CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Young Man With A Horn'

CSI Files

<p><b>Synopsis:</b><p>Layla Wells, one of the finalists in the <i>Overnight Sensation</i> reality TV talent contest, is found dead, wrapped in a table cloth outside the Palermo Hotel. Nick finds the Rancho Linen logo on the tablecloth, and Catherine notes that the company supplied all the old Vegas casinos back in the day. Dr. Robbins tells Grissom that Layla was killed by a blow to the abdomen just below her rib cage--and that she was eight weeks pregnant. The CSIs suspect Layla's fellow contestant and competitor, Kip Westerman, after surveillance footage from the Palermo hotel's camera reveals they left their rooms just after midnight. Kip and his overprotective father both defend Kip's innocence, and sure enough, the fetus's DNA is a match to Drew Rich, the show's executive producer. Drew tells the CSIs he offered to pay for an abortion, but denies killing the girl, claiming he was with a hooker at the time. Evidence that suggests both the lipstick Layla was wearing and the tablecloth she was found in was significantly aged leads Catherine and Nick to pull out a map of Las Vegas fifty years ago. The only casino still standing that was serviced by Rancho Linens is Le Chateau Rouge, Las Vegas's first desegregated hotel. Nick and Greg find trace from Layla's sweater and cart wheel marks similar to ones found near Layla's body. When they enter the rundown, closed hotel, they find fresh blood on the floor.<p>Grissom arrives at the scene and speaks with the owner, Karen Rosenthal, who tells him the hotel closed down fifty years ago after her husband, Jules, was murdered there. Catherine and Greg explore the dressing room, where they discover the dressing table of Layla's grandmother, Justine. While Grissom recovers a fresh bullet from the floor, Catherine finds Layla's cell phone and sees a video on it recorded just before the girl's death, which reveals her dancing for Kip before being surprised by a man behind the curtain with a saxophone. The man hasn't gone far; Grissom discovers him behind the same curtain, holding a gun. The man passes out from dehydration and is taken to the hospital. Kip tells Brass that Layla had wanted to see where her grandmother danced when she was a showgirl. After the man surprised them, Kip ran, assuming Layla had done the same. He searched for her for hours, but never found her. In the hospital room, the man won't give Grissom his name, but he claims to have murdered Layla.<p>Grissom is bothered by the 50-year-old Rosenthal murder; the print supposedly from the killer, Melchior Wilson, was lifted from an alligator skin wallet, but the texture of the print is inconsistent with the wallet's grooves. Nick matches the bullet from the gun to the one that killed Rosenthal. Grissom tracks down former Sheriff Claude Montgomery, who made the arrest. After a poker game with Montgomery and several other Vegas old timers, Grissom questions Montgomery, who deflects his questions. Back at the hotel, Catherine finds the fatal blow to the stomach that killed Layla was caused by a chair handle, indicating Layla ran into it in the darkness of the hotel. Her death was an accident. Riley identifies the man in the hospital as Harry Bastile, an African American saxophonist, using an old program from Le Chateau Rouge. Grissom asks Bastile why he moved Layla's body, and Bastile admits he didn't want anyone to discover him hiding out at Le Chateau Rouge. Grissom asks Karen Rosenthal to meet him at the hospital and tells her he thinks Melchior Wilson was framed for her husband's murder. He suspects Bastile is the real killer, but Karen admits the truth: she had been having an affair with Harry. When her husband caught them together, she shot him. She confessed to the murder, but the men in power in Las Vegas at the time forced the sheriff to arrest Melchior Wilson. A white woman could get away with murder, she tells Grissom, but not love a black man. Grissom meets Catherine on the strip and tells her he came to Vegas to win at cards. As an impecunious student, he chose science over his college love, but now he observes, it might be time to up the ante.<p><b>Analysis:</b><p>Two cases closed for the price of one in this engrossing glimpse into Vegas's past. Like Greg, who spouts off a fair amount of Vegas history in this episode, I'm fond of Vegas lore. Episodes that give viewers a glimpse of the Vegas of yesteryear are always fun. Before his demise, Catherine's father, Sam Braun, often showed up to be not just a window into Catherine's past but that of the city itself, with its mobster justice and back room deals. Episodes like <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season6/kiss_kiss_bye_bye.shtml">"Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye"</a> and <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season7/living_legend.shtml">"Living Legend"</a> tie present day murders into past intrigue. Las Vegas is such a unique setting, with a rich and vibrant history, so it's always nice to see the show utilize it.<p>That's not to say there isn't plenty of rich material in the present storyline. I particularly like the send up of juggernaut <i>American Idol</i>. Drew Rich is every pompous reality TV judge all rolled into one: his arrogant cutting comments and abuse of his position might be stereotypical, but anyone who has watched <font color=yellow>Simon Cowell</font> lay into <i>Idol</i> hopefuls will likely find that they ring true. <font color=yellow>Holt McCallany</font>, who played Calleigh's earnest suitor John Hagen in the early seasons of <i>CSI: Miami</i>, is convincing as an over-involved stage dad, while <font color=yellow>Benjamin Bledsoe</font> is the sweet-voiced dream contestant who is tailor-made to enchant viewers--and teenage girls--across the country. <i>Idol</i> viewers--or anyone who has ever picked up an <i>US Weekly</i> will recognize the references to <font color=yellow>Sanjaya</font> when Hodges tells Archie about how he and others vote week after week for contestant Ajaya, while McCallany's stage dad reflects the rumors about the father of last season's runner up, <font color=yellow>David Archuleta</font>.<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full reviews, please click <A HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/young_man_with_a_horn.shtml">here</A>.<center></center>
Excellent review, as usual. I, too, liked this episode. I liked how they integrated old Vegas entertainment with the new.
David Rambo has a unique ability to reveal a little of the personal lives of the CSI's: Catherine watches AI with her daughter, Nick fondly remembers his exploits with Warrick, Greg gets excited about LV history, and Hodges votes-for-the-worst.com. And then there is Grissom. Poker seemed to be the metaphor for Grissom's life in this episode; cautious and unwilling to raise the bet initially, but by the end of the episode was ready to 'up the ante' and risk more, maybe for a possible future with a certain girl. :)
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Excellent review, as usual. :)

It's always cool to learn a bit about the 'Old Vegas' since it's not a subject that I've ever researched myself. There's a surprising amount of truth in the story, despite the obvious need to fictionalize things. Very interesting. And it gave Greg the chance to shine, so that's always good. ;)

I was disappointed that Nick didn't show more of a reaction to remembering Warrick - but I can't help but wonder if there might be something in store later in the season (since they're concentrating on Grissom now). Call me optimistic, but I'd like to think they have something up their sleeve. :p

Overall, it was a very interesting episode, and all of the research David Rambo put into it really shows - however, to be honest, I guessed the truth about the old case way before they revealed what happened.
It was a great review, Old "Vegas" I lived there, and went to see the old "Moulin Rouge" the real name, and it was all boarded up, in it's hey day it was sizzling:thumbsup: and who knew Grissom could play a mean hand of poker, he knew exactly what he was doing very interesting how "he came to Vegas to play cards" and they all knew him:eek:to read about the real Casino~David Rambo awesome job on this episode:thumbsup:
