'CSI' Fan Commits Murder

CSI Files

Criminals watch CSI too.

<font color=yellow>Andrew Scanlan</font> disappeared in November of 2006 from his home in Hampshire, England. He was found strangled and buried, beheaded and with his hands removed, among some trees. Authorities suspected <font color=yellow>James Baigent</font> and his brother <font color=yellow>Mark</font> of committing the crime.

The two brothers allegedly hated Scanlan for calling the police in 1998 and getting Mark put in jail for four years for attempted robbery and possession of a gun. Prosecutors told the court that the Baigent brothers worked with a tree surgeon named <font color=yellow>Jeff Woods</font> to plan Scanlan's death and cover up the evidence. One of the three men sent a text message after murdering Scanlan to make it appear that he'd gone to London.

James and his wife <font color=yellow>Charlotte</font> "were very keen on watching the television programme CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," according to the prosecutor, <font color=yellow>Timothy Spencer</font>. He went on to say that the pair gleaned knowledge about forensic science from CSI and similar programmes. "It was knowledge they were to use in due course," Spencer said, "particularly in relation to the cover-up."

The original article is from the Telegraph.<center></center>
Now, see, this is where people will start saying that TV shows are bad because they influence people like this.

Interesting article though! Sad, but interesting.
It seems that these people took the entertainment factor a bit too far. Though not the fault of the show, like adorelo said, that people will blame CSI. They didn't force the men to do this, they did it of their own free will. It's like people blaming Mc Donalds for making them fat...they aren't shoving the double quarter pounder down your throat!
wolfesgamergirl said:
It's like people blaming Mc Donalds for making them fat...they aren't shoving the double quarter pounder down your throat!
LOL! So true.

To be honest, I think if you commit a premeditated murder, there's pretty much something not quite right about you anyway. One could say, you can be influenced in covering a murder up by watching CSI, which I do agree with, but watching a TV show doesn't make a murderer. And, anyway I don't think by watching CSI you can commit the perfect murder and get away with it. By trying to do that, you'll probably get caught sooner.
I have been watching crime shows since the late 50's and early 60's and have yet to murder someone (though some of my bosses gave me things to think about). But there is still lots of violence in the newspapers, TV newscasts, movies, and books to give people ideas.
Well.............I've heard from the get go that people wondered if these shows could help criminals to get away with murder or would they be a help in catching them. I say I don't think there's such a thing as a perfect crime cause somewhere along the way they're gonna mess up.
^^^ Yeah, this just shows that, reguardless of using the techniques on the show, they still caught him.