartoon characters Daffy Duck, Elmer J Fudd & Petunia Pig, debut.

The Looney Tunes CSI Department noticed the logo of Acme on the remnants of a ________ that almost took the life of Road Runner.
Calleigh Duckquesne traced the bullet that just barely missed Bugs Bunny back to a rifle owned by ________ .