CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Head of the Day Shift
Welcome to the CSI icon thread, part deux. You know the rules already, or I hope you do, but let me post them again.


[x] Do not post more than three icons at the same time. Why? Because some of us use dial up and when you post lots of images it's hell. So if you've got more than three icons, I would appreciate it if for the rest, you posted the URL. Don't worry, people will see them anyway. If you post more than three icons, I will remove the rest of the images off your post.

[x] Do not quote the icons. I'm sick of having to repeat this over and over again. If you quote a post, remove the image tags. It doesn't take more than 2 seconds.

[x] If you have an icon journal, icon site, photobucket account, etc, feel free to share the link with us.

[x] If you're sharing your LJ icons, make sure you provide us with your LJ name so people can credit you.

[x] Similarly, if you're taking someone's icon, make sure you give credit where credit is due. This is a small community and we all know each other. Don't tell people you made your icon if you didn't, we'll know you're lying.

[x] You don't have to ask if you can use an icon. People post their icons for that reason alone - so you can use them. So asking, "can I use your icon?" is a waste of time and space.

To be able to use an icon, you need 100 posts.


- Beyond Imagination - For CSI screen caps.
- CSI Caps - Screen caps of all three shows.
- CSICONS - CSI icon community at LJ
- Good CSI Icons - Another icon commnunity for those who are more experienced icon makers.
- Icon Tutorial
- Textures
- Gradients
- Brushes

Happy iconing, everyone!
jeeh what way to celibrate by posting some new icons, well here they are


the rest this way
Martini, Love them!

Made 3 (photoshop crashed for a while, left the cd somewhere else...but I got it back! yay!!)

erhum, anyways :p

thanks you guys, this batch is the last one for now, i have to focuse on some other things, but I'LL BE BACK :lol:

abc said:
martini, I really do enjoy your icons. :D

*points to you* Some day, I want to be just like you. :lol:

Believe me you don't :p but if you ever have questions or whatever just know that you can ask me, not that i can promise to know everything but i can at least try to help :D
Thanks :D

here are 3 more :)


Btw, it's Cath's ring, not the sun that shines so bright ;) (Quoting Shakespeare...kinda :p )
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